- allodynia 異痛症、アロディニア
- pain during urination
English Journal
- Virtual pain stimulation of allodynia patients activates cortical representation of pain and emotions: a functional MRI study.
- Ushida T, Ikemoto T, Taniguchi S, Ishida K, Murata Y, Ueda W, Tanaka S, Ushida A, Tani T.SourceDepartment of Orthopaedics, Kochi Medical School, Kochi, Japan. ushidat-koc@umtn.ac.jp
- Brain topography.Brain Topogr.2005 Fall;18(1):27-35. Epub 2005 Sep 16.
- The present study investigated neural correlates of affect processing in allodynia patients (n=8) and healthy controls (n=12) with the aid of virtual tactile stimulation. Whole brain functional magnetic resonance imaging was performed for allodynia patients and healthy volunteers while they were sho
- PMID 16193264
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- -odynia definition, a combining form meaning “pain,” of the kind or in the place specified by the initial element: pododynia. See more. Thesaurus Translate Puzzles & Games Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary ...
- -odynia word element [Gr.], pain.-odynia word element [Gr.], pain.-odyne, -odynia, odyno-, combining form meaning "pain": anodyne, coccyodynia, odynolysis. ... Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus ...
- pain in (a specified organ or part) Origin of -odynia Modern Latin ; from Classical Greek -odynia; from odynē, a pain ; from Indo-European an unverified form od-, variant, variety of base an unverified form ed-, to eat
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- all odynia
- 英
- allodynia
- 同
- 異痛症 アロジニア
- 関
- 通常は痛みと感じない感覚を痛みと感じる病態
- 片頭痛、帯状疱疹後神経痛などでみられる。
- http://chronicfatigue.about.com/od/glossary/g/allodynia.htm
- 2. 樋口脳神経クリニックhttp://www.hgc-ncl.com/
- http://www.hgc-ncl.com/pdf/chusushinkei.pdf
- 関
- pharyngeal pain、throat pain