- controlling influence
- be master; reign or rule
- 『前後(左右)に動く,』揺れる / 《方向を表す副詞[句]を伴って》(一方に)『傾く,』かしぐ / …‘を'『揺する,』揺り動かす / (方向を表す副詞[句]を伴って)…‘を'傾ける / …‘に'『影響を与える,』‘を'左右する;《古》…‘を'支配する / (…の)揺れ,動揺《+of+名》 / (…の)影響;支配,統治《+of+名》
- (馬が)脊柱湾曲の
- =crossroad
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/12/03 17:28:48」(JST)
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Sway may refer to:
- 1 Music
- 2 People
- 3 Places
- 4 Other
- 5 See also
sway to
- Sway (dance), a motion in ballroom dance
- "Sway" (song), (originally "¿Quién será?"), a song recorded by Dean Martin, Michael Bublé and many others
- "Sway" (Bic Runga song), a song by Bic Runga, popularized by the film American Pie
- "Sway" (The Rolling Stones song), a song by The Rolling Stones
- "Sway" (The Kooks song), a song by The Kooks
- "Sway", a song by The Perishers from the album Let There Be Morning
- "Sway...", a song by Lostprophets from the album Start Something
- "Sway", a song by Coal Chamber
- "Sway", a song by Spiritualized from the album Lazer Guided Melodies
- Sway DaSafo, British hip hop/grime singer
- Sway Calloway, an MTV News anchor
- Jose Penala, Jose "Sway" Penala, appeared on American Idol Season 5
- Espen Lind, Norwegian singer who used the artist name Sway
- Susan Wayland, a German glamour and latex model
- Sway, Hampshire, a village and civil parish in the New Forest in England
- Sway railway station, serving the village
- Sway (comics), a Marvel character
- Sway (film), a 2006 Japanese movie
- Sway (video game), a 2009 video game for the iPhone OS
- One of the linear degrees of freedom (engineering) in engineering
See also
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English Journal
- Acceleration feedback improves balancing against reflex delay.
- Insperger T, Milton J, Stépán G.SourceDepartment of Applied Mechanics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1521 Budapest, Hungary.
- Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society.J R Soc Interface.2013 Feb 6;10(79):20120763. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2012.0763.
- A model for human postural balance is considered in which the time-delayed feedback depends on position, velocity and acceleration (proportional-derivative-acceleration (PDA) feedback). It is shown that a PDA controller is equivalent to a predictive controller, in which the prediction is based on th
- PMID 23173196
- Effect of the muscle coactivation during quiet standing on dynamic postural control in older adults.
- Nagai K, Yamada M, Mori S, Tanaka B, Uemura K, Aoyama T, Ichihashi N, Tsuboyama T.SourceFaculty of Health Science, Department of Physical Therapy, Kyoto Tachibana University, Japan; Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine Kyoto University, Japan. Electronic address: nagai-k@tachibana.ac.jp.
- Archives of gerontology and geriatrics.Arch Gerontol Geriatr.2013 Jan-Feb;56(1):129-33. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2012.08.009. Epub 2012 Sep 7.
- Recently, several studies have reported that muscle coactivation during static postural control increases with aging. Although greater muscle coactivation during quiet standing enhances joint stability, it may reduce dynamic postural control. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect o
- PMID 22959815
- Age-dependent modulation of sensory reweighting for controlling posture in a dynamic virtual environment.
- Eikema DJ, Hatzitaki V, Tzovaras D, Papaxanthis C.SourceMotor Control and Learning Laboratory, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 546 24, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands).Age (Dordr).2012 Dec;34(6):1381-92. doi: 10.1007/s11357-011-9310-9. Epub 2011 Sep 6.
- Older adults require more time to reweight sensory information for maintaining balance that could potentially lead to increased incidence of falling in rapidly changing or cognitively demanding environments. In this study, we manipulated the visual surround information during a collision avoidance t
- PMID 21894445
Japanese Journal
- アルコール摂取が座位姿勢制御に及ぼす影響 (MEとバイオサイバネティックス)
- 稗田 裕太,谷口 慎一,平田 隆幸
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 112(344), 5-8, 2012-12-12
- NAID 40019545917
- 立体映像追従が重心動揺に及ぼす影響 (MEとバイオサイバネティックス)
- 吉川 一輝,酒井 正樹,酒井 達也
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 112(344), 1-4, 2012-12-12
- NAID 40019545906
- 稲垣 敦,桜井 礼子,平野 亙,高波 利恵,溝口 和佳,岩崎 香子,品川 佳満,中山 晃志,影山 隆之,草間 朋子
- 看護科学研究 10(2), 47-56, 2012-11
- 大分市と協力して2005年に介護予防運動「お元気しゃんしゃん体操」(OSST)を開発した。OSSTは3段階の運動強度に分けられており、それぞれ道具を使わない4 種類の筋力トレーニングと3 種類のストレッチから構成されている。本研究には64〜90歳の130名の在宅高齢者が参加した。3 ヶ月間のプログラムは、高齢者サロンでのOSST、健康相談、健康に関する講義、自宅でのOSSTであった。 …
- NAID 110009550301
- 口腔機能向上が運動器の機能向上,栄養改善にもたらす効果 : 介護予防のさらなる発展に向けて (特集 超高齢社会への提言 : 鍵は介護予防にあり)
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- SWAYの公式アメブロ、SWAYのプライベートやここでしか見られない写真や、最新情報などを本人の生の声で綴ります。 ... 劇団EXILEメルマガサポーター 募集!<登録無料!> メンバーの最新情報や チケット先行のご案内などを
- SWAY Official Web Page SWAY(さそり座) オフィシャル ホームページ since FEB/19/97 Last updated on APR/07/00 http://www.outdex.net/sway/ へ移転します。お気に入りやリンクの変更をお願いします! SWAYファンクラブ「ほろ馬車 ...
- × sway. 40 likes · 0 talking about this. ... 福岡市中央区警固にある洋服と雑貨の店swayのブログ 福岡市中央区警固3丁目1-28 アーバン警固302 Open 13:00 Close 21:00(不定休) sway@hotmail.co.jp
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