- be interconnected, afford passage; "These rooms intercommunicate"
- 〈人が〉通信し合う,相互に往来する / 〈部屋が〉通り抜けられる
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- 1. 深頸部の感染症 deep neck space infections
- 2. 歯性感染症の合併症、診断、および治療 complications diagnosis and treatment of odontogenic infections
- 3. 手指感染の概要 overview of hand infections
English Journal
- Role of magnetic resonance ventriculography in multiloculated hydrocephalus.
- Gandhoke GS1, Frassanito P, Chandra N, Ojha BK, Singh A.Author information 1Department of Neurosurgery, King George's Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. gurpreet.gandhoke@gmail.comAbstractOBJECT: In this paper the authors' goal was to investigate the clinical usefulness of Gd-enhanced MR ventriculography (MRV) in pediatric patients affected by multiloculated hydrocephalus.
- Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics.J Neurosurg Pediatr.2013 Jun;11(6):697-703. doi: 10.3171/2013.2.PEDS12456. Epub 2013 Mar 29.
- OBJECT: In this paper the authors' goal was to investigate the clinical usefulness of Gd-enhanced MR ventriculography (MRV) in pediatric patients affected by multiloculated hydrocephalus.METHODS: Eighteen patients (11 boys and 7 girls, age range 2-14 months) with a diagnosis of multiloculated hydroc
- PMID 23540526
- Pinpointing a Highly Specific Pathological Functional Connection That Turns Phantom Sound into Distress.
- Vanneste S1, Congedo M, De Ridder D.Author information 1Department of Translational Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.AbstractIt has been suggested that an auditory phantom percept is the result of multiple, parallel but overlapping networks. One of those networks encodes tinnitus loudness and is electrophysiologically separable from a nonspecific distress network. The present study investigates how these networks anatomically overlap, what networks are involved, and how and when these networks interact. Electroencephalography data of 317 tinnitus patients and 256 healthy subjects were analyzed, using independent component analysis. Results demonstrate that tinnitus is characterized by at least 2 major brain networks, each consisting of multiple independent components. One network reflects tinnitus distress, while another network reflects the loudness of the tinnitus. The component coherence analysis shows that the independent components that make up the distress and loudness networks communicate within their respective network at several discrete frequencies in parallel. The distress and loudness networks do not intercommunicate for patients without distress, but do when patients are distressed by their tinnitus. The obtained data demonstrate that the components that build up these 2 separable networks communicate at discrete frequencies within the network, and only between the distress and loudness networks in those patients in whom the symptoms are also clinically linked.
- Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991).Cereb Cortex.2013 Apr 30. [Epub ahead of print]
- It has been suggested that an auditory phantom percept is the result of multiple, parallel but overlapping networks. One of those networks encodes tinnitus loudness and is electrophysiologically separable from a nonspecific distress network. The present study investigates how these networks anatomic
- PMID 23632885
- [Analysis and countermeasure of dental graduates' psychological state].
- He Y1, Wang HN, Cao X, Zhu YQ.Author information 1Department of General Dentistry, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200011, China.AbstractPURPOSE: To study the dental graduates' psychological state in general dentistry and help teachers take countermeasure during clinical teaching.
- Shanghai kou qiang yi xue = Shanghai journal of stomatology.Shanghai Kou Qiang Yi Xue.2009 Feb;18(1):97-9.
- PURPOSE: To study the dental graduates' psychological state in general dentistry and help teachers take countermeasure during clinical teaching.METHODS: 43 dental graduates were investigated in August 2008 through questionnaire, involving attitude toward career, communication in practice and so on.R
- PMID 19290439
Japanese Journal
- MANET用ゾーン型ルーティングプロトコルEZRPの実装と性能評価(コア・メトロシステム,フォトニックネットワーク・システム,光ネットワーク運用管理,光ネットワーク設計,トラヒックエンジニアリング,シグナリング,GMPLS,ドメイン間経路制御,ネットワーク監視,イーサネット,光伝達網(OTN),高速インタフェース,光制御(波長変換・スイッチング・ルーチング),光ノード技術,光クロスコネクト(OXC),光分岐挿入多重(OADM),光多重・分離装置,光信号処理,光スイッチ素子,一般)
- 仮想空間におけるアバター間の距離と向きの相互認知による身体的インタラクションの反映(社会心理とコミュニケーション及び一般)
- 仮想アドレスを用いたプライベートネットワーク間相互通信方式(アクティブネットワーク, IP-VPN, ネットワークセキュリティ, 超高速ネットワーク, P2P通信, ネットワークソフトウェア, 一般)
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- in·ter·com·mu·ni·cate ( n t r-k -my n -k t ). intr.v. in·ter·com·mu·ni·cat·ed, in·ter·com· mu·ni·cat·ing, in·ter·com·mu·ni·cates. 1. To communicate with each other. 2. To be connected or adjoined, as rooms or passages.
- About Our Definitions: All forms of a word (noun, verb, etc.) are now displayed on one page. in·ter·com·mu·ni·cate. intransitive verb \ˌin-tər-kə-ˈmyü-nə-ˌkāt\. Definition of INTERCOMMUNICATE. 1. : to exchange communication with one ...
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