- 関
- carriage、carry、ship、traffic、transport、transportation
- win in an election; "The senator carried his home state"
- continue or extend; "The civil war carried into the neighboring province"; "The disease extended into the remote mountain provinces" (同)extend
- the act of carrying something
- serve as a means for expressing something; "The painting of Mary carries motherly love"; "His voice carried a lot of anger" (同)convey, express
- drink alcohol without showing ill effects; "He can hold his liquor"; "he had drunk more than he could carry" (同)hold
- have with oneself; have on ones person; "She always takes an umbrella"; "I always carry money"; "She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains" (同)pack, take
- win approval or support for; "Carry all before one"; "His speech did not sway the voters" (同)persuade, sway
- include as the content; broadcast or publicize; "We ran the ad three times"; "This paper carries a restaurant review"; "All major networks carried the press conference" (同)run
- be able to feed; "This land will carry ten cows to the acre"
- be conveyed over a certain distance; "Her voice carries very well in this big opera house"
- be equipped with (a mast or sail); "This boat can only carry a small sail"
- be necessarily associated with or result in or involve; "This crime carries a penalty of five years in prison"
- be successful in; "She lost the game but carried the match"
- bear (a crop); "this land does not carry olives"
- bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of; "His efforts carried the entire project"; "How many credits is this student carrying?"; "We carry a very large mortgage"
- capture after a fight; "The troops carried the town after a brief fight"
- compensate for a weaker partner or member by ones own performance; "I resent having to carry her all the time"
- cover a certain distance or advance beyond; "The drive carried to the green"
- extend to a certain degree; "carry too far"; "She carries her ideas to the extreme"
- have a certain range; "This rifle carries for 3,000 feet"
- have as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a consequence; "This new washer carries a two year guarantee"; "The loan carries a high interest rate"; "this undertaking carries many dangers"; "She carries her mothers genes"; "These bonds carry warrants"; "The restaurant carries an unusual name"
- have on the surface or on the skin; "carry scars"
- have or possess something abstract; "I carry her image in my minds eye"; "I will carry the secret to my grave"; "I carry these thoughts in the back of my head"; "I carry a lot of life insurance"
- include, as on a list; "How many people are carried on the payroll?"
- keep up with financial support; "The Federal Government carried the province for many years"
- pass on a communication; "The news was carried to every village in the province"
- propel or give impetus to; "The sudden gust of air propelled the ball to the other side of the fence"
- pursue a line of scent or be a bearer; "the dog was taught to fetch and carry"
- secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions); "The motion carried easily"
- sing or play against other voices or parts; "He cannot carry a tune"
- take further or advance; "carry a cause"
- transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or units place before or after, in addition or multiplication; "put down 5 and carry 2"
- move something or somebody around; usually over long distances
- an exchange of molecules (and their kinetic energy and momentum) across the boundary between adjacent layers of a fluid or across cell membranes
- move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in ones hands or on ones body; "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste"; "These pipes carry waste water into the river" (同)carry
- transport commercially (同)send, ship
- trade or deal a commodity; "They trafficked with us for gold"
- buying and selling; especially illicit trade
- the aggregation of things (pedestrians or vehicles) coming and going in a particular locality during a specified period of time
- the amount of activity over a communication system during a given period of time; "heavy traffic overloaded the trunk lines"; "traffic on the internet is lightest during the night"
- deal illegally; "traffic drugs"
- travel by ship
- a vessel that carries passengers or freight
- hire for work on a ship
- place on board a ship; "ship the cargo in the hold of the vessel"
- characteristic way of bearing ones body; "stood with good posture" (同)bearing, posture
- a vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more horses (同)equipage, rig
- a machine part that carries something else
- …'を'『運ぶ』,運搬する,持って行く(来る) / (身につけて)…'を'『持ち歩く』,携帯する《+『名』+『about』(『with』,『on』)+『名』》 / …[の重さ]'を'支える / (特徴・特性・結果として)…'を'伴う,含む / (電線・パイプなどが)…'を'導く,伝導する / (ある点まで,ある方向へ)…'を'伸ばす,広げる《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / …'を'勝ち取る,得る;…‘の'主導権をとる / 〈物事が〉(…に)〈人〉'を'かり立てる,行かせる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈新聞などが〉…'を'掲載する,伝える / 〈動議など〉'を'通過させる / (努力・才能によって)…'を'支える,‘の'責任を果たす / 《話》…'を'援助する,‘の'首をつないでおく / 〈自分〉‘の'身を処する(受動態にできない) / (ある距離まで)『達する』,届く / 投票で採択される / 物を運ぶ / (鉄砲の)射程;(ゴルフ・野球の飛球の)飛距離 / (2つの水路間の)陸上運搬,連水陸路 / 運ぶこと,持っていくこと
- (ある場所からある場所へ)…‘を'『輸送する』,運搬する《+名+from+名+to+名》 / 《文》《受動態で》(…で)…‘を'夢中にする,有頂天にする《+名+with+名》 / 〈罪人〉‘を'流刑にする / 〈U〉輸送,運送,輸送(交通)機関(transportation) / 〈C〉(軍隊や軍需品を運ぶ)輸送船,輸送機
- (車・船・人などの)『往来,交通』,通行;(鉄道・船などによる)輸送,運輸 / 《集合的に》交通量,輸送量 / 売買,商売(trade),(特に不正な)取り引き / 運輸業,[旅客]輸送業 / (特に不正に)(…と…の)取り引きをする《+in+名+with+名》
- (おもに大洋を航行する)船,大型船 / (船の)乗組員 / 《話》飛行機,飛行船;宇宙船 / シップ型帆船 / …‘を'『船で送る』,船に積む;(郵便・鉄道・トラック・飛行機などで)…‘を'『送る』,輸送する / 〈船が〉〈波〉‘を'かぶる / 〈船具〉‘を'船に取り付ける / 乗船する;船旅をする / (…として)船で働く,船員になる《+『as』+『名』》
- 〈C〉(特に自家用)『四輪馬車』 / 〈C〉《米》うば車(=baby carriage) / 〈C〉(機械などの)可動部分,往復台;(車付き)砲架,台架 / 〈U〉(歩いたり立ったりしているときの)身のこなし,動作,悌度 / 〈C〉《粟》(列車の)車両,客車 / 〈U〉運搬,輸送,運送料,運賃
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/04 20:06:11」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Trafficking may refer to:
- Ad trafficking, the process of supplying campaign creative materials and tracking links to publishers through an ad serving platform
- Arms trafficking, the smuggling of contraband weapons or ammunition
- Drug trafficking, the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of illegal drugs
- Human trafficking, the tricking or luring of people away from their homeland to work under exploitative conditions elsewhere
- Protein trafficking, the mechanism by which a cell transports proteins to appropriate positions
- Waste trafficking , the illicit dumping or disposal of toxic waste
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English Journal
- Oxidative Stress, Synaptic Dysfunction, and Alzheimer's Disease.
- Tönnies E1, Trushina E1,2.
- Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD.J Alzheimers Dis.2017 Dec 3. doi: 10.3233/JAD-161088. [Epub ahead of print]
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- Probing the druggability of membrane-bound Rab5 by molecular dynamics simulations.
- Edler E1, Stein M1.
- Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry.J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem.2017 Dec;32(1):434-443. doi: 10.1080/14756366.2016.1260564.
- Rab5 is a small GTPase and a key regulator in early endosomal trafficking. Rab5 and its effectors are involved in a large number of infectious diseases and certain types of cancer. We performed µs atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of inactive and active full-length Rab5 anchored to a complex
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- G Protein-Coupled Receptor Endosomal Signaling and Regulation of Neuronal Excitability and Stress Responses: Signaling Options and Lessons From the PAC1 Receptor.
- May V1, Parsons RL1.
- Journal of cellular physiology.J Cell Physiol.2017 Apr;232(4):698-706. doi: 10.1002/jcp.25615. Epub 2016 Oct 12.
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Japanese Journal
- Long-Term Exposure of RN46A Cells Expressing Serotonin Transporter (SERT) to a cAMP Analog Up-regulates SERT Activity and Is Accompanied by Neural Differentiation of the Cells
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- Journal of pharmacological sciences 121(1), 25-38, 2013-01
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- <Book Reviews> Illicit Flirtations: Labor, Migration, and Sex Trafficking in Tokyo. RHACEL SALAZAR PARREÑAS. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011, 325p.
- Dugtong-Yap Cherry Amor
- Southeast Asian Studies 1(3), 526-529, 2012-12-31
- NAID 110009494994
- フォーラム タイ人女性の人身売買被害とその後の社会再統合
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- 関
- bring、carriage、convey、delivery、ship、traffic、trafficking、transport、transportation
- 関
- account、carriage、carry、deal、ship、trade-off、trafficking、transport、transportation
- 関
- bring、carriage、carry、convey、delivery、ship、traffic、trafficking、transportation
- 関
- carriage、carry、traffic、trafficking、transport、transportation
- 関
- carriage、carry、convey、delivery、ship、traffic、trafficking、transport
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- protein sorting、protein translocation、protein transport
- 関
- vesicular transport