- 関
- confusion、delirium、disorientation
- a usually brief state of excitement and mental confusion often accompanied by hallucinations
- a wild delusion (especially one induced by a hallucinogenic drug) (同)freak_out
- confusion (usually transient) about where you are and how to proceed; uncertainty as to direction; "his disorientation was the result of inattention"
- express in words; "He said that he wanted to marry her"; "tell me what is bothering you"; "state your opinion"; "state your name" (同)say, tell
- a state of depression or agitation; "he was in such a state you just couldnt reason with him"
- the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"
- a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the state has elected a new president"; "African nations"; "students who had come to the nations capitol"; "the countrys largest manufacturer"; "an industrialized land" (同)nation, country, land, commonwealth, res publica, body_politic
- the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation; "his state is in the deep south" (同)province
- the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state; "the state has lowered its income tax"
- disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably; "the army retreated in confusion"
- a mistake that results from taking one thing to be another; "he changed his name in order to avoid confusion with the notorious outlaw" (同)mix-up
- an act causing a disorderly combination of elements with identities lost and distinctions blended; "the confusion of tongues at the Tower of Babel"
- a feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused (同)discombobulation
- a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior; "a confusion of impressions" (同)mental_confusion, confusedness, muddiness, disarray
- 〈U〉〈C〉(不安・興奮・妄想(もうそう)・幻覚に陥る)精神錯乱 / 〈C〉《単数形のみ》極度の興奮状態
- 方向感覚を失うこと / 混迷
- 〈C〉(人・物事の)『状態』,ありさま,様子 / 〈C〉《a ~》《話》極度の緊張状態,異常な精神状態 / 〈U〉地位,階級,身分 / 〈C〉〈U〉《しばしばS-》『国家』,国,政府 / 〈C〉《時にS-》(アメリカ・オーストラリアなどの)『州』 / 《the States》《話》『米国』 / 〈U〉威厳;公式;堂々とした様子 / 国家の,国事に関する / 《しばしばS-》《米》州の,州立の / 公式の,儀式用の
- …‘を'『はっきり述べる』,公式に申し立てる / 〈当局が〉…‘を'指定する,決める
- 『混乱』,乱雑(disorder) / (…と…との)混同《+『of』+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 当惑,ろうばい
- 決まった,規定の;定期の / はっきり述べられた,明言された;公認された
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English Journal
- Which algorithm should be used to screen for syphilis?
- Binnicker MJ.SourceDivision of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA.
- Current opinion in infectious diseases.Curr Opin Infect Dis.2012 Feb;25(1):79-85.
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: A growing number of laboratories have implemented a reverse screening algorithm for syphilis testing, which has created confusion among many healthcare providers. This review focuses on recent data addressing the clinical and economical impact of reverse screening and discusses th
- PMID 22156894
- Morvan's syndrome associated with antibodies to multiple components of the voltage-gated potassium channel complex.
- Loukaides P, Schiza N, Pettingill P, Palazis L, Vounou E, Vincent A, Kleopa KA.SourceLimassol General Hospital, Limassol, Cyprus.
- Journal of the neurological sciences.J Neurol Sci.2012 Jan 15;312(1-2):52-6. Epub 2011 Sep 8.
- We describe a patient presenting with a combination of muscle fasciculations, paresthesias, hyperhidrosis, as well as insomnia, agitation and confusion. He went on to develop psychosis and respiratory failure requiring intensive care. Electromyography confirmed the presence of neuromyotonia and CSF
- PMID 21906755
Japanese Journal
- 言動の混乱が見られた心血管術後患者と家族の体験および家族看護支援の検討
- うつ病様症状が初発症状であった血管内大細胞型B 細胞リンパ腫の1例
Related Links
- confusional state, a mild form of delirium. It may occur in any age group or may accompany preexisting brain disease. It may be triggered by a sudden or unexpected change in the person's environment. The confusion may be ...
- acute confusional state, a form of delirium caused by interference with the metabolic or other biochemical processes essential for normal brain functioning. Symptoms may include disturbances in cognition and levels of awareness ...
Related Pictures

- 譫妄
- 「せん妄」を使うのが普通らしいよ
- 英
- delirium, confusional state
- 同
- せん妄。急性錯乱状態 acute confusional state、急性脳症候群 acute brain syndrome
- 関
- 意識障害。アメンチア ← せん妄の軽度なものとして使われていたが、今日で使われるのは稀らしい。
- 種々の意識混濁があって、時間、空間の見当識障害が見られ、情動不穏、精神運動興奮が見られる状態
- 軽度ないし中等度の意識混濁が基底にあり、認知の障害、精神運動活動の変化を主徴とする急性の器質性精神症候群。
- 急性発症し日内変動を示し、数日ないし1週間くらいで消失する。
- 患者は強い不安、恐怖状態にあり、体動が激しく、錯覚、幻覚も出現する。
- 見当識も障害されており、発症中の記憶はないか不完全である。
- 手術後、感染症等の身体的疾患、薬物中毒、多発性脳梗塞、痴呆など脳機能が低下しているときに発生しやすい
table 26-2 譫妄の主要な病因 (HIM.160)
- 処方薬:抗コリン薬、麻薬、ベンゾジアゼピン系薬
- 薬物乱用:アルコール中毒、アルコール離脱、オピオイド系薬、エクスタシ、LSD、γ-ヒドロキシ酪酸(GHB, γ-hydroxybutyrate)、フェンシクリジン(PCP, phencyclidine)
- 全身感染症:尿路感染症、肺炎、皮膚・軟部組織感染症、敗血症
- 中枢神経感染症:髄膜炎、脳炎、脳の右葉
- 全身性低灌流状態(global hypoperfusion states)
- 高血圧性脳症
- 巣状虚血性梗塞や出血:頭頂葉、視床(ただ主要な病変部位ではない)
- 非痙攣性てんかん重積状態
- intermittent seizures with prolonged post-ictal states
- 英
- confusional state, confused conversation
- 関
- 混同、失見当識、せん妄
- 関
- confusion、confusional state
- Confusion, a mental and behavioral state of reduced comprehension, coherence, and capacity to reason, is one of the most common problems encountered in medicine, accounting for a large number of emergency department visits, hospital admissions, and inpatient consultations. Delirium, a term used to describe an acute confusional state, remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality, contributing billions of dollars yearly to health care costs in the United States alone. Delirium often goes unrecognized despite clear evidence that it is usually the cognitive manifestation of serious underlying medical or neurologic illness. (HIM.158)
- 関
- aspect、circumstance、circumstantial、condition、context、describe、mention、note、position、province、say、situation、situational、speak、status、tell