- 泥だらけ / 濁っていること / (考えなどが)はっきりしない
English Journal
- Determinants of Responsible Hiking Behavior: Results from a Stated Choice Experiment.
- Guo T1, Smith JW, Leung YF, Seekamp E, Moore RL.
- Environmental management.Environ Manage.2015 Apr 22. [Epub ahead of print]
- This research examined the determinants of responsible hiking behavior through a lab-based experiment in which two managerial factors believed to influence individuals' behavior (the presentation of an educational message and the method of displaying degraded trail conditions) were varied across fou
- PMID 25900602
- Pulmonary and retroperitoneal lesions induced by methotrexate-associated lymphoproliferative disorder in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.
- Yamakawa H1, Yoshida M, Katagi H, Hirooka S, Okuda K, Ishikawa T, Takagi M, Kuwano K.
- Modern rheumatology / the Japan Rheumatism Association.Mod Rheumatol.2014 Apr 1. [Epub ahead of print]
- A 78-year-old man had fatigue and appetite loss for 5 months. He had been receiving low-dose methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis. Computed tomography revealed multiple pulmonary infiltrations and muddiness of the fatty tissue surrounding the right kidney, ureter wall thickening, and hydroureter/ne
- PMID 24684409
- Relationship between EGF, TGFA, and EGFR Gene Polymorphisms and Traditional Chinese Medicine ZHENG in Gastric Cancer.
- Zhang J1, Zhan Z1, Wu J2, Zhang C3, Yang Y2, Tong S1, Wang R4, Yang X3, Dong W2, Chen Y3.
- Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM.Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.2013;2013:731071. doi: 10.1155/2013/731071. Epub 2013 Dec 16.
- In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), correct syndrome differentiation is the most important principle guiding the prescription of Chinese herbal formulae for the treatment of gastric cancer (GC). We aimed to reveal the genetic mechanisms underlying GC syndrome differentiation (ZHENG) in a populati
- PMID 24454509
Japanese Journal
- カルシア改質土で造成された地盤の特徴(<特集>人工地盤材料の維持管理)
- 赤司 有三,山越 陽介,田中 裕一 [他],大久保 泰宏
- 地盤工学会誌 60(11), 12-15, 2012-11-01
- … Combining dredged soil with converter slag improves physical and chemical characteristics of the soil, such as strength revelation and muddiness control, and its practical use in environmental restoration and reclamation projects is growing. …
- NAID 110009553869
- 高木 彩乃,八田 告,上野 里紗 [他],門 浩志,瀬川 裕佳,塩津 弥生,澤田 克徳,秋岡 清一
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 44(10), 1039-1045, 2011-10-28
- 症例は68歳,男性.主訴は,全身倦怠感,PD排液異常.既往歴に関節リウマチを認める.現病歴:慢性腎不全(原疾患不明)のためSMAP法にてPDカテーテル挿入.その後2006年10月からCAPDにて当院で透析導入.2年9か月のPD歴で,出口部感染や腹膜炎の既往を認めず経過していた.2009年6月X日にエリスロポエチン注射と採血を実施,特に体調不良の訴えもなく帰宅した.後日判明した採血結果でCRPが31 …
- NAID 10029861786
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