- used up; "time is up"
- raise; "up the ante"
- extending or moving toward a higher place; "the up staircase"; "a general upward movement of fish" (同)upward
- to a later time; "they moved the meeting date up"; "from childhood upward" (同)upwards, upward
- spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position; "look up!"; "the music surged up"; "the fragments flew upwards"; "prices soared upwards"; "upwardly mobile" (同)upwards, upward, upwardly
- (used of computers) operating properly; "how soon will the computers be up?"
- (usually followed by `on or `for'
- being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level; "the anchor is up"; "the sun is up"; "he lay face up"; "he is up by a pawn"; "the market is up"; "the corn is up"
- nearer to the speaker; "he walked up and grabbed my lapels"
- open; "the windows are up"
- to a higher intensity; "he turned up the volume"
- to a more central or a more northerly place; "was transferred up to headquarters"; "up to Canada for a vacation"
- combine (electronic signals); "mixing sounds"
- add as an additional element or part; "mix water into the drink" (同)mix in
- the act of mixing together; "paste made by a mix of flour and water"; "the mixing of sound channels in the recording studio" (同)commixture, admixture, mixture, intermixture, mixing
- an event that combines things in a mixture; "a gradual mixture of cultures" (同)mixture
- a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients (同)premix
- to bring or combine together or with something else; "resourcefully he mingled music and dance" (同)mingle, commix, unify, amalgamate
- the syllable naming the third (mediant) note of any major scale in solmization
- (chiefly British) of or appropriate to the upper classes especially in language use
- 混乱,混乱状態
- 《上への動作》『上へ』,上のほうへ / 《上の位置》『上に』,上のほうで / 『起こして』,立てて,直立して / (地図・紙面などの)『上へ(に)』,北のほうへ(に) / (遠くから)『近くへ,中心へ』;(周辺から)中心へ;(川下から)川上へ;(地方から)都会へ / (大きさ・量・価値・地位などが)『上のほうへ』,高く / (話者,話題の場所へ)『近づいて』,追いついて / 『活動して』,活動状態に / (物事・人が)現れて・起こって / 『すっかり』,完全に,終わって,…し尽くして / 保管(貯蔵)して;くるんだ(閉ざした)状態に / 《動詞を省略した命令文で》 / (野球・クリケットで)打席へ / (競技で)勝ち越して / (対抗の競技で)おのおの / 《移動・位置》『…の高いほうへ』,をのぼって;…の上のほうに / (川の)『上流へ』;(流れ・風)に逆らって;…の内陸(奥地)のほうへ / (自分が今いる所,またはある地点から前方へ)『…に沿って』 / 『上へ向かう』,(列車などが)上りの;上り坂の,(情勢などが)上向きの / 上り,上昇,上り坂 / 上昇気運,向上,幸運 / 上りの列車(バス・エレボーターなど) / 値上がり / …‘を'持ち上げる / …‘を'増大する,〈賃金・物価など〉‘を'引き上げる / 〈人〉‘を'昇進させる / 立ち上がる,起き上がる / 《and を伴って》急に(突然)…する
- 〈複数のもの〉‘を'『混ぜ合わせる』,混合する,混同する / …‘を'混ぜ合わせて作る,調合して作る / …‘を'寄せ集める,まとめる / 〈物が〉(…と)混ざる,混合する《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈人が〉(他の人と)交わる,交際する《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈C〉〈U〉混合 / 〈C〉混合物(食品,薬) / 〈C〉〈U〉(水・火を加えて即席にでき上がる)素(もと),ミックス
- ミ(全音階の第3音)
- (異なった成分(要素)のものが)混ざった,混合の,混成の / 男女混合の / 人種(宗教・国籍など)が違う人々の(から成る)
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English Journal
- Analysis of false-positive results of fetal RHD typing in a national screening program reveals vanishing twins as potential cause for discrepancy.
- Thurik FF1, Ait Soussan A1, Bossers B2, Woortmeijer H2, Veldhuisen B1,2, Page-Christiaens GC3, de Haas M1,2, van der Schoot CE1.
- Prenatal diagnosis.Prenat Diagn.2015 Aug;35(8):754-60. doi: 10.1002/pd.4600. Epub 2015 May 19.
- OBJECTIVES: We aim to elucidate causes of false-positive fetal RHD screening results obtained with cell-free DNA.METHODS: Fetal RHD screening was performed in 32 222 samples from RhD-negative women by multiplex real-time PCR in triplicate for RHD exons 5 and 7 using cell-free DNA isolated from mat
- PMID 25855535
- Quality control data of physiological and immunological biomarkers measured in serum and plasma.
- Jansen E1, Beekhof P2, Cremers J3, Weinberger B4, Fiegl S5, Toussaint O6, Bernhard J7, Gonos E8, Capri M9, Franceschi C10, Sikora E11, Moreno-Villanueva M12, Breusing N13, Grune T14, Bürkle A15, Dollé ME16.
- Mechanisms of ageing and development.Mech Ageing Dev.2015 Jul 9. pii: S0047-6374(15)30001-4. doi: 10.1016/j.mad.2015.06.004. [Epub ahead of print]
- In two work packages of the MARK-AGE project, 37 immunological and physiological biomarkers were measured in 3637 serum, plasma or blood samples in five batches during a period of 4 years. The quality of the serum and plasma samples was very good as judged by the low number of biomarker measurements
- PMID 26166476
- Safety alert over solutions mix-up.
- [No authors listed]
- Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987).Nurs Stand.2015 Jun 3;29(40):10. doi: 10.7748/ns.29.40.10.s10.
- PMID 26036370
Japanese Journal
- 進行再発乳癌患者に対する造影剤急速注入可能ポートの使用経験
- 山田 博文,黒田 徹,松本 力雄,桂田 純二郎
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(1), 1-5, 2014
- 進行再発乳癌患者の点滴治療として,造影剤急速注入の可能な留置型ポート(以下パワーポート)を再発乳癌患者4例に留置して,良好な経過を経た症例を経験した.パワーポートを使用して造影CT検査や採血を行った.一般の留置型ポートは耐圧でないため,患者を取り違えにより事故が起こる可能性がある.パワーポートに対しての認知教育と使用マニュアルを作成した.結果としてパワーポートを使用して乳癌患者の造影CT検査で有害 …
- NAID 130004679149
- Cyclooxygenase-2 Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Esophageal Cancer: A Meta-Analysis
- Liang Yuan,Liu Jia-Li,Wu Yan,Zhang Zhen-Yong,Wu Rong
- The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 223(2), 137-144, 2011
- … This controversy may be partly due to the mix-up of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and adenocarcinoma (EAC). …
- NAID 130004459883
- Social Responsibility of Medical Institutions Specializing in Infertility Treatment
- 吉田 淳
- Journal of Mammalian Ova Research 28(4), 190-197, 2011
- … Therefore, the greatest possible care must be taken to prevent mix-up of eggs and sperm. …
- NAID 130004436818
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- 関
- admix、admixture、blend、intermingle、merge、mixture、scramble、shuffle、shuffling
- mi-, mio-
- ?
- MI
- 関
- combined