- 関
- cleaning agent、detergent、washing agent
- the operator of dry-cleaning establishment (同)dry cleaner
- someone whose occupation is cleaning
- having cleansing power (同)detersive
- a surface-active chemical widely used in industry and laundering
- a cleansing agent that differs from soap but can also emulsify oils and hold dirt in suspension
- a worker employed to clean streets (especially one employed by a municipal sanitation department) (同)street sweeper
- cleaning implement consisting of a flexible tufted wire that is used to clean a pipe stem
- a preparation for cleaning bathrooms
- someone who cleans windows for pay
- without difficulties or problems; "a clean test flight"
- remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits; "Clean the turkey" (同)pick
- remove shells or husks from; "clean grain before milling it"
- morally pure; "led a clean life" (同)clean-living
- free of restrictions or qualifications; "a clean bill of health"; "a clear winner" (同)clear
- (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims; "efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings"; "clear laughter like a waterfall"; "clear reds and blues"; "a light lilting voice like a silver bell" (同)clear, light, unclouded
- (of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections; "fair copy"; "a clean manuscript" (同)fair
- free from impurities; "clean water"; "fresh air" (同)fresh
- make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from; "Clean the stove!"; "The dentist cleaned my teeth" (同)make clean
- free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed; "he landed a clean left on his opponents cheek"; "a clean throw"; "the neat exactness of the surgeons knife" (同)neat
- completely; used as intensifiers; "clean forgot the appointment"; "Im plumb (or plum) tuckered out" (同)plumb, plum
- exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play; "a clean fight"; "a sporting solution of the disagreement"; "sportsmanlike conduct" (同)sporting, sporty, sportsmanlike
- remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely; "The boys cleaned the sandwich platters"; "The trees were cleaned of apples by the storm" (同)strip
- not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination; "a clean fuel"; "cleaner and more efficient engines"; "the tactical bomb is reasonably clean" (同)uncontaminating
- (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers; "good clean fun"; "a clean joke" (同)unobjectionable
- (of a record) having no marks of discredit or offense; "a clean voting record"; "a clean drivers license"
- be cleanable; "This stove cleans easily"
- deprive wholly of money in a gambling game, robbery, etc.; "The other players cleaned him completely"
- free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits; "children with clean shining faces"; "clean white shirts"; "clean dishes"; "a spotlessly clean house"; "cats are clean animals"
- free of drugs; "after a long dependency on heroin she has been clean for 4 years"
- not carrying concealed weapons
- remove while making clean; "Clean the spots off the rug"
- ritually clean or pure
- thorough and without qualification; "a clean getaway"; "a clean sweep"; "a clean break"
- shop where dry cleaning is done (同)dry cleaners
- 掃除機 / (また『cleaner's』)クリーニング屋(店) / クリーニングする人;清掃作業員 / 洗剤
- 洗剤
- 『汚れのない』,『清潔な』 / 使っていない / 不純物がはいっていない,純粋な(pure) / 清らかな,潔白な / ゆがみのない,すっきりした / 公正な(fair),規則に従った / 空白の;書き入れてない / 完全な,全くの / 鮮やかな,みごとな / 放射能のない / 完全に,全く,すっかり(completely, entirely) / きれいに / …'を'『きれいにする』 / …'を'取り片付ける / 〈肉・魚・野菜など〉'を'下ごしらえをする / きれいになる;きれいにする / ふき取り掃除
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/01/29 21:43:02」(JST)
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This article is about workers who clean. For other uses, see Cleaner (disambiguation).
This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (May 2008) |
A worker sweeping floor of a parking garage in Atlanta.
A cleaner is a type of industrial or domestic worker who cleans homes or commercial premises for payment. Unlike other servants, their primary task is cleaning. Cleaners may specialise in cleaning particular things or places, such as window cleaners. Cleaners often work when the people who otherwise occupy the space are not around. They may clean offices at night or houses during the workday.
The 2000 film Bread and Roses by British director Ken Loach depicted the struggle of cleaners in Los Angeles, California to fight for better pay and working conditions, and the right to join a union. In an interview with the BBC in 2001, Loach stated that thousands of cleaners from around 30 countries have since contacted him with tales similar to the one told in the film.
Typical Cleaning Equipment[edit]
The following are some items used by cleaning staff:
- Broom/Dustpan
- Buckets with water/cleaning solution
- Cleaning agents
- Floor polisher
- Garbage bag
- Hand feather duster and/or microfibre floor duster
- Mop and Mop bucket cart
- Towels used to wipe desks
- Vacuum cleaner
- Wet floor sign
See also[edit]
Modern cleaning roles
- Exterior cleaner
- Janitor
- Maid
- Valet
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- 44歳 女性
- 主訴:頭痛
- 現病歴:前年より頭痛が続いていた。頭痛が増強してきたたため、当院受診となった。
- なお頭痛は両側性であり、夜に向かって増悪し、視覚障害、または嘔気は伴わない。その他に食欲減退と早朝覚醒を伴う睡眠障害がある。
- 嗜好歴:喫煙 15/day、飲酒 15units/week (350mlの缶ビール 10本)
- 社会歴:パートタイムのoffice cleaner。離婚している。2人の子供(10歳と12歳)の世話をしている。
- 家族歴:母が脳腫瘍で死亡。
- 既往歴:皮疹と過敏性腸症候群(当時はそれ以外になにも問題なかった)
- 服用薬:頭痛に対してパラセタモールかイブプロフェン
- 身体所見 examination
- 全身:引きこもっているように見える(withdrawn)。
- 脈拍:74/分、整。血圧:118/76 mmHg。
- システミックレビュー:心血管系、呼吸器系・消化器系、胸部および網内系は正常。神経学所見は正常。眼底所見は正常
- Q1. 診断は?
- Q2. 鑑別診断は?
- Q3. 管理方法は?
- ■鑑別診断
- 片頭痛 問診:(典型例では)眼症状に続く片側性、拍動性の頭痛で、悪心・嘔吐もあり、数時間持続。家族歴。
- 群発頭痛 問診:眼窩の激烈な痛み(行動不能になる程度)。
- 占拠病変による頭痛
- その他
- 副鼻腔炎 問診:頭重感、鼻汁の有無、発熱。診察:上顎洞・前頭洞の圧痛を触診、扁桃腺視診、頚部リンパ節触診
- 歯牙障害 歯科コンサルト
- 頚椎症 加齢による退行性変性を考慮しつつ、頚部の可動制限、疼痛、凝り感を問診。単純X線、MRIで診断。
- 緑内障 問診:視野。検査:視力、眼圧、視野、視神経乳頭形態、隅角検査
- 外傷後頭痛 外傷の既往歴、頭皮の視診
- □unit
- 1 unit = 10 ml of ethanol
- □350ml アルコール5%
- 350x0.05/10=1.75 unit
- ■glossary
- withdrawn
- v.
- withdrawのpp.
- adj.
- 1.(人が)引きこもった、内にこもった、世間と交わらない
- She looks withdrawn.
- 2.人里離れた、遠くにある
- 3.(商品などが市場から)回収された
- 4.(競争などから)撤退した
- reticuloendothelial system
- 細網内皮系 = 網内系
- dental disorder 歯牙障害
- bereavement
- n.
- 死別
- sneezing
- 関
- cleaner、cleaning agent、sanitizer、surface-active agent、surfactant、syndet、washing agent
- 英
- detergent、cleaner、cleaning agent、washing agent
- 関
- 界面活性剤、洗浄剤、清浄剤
- 英
- cleaner、cleaning agent、washing agent、detergent
- 関
- 界面活性剤、清浄剤、洗剤
- 関
- cleaner、cleaning agent、detergent
- 関
- cleaning、depuration、purging、scavenge