- スポーツマンらしい,公明正大な
English Journal
- How to pick a good fight.
- Joni SN1, Beyer D.
- Harvard business review.Harv Bus Rev.2009 Dec;87(12):48-57, 125.
- Peace and harmony are overrated. Though conflict-free teamwork is often held up as the be-all and end-all of organizational life, it actually can be the worst thing to ever happen to a company. Look at Lehman Brothers. When Dick Fuld took over, he transformed a notoriously contentious workplace into
- PMID 19968056
- The effects of delayed rewards, tokens, and stimulant medication on sportsmanlike behavior with ADHD-diagnosed children.
- Hupp SD1, Reitman D, Northup J, O'Callaghan P, LeBlanc M.
- Behavior modification.Behav Modif.2002 Apr;26(2):148-62.
- Five children diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder participated in a summer program designed to evaluate behavioral and pharmacological treatments in a recreational setting. The effect of a contingency for increased sportsmanlike behavior, with and without the use of tokens, was e
- PMID 11961910
- The well-being of only children.
- Veenhoven R1, Verkuyten M.
- Adolescence.Adolescence.1989 Spring;24(93):155-66.
- Being an only child is generally considered to be a disadvantage. Absence of siblings is thought to involve the deprivation of critical learning experiences, while the exclusive attention of parents is said to result in overindulgence and overprotection. According to such beliefs, only children deve
- PMID 2728965
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- Define sportsmanlike. sportsmanlike synonyms, sportsmanlike pronunciation, sportsmanlike translation, English dictionary definition of sportsmanlike. n. 1. A man who is active in sports. 2. A person whose conduct and attitude ...
- sportsmanlikeの意味・和訳。【形容詞】クリーンな、潔白な(例文)exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play.英検公式!英検対策に役立つ英和・和英辞書 英語で結果を出したい人のベストパートナー 英ナビ! ログイン 新規会員 ...
- Sportsmanlike definition, a man who engages in sports, especially in some open-air sport, as hunting, fishing, racing, etc. See more. ... Civility And Other Trending Words On There were plenty of calls for civility this ...
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