- not objectionable; "the ends are unobjectionable; its the means that one cant accept"
English Journal
- Isolation and basic characterization of human term amnion and chorion mesenchymal stromal cells.
- Bačenková D, Rosocha J, Tóthová T, Rosocha L, Šarisský M.SourceTissue Bank, PJ Šafárik University, Trieda SNP 1, Košice, Slovakia.
- Cytotherapy.Cytotherapy.2011 Oct;13(9):1047-56.
- BACKGROUND AIMS: Emerging evidence suggests human placental membrane is a valuable source of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC). Amnion and chorion are tissues of early embryologic origin that may entail progenitor potential. These tissues are abundantly available and ethically unobjectionable and, bec
- PMID 21916779
- Attendance at chlorinated indoor pools and risk of asthma in adult recreational swimmers.
- Ferrari M, Schenk K, Mantovani W, Papadopoulou C, Posenato C, Ferrari P, Poli A, Tardivo S.SourceDepartment of Medicine, School of Sports Medicine, University of Verona, Italy.
- Journal of science and medicine in sport / Sports Medicine Australia.J Sci Med Sport.2011 May;14(3):184-9. Epub 2011 Jan 22.
- To study a potential correlation between attendance at chlorinated indoor pools and the onset of asthma in adult leisure swimmers. 1136 adult swimmers attending indoor pools in the city of Verona completed a modified ECRHS questionnaire. The cumulative time spent in the pools was calculated on the b
- PMID 21257346
Japanese Journal
- MAC(Monitored Anesthesia Care)の概念と日本への導入
- 横田 美幸,関 誠,大島 勉
- 日本臨床麻酔学会誌 31(4), 580-587, 2011
- MAC(Monitored Anesthesia Care)は,侵襲的医療行為のあらゆる状況で適応となる.MACの本質は,診断や治療に伴う医療行為で生じてくる患者の生理学的変化(血圧変動や呼吸抑制などを含む生体維持機能)や医学的問題の麻酔科学的評価や管理である.このためには鎮痛薬や鎮静薬の投与を行うが,MACを実施する医師は,必要となればすぐに全身麻酔に移行する準備や能力が必要であることは言う …
- NAID 130004449949
- 日本における西洋教育史研究の歴史(報告,(2)課題研究「日本における教育史研究の歴史」,II 教育史学会第2回大会記録)
- 梅根 悟
- 日本の教育史学 : 教育史学会紀要 2, 303-328, 1959-10-15
- … This division of the history will be on the whole proper and unobjectionable. …
- NAID 110009801047
- On the Theory of General Advection
- Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics 2(3-4), 274-284, 1951
- … Reflecting on the twenty years' history of the theory of general advection it is pointed out that the subject must be dealt with as a well-defined dynamical problem, in order that that a definite unobjectionable theory might be developed. …
- NAID 130004647846
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- Also found in: Legal, Wikipedia, 0.01 sec. un·ob·jec·tion·a·ble ( n b-j k sh -n -b l). adj. Raising no objections; acceptable: unobjectionable goals. Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms. Adj. 1. unobjectionable - (of behavior or ...
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