- 関
- beta-adrenergic antagonist、beta-adrenergic blocker
- to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form; "let her be"
- work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function; "He is a herpetologist"; "She is our resident philosopher" (同)follow
- have life, be alive; "Our great leader is no more"; "My grandfather lived until the end of war" (同)live
- be identical to; be someone or something; "The president of the company is John Smith"; "This is my house"
- happen, occur, take place; "I lost my wallet; this was during the visit to my parents house"; "There were two hundred people at his funeral"; "There was a lot of noise in the kitchen"
- have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
- occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"
- spend or use time; "I may be an hour"
- a substance that exerts some force or effect
- a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission (同)factor, broker
- any agent or representative of a federal agency or bureau (同)federal agent
- a representative who acts on behalf of other persons or organizations
- an active and efficient cause; capable of producing a certain effect; "their research uncovered new disease agents"
- how long something has existed; "it was replaced because of its age"
- a time of life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises; "she was now of school age"; "tall for his eld" (同)eld
- begin to seem older; get older; "The death of his wife caused him to age fast"
- make older; "The death of his child aged him tremendously"
- stake on the outcome of an issue; "I bet $100 on that new horse"; "She played all her money on the dark horse" (同)wager, play
- the act of gambling; "he did it on a bet" (同)wager
- maintain with or as if with a bet; "I bet she will be there!" (同)wager
- second in order of importance; "the candidate, considered a beta male, was perceived to be unable to lead his party to victory"
- the 2nd letter of the Greek alphabet
- preliminary or testing stage of a software or hardware product; "a beta version"; "beta software"
- 《連結語として補語を伴なって…『である』,…だ,…です / 《位置・場所を表す語句を伴って》(…に)『ある』,いる(occupy a place or situation) / 〈物事が〉『存在する』,ある(exist);〈生物が〉生存する,生きている(live) / 行われる,起こる,発生する(take place, occur) / 存続する,そのままでいる(remain as before) / 《『be to』 do》 / …する予定である,…することになっている / …すべきだ / 《受動態の不定詞を伴って》…できる / 《命令》…するのだ / 《条件節に》…する意図がある / 《『if…were to』 do》…するとしたなら / 《『be』 do『ing』》《進行形》 / 《進行中の動作》…している,しつつある / 《近い未来》…しようとしている,するつもり / 《動作の反復》(いつも)…している / 《『be』+『他動詞の過去分詞』》《受動態》…される,されている / 《『be』+『自動詞の過去分詞』》《完了形》…した[状態にある]
- 『代理人』;周旋人 / 働き(作用)を起こすもの;作用物,薬剤 / (政府機関,特にFBI,CIAなどの)部員,機関員
- 〈U〉(一般に)『年齢』,寿命;〈C〉(個々の)『年齢』,年 / 〈U〉成年(おとなとしての資格・権利を得る年齢;通例18または21歳) / 〈U〉『老齢』;《集合的に》老人たち / 〈U〉(人生の)『一時期』;〈C〉世代(generation) / 〈U〉〈C〉《しばしばA-》(歴史上の)『時代』 / 〈C〉《話》長い間 / 年をとる,ふける;〈物が〉古くなる / 〈年〉'を'とらせる;〈物〉'を'古びさせる
- 『かけ』・(…との)かけ《+『with』+『名』》 / かけた物(金) / かけの対象 / 〈金・物〉'を'『かける』 / (かけ事・ゲームなどで)〈人〉‘と'『かけをする』《+『名』〈人〉+『on』+『名』》 / (…に)『かける』《+『on』(『against』)+『名』(one's do『ing』)》
- ベータ(ギリシア語アルファベットの第2文字;B,β;英語のB,b に遭当)
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English Journal
- α(2)Adrenergic and Imidazoline Receptor Agonists Prevent Cue-Induced Cocaine Seeking.
- Smith RJ, Aston-Jones G.SourceDepartment of Neurosciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina.
- Biological psychiatry.Biol Psychiatry.2011 Jul 21. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Drug-associated cues can elicit stress-like responses in addicted individuals, indicating that cue- and stress-induced drug relapse may share some neural mechanisms. It is unknown whether α(2) adrenergic receptor agonists, which are known to attenuate stress-induced reinstatement of dru
- PMID 21783176
- Carvedilol therapy after cocaine-induced myocardial infarction in patients with asthma.
- Self T, Rogers ML, Mancell J, Soberman JE.SourceDepartment of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Methodist University Hospital, University of Tennessee Health Science Center Memphis, Tennessee 38163, USA.
- The American journal of the medical sciences.Am J Med Sci.2011 Jul;342(1):56-61.
- INTRODUCTION: Cocaine-induced myocardial infarction (MI) is well documented. Current literature recommends avoiding beta-blockers in the acute care setting, but after discharge from the hospital, benefits of beta-blocker use may outweigh risks in patients with recent MI resulting from cocaine use. C
- PMID 21293248
Japanese Journal
- Characteristic Effects of α1-β_1,2-Adrenergic Blocking Agent, Carvedilol, on [Ca^2+]_i in Ventricular Myocytes Compared With Those of Timolol and Atenolol
- Yao Atsushi,Kohmoto Osami,Oyama Tomomi,Sugishita Yasuyuki,Shimizu Tatsuya,Harada Kazumasa,Matsui Hiroshi,Komuro Issei,Nagai Ryozo,Matsuo Hiroshi,Serizawa Takashi,Maruyama Takashi,Takahashi Toshiyuki
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 67(1), 83-90, 2002-12-20
- … Beta-adrenergic stimulation and the resultant Ca^2+ load both seem to be associated with progression of heart failure as well as hypertrophy. …
- NAID 110002666214
- Effect of intravenous infusion of a beta-adrenergic blocking agent on the haemodynamic changes in human masseter muscle induced by cold pressor stimulation
Related Links
- 20 Nov 1998 ... Beta adrenergic blocking drugs: A class of drugs, also called beta blockers, that block beta-adrenergic substances such as adrenaline (epinephrine), a key agent in the "sympathetic" portion of the autonomic (involuntary) ...
- 英
- β-blocker, beta-blocker, beta-antagonist, β-adrenoceptor blocking agent, β-adrenergic blocking agent, beta-adrenergic blocking agent, beta-adrenergic blocker, beta-adrenergic antagonist, beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist, β adrenergic receptor blocker, β adrenergic receptor antagonists
- 同
- β遮断薬、β阻害薬、βアドレナリン遮断薬、βアドレナリン拮抗薬、アドレナリンβ受容体拮抗薬、βブロッカー、βアドレナリン受容体遮断薬
- 関
- アドレナリン受容体
- 平滑筋拡張が求められる病態、酸素供給を減らせない病態では使ってはいけないということ?
- 突然休薬すると離脱症候群として、狭心症や高血圧発作が生じることがある(高血圧治療ガイドライン2009)。
- β2受容体遮断作用のある薬剤では、β2受容体を介した膵臓のインスリン分泌促進作用がブロックされる(アドレナリン受容体#アドレナリン受容体)ので、糖尿病患者に投与する場合には注意が必要、らしい。
- 関
- beta-adrenergic blocker、beta-adrenergic blocking agent、beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist、beta-antagonist、beta-blocker
- 代行者、代理人。代理業者
- 政府職員、官吏
- ある後位をする人、ある作用をするもの。動員、動力因、作用因。(文法)動作主。科学的変化を起こさせるもの、薬品、~剤。病原体
- 関
- agonist、agonistic、attorney、delegate、drug、etiologic agent、fomes、fomites、mediator、pathogen、pathogenic、pharmaceutical preparation、vector、vehicle
- 関
- adrenergic、adrenergic agent、adrenergic agonist、adrenergic drug、adrenergic receptor agonist
- 関
- aged、ageing、aging、year old
- 関
- antagonist、blocker