- a glycoprotein secreted by the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells
- the 5th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)e
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/06/03 16:02:32」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- Electric Power の略。電気が動力源ということを表す、ラジコン模型分野で使われる用語。
- EP (Extended Play) レコード - コンパクト盤を参照。
- ep - 衛星放送のプラットフォーム、及び放送 → イーピー・イーピー放送
- イングリッシュ・パートナーシップ (English Partnerships) - 1999年から2006年にかけて、イングランドにおける都市再開発を担ったイギリスの中央行政組織
- 進化的プログラミング(Evolutionary Programming) の略称
- 合成樹脂エマルジョンペイントの記号
- 欧州議会の英語表記 "European Parliament" の略称
- EP剤(Extreme pressure additive) - 極圧剤・極圧添加剤
- EP82・EP91スターレット(トヨタ・スターレット) - トヨタ自動車の販売していた4ドアハッチバック車.
- Education Program(教育プログラム)の略
- eP - 日本の俳優。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up EP or ep in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
EP, or Ep may refer to:
- 1 Music
- 2 Organisations
- 2.1 Government and politics
- 3 Places
- 4 Science, technology, and mathematics
- 4.1 Medicine
- 4.2 Transportation
- 5 Other uses
- 6 See also
- Extended play, a musical recording that contains more than a single, but less than a full album
- Electric piano
- EP (The 77s EP), 1999
- EP (Crystal Antlers EP)
- EP (Childish Gambino EP), 2011
- EP (The Fiery Furnaces album), 2003
- EP (The Format EP), 2002
- EP (Hope&Social EP), 2008
- EP (Luna EP), a 1996 indie pop/rock album
- EP (Matchbox Twenty EP), 2002
- EP (Means End album), 2012
- EP (Mogwai EP), 1999
- EP (Red Flag album), 1996
- The EP (Deepspace5 EP), an 1998 EP by Deepspace5
- The EP (Frank n Dank album), 2007
- Subseven: the EP, a 2004 EP by Subseven
- Singles: $100 EP, a 1996 EP by Alien Ant Farm
- Entity Paradigm, a Pakistani rock band
- El Paso Corp. (NYSE stock symbol), a US natural gas producer
- Emerson Preparatory School, a small private high school in Washington, D.C., US
- Iran Aseman Airlines (IATA code)
- Europa Press (news agency), a privately held news agency, in Madrid, Spain
- Editorial Photographers, a member of Imagery Alliance
Government and politics
- English Partnerships, the former English urban regeneration agency
- Estradas de Portugal, the Portuguese roads agency
- European Parliament, the European Union's lower house
- Eden Prairie, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
- El Paso, Texas, a city in Texas, US
- Ep, Kentucky, US
Science, technology, and mathematics
- Engineering physics
- Electrophotography, a dry photocopying technique invented by Chester Carlson in 1938
- Electrically powered spacecraft propulsion
- EPDM rubber, a synthetic ethylene-propylene-based rubber
- Evolutionary psychology, psychological approach that looks at traits such as memory
- Expectation propagation, a technique in Bayesian machine learning
- Potential energy (Ep)
- Entry point, in computer programming
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Electrophysiology, the study of the electrical properties of biological cells and tissues
- Erythropoietin, a hormone
- Evoked potential, a stimulation induced electrophysiological test
- European Pharmacopoeia, listing of substances used to make pharmaceutical products in Europe
- Etoposide and platinum agent (cisplatin), a chemotherapy regimen
- EP, the alias of a patient with extreme anterograde and retrograde amnesia, similar to HM (patient)
- Extreme pressure additive, a lubricant additive
- Estimated position, a navigation term
- Electric locomotive (Polish train designation: EP)
- English Premium brake, an abbreviation for the electro-pneumatic brake system on British railway trains
Other uses
- Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849), an American storywriter
- En passant (e.p.), a chess maneuver
- Europa-Park, a theme park in Germany
- Executive producer, non-technical producer of an entertainment production
- The Electric Playground, a news show on the American G4 television channel
- Episode (abbreviation Ep)
- Environmental Professional, as provided by ECO Canada
See also
- Extended play (disambiguation)
- EP1 (disambiguation)
- EP2 (disambiguation)
- EP3 (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Early Childhood Education to Promote Health Equity: A Community Guide Systematic Review.
- Hahn RA1, Barnett WS, Knopf JA, Truman BI, Johnson RL, Fielding JE, Muntaner C, Jones CP, Fullilove MT, Hunt PC; Community Preventive Services Task Force.
- Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP.J Public Health Manag Pract.2016 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- CONTEXT: Children in low-income and racial and ethnic minority families often experience delays in development by 3 years of age and may benefit from center-based early childhood education.DESIGN: A meta-analysis on the effects of early childhood education by Kay and Pennucci best met Community Guid
- PMID 26672406
- The Relationship of Health Literacy With Use of Digital Technology for Health Information: Implications for Public Health Practice.
- Manganello J1, Gerstner G, Pergolino K, Graham Y, Falisi A, Strogatz D.
- Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP.J Public Health Manag Pract.2016 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: An understanding of the association of health literacy with patterns related to access and usage of digital technologies and preferences for sources of health information is necessary for public health agencies and organizations to appropriately target channels for health information diss
- PMID 26672402
- The use of computerized echocardiographic simulation improves the learning curve for transesophageal hemodynamic assessment in critically ill patients.
- Prat G1,2, Charron C3, Repesse X3, Coriat P4, Bailly P5,6, L'her E5,7,8, Vieillard-Baron A3,9.
- Annals of intensive care.Ann Intensive Care.2016 Dec;6(1):27. doi: 10.1186/s13613-016-0132-x. Epub 2016 Apr 7.
- BACKGROUND: Our aim was to evaluate the impact of a computerized echocardiographic simulator on the learning curve for transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) hemodynamic assessment of ventilated patients in the ICU.METHODS: We performed a prospective study in two university hospital medical ICUs. Us
- PMID 27055668
Japanese Journal
- 電力自由化で問われる日本原燃の在り方 : 再処理費用は積立から拠出へ
- 格納容器用改良EPDMゴム「EP-176」のシール性評価 : シビアアクシデントを想定した環境でのシール性
- 原子力立地交付金、再稼働を視野に見直しヘ : みなし発電電力量を引き下げ
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- 同
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