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- sexually produced fungal spore formed within an ascus
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This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2009) |
Asci of
Morchella elata, containing ascospores
Sordaria fimicola ascus plus ascospore
An ascospore is a spore contained in an ascus or that was produced inside an ascus. This kind of spore is specific to fungi classified as ascomycetes (Ascomycota).
Typically, a single ascus will contain eight ascospores. The eight spores are produced by meiosis followed by a mitotic division. Two meiotic divisions turn the original diploid zygote nucleus into four haploid ones. That is, the single original diploid cell from which the whole process begins contains two complete sets of chromosomes. In preparation for meiosis, all the DNA of both sets is duplicated, to make a total of four sets. The nucleus that contains the four sets divides twice, separating into four new nuclei – each of which has one complete set of chromosomes. Following this process, each of the four new nuclei duplicates its DNA and undergoes a division by mitosis. As a result, the ascus will contain four pairs of spores.
The Fungi Saccharomyces produces ascospores when grown on V-8 medium, acetate ascospore agar, or Gorodkowa medium. These ascospores are globose and located in asci. Each ascus contains one to four ascospores. The asci do not rupture at maturity. Ascospores are stained with Kinyoun stain and ascospore stain. When stained with Gram stain, ascospores are gram-negative while vegetative cells are gram-positive.
The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a single-celled haploid organism that reproduces asexually by mitosis and fission. However, exposure to the DNA damaging agent hydrogen peroxide induces pair-wise mating of haploid cells of opposite mating type to form transient diploid cells that then undergo meiosis to form asci, each with four ascospores.[1] The production of viable ascospores depends on successful recombinational repair during meiosis.[2] When this repair is defective a quality control mechanism prevents germination of damaged ascospores. These findings suggest that mating followed by meiosis is an adaptation for repairing DNA damage in the parental haploid cells in order to allow production of viable progeny ascospores.
Microbiology: Fungus
Structure |
Reproduction/spore |
- teleomorph/sexual: Zygospore
- Ascospore/Ascus
- Basidiospore/Basidium/Teliospore
- anamorph/asexual: Sporangium
- Conidium
- Chlamydospore
- Oidium
- Pycniospore
Other |
- Hypha
- Haustorium
- Mycelium
- Cell wall
Growth patterns |
- Dimorphic fungi
- Mold
- Yeast
- Mushroom
Index of fungal disease
Description |
Disease |
Treatment |
See Also
- Ascus
- Ascomycota
- Meiosis
- Neurospora crassa
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Tetrad (genetics)
- ^ Bernstein C, Johns V (April 1989). "Sexual reproduction as a response to H2O2 damage in Schizosaccharomyces pombe". J. Bacteriol. 171 (4): 1893–7. PMC 209837. PMID 2703462.
- ^ Guo H, King MC (2013). "A quality control mechanism linking meiotic success to release of ascospores". PLoS ONE 8 (12): e82758. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082758. PMC 3846778. PMID 24312672.
English Journal
- Grapevine powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator): a fascinating system for the study of the biology, ecology and epidemiology of an obligate biotroph.
- Gadoury DM, Cadle-Davidson L, Wilcox WF, Dry IB, Seem RC, Milgroom MG.SourceDepartment of Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology, Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY 14456, USA USDA-ARS Grape Genetics Research Unit, Geneva, NY 14456, USA CSIRO Plant Industry, Waite Campus, University of Adelaide, Urrbrae, SA 5064, Australia Department of Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA.
- Molecular plant pathology.Mol Plant Pathol.2012 Jan;13(1):1-16. doi: 10.1111/j.1364-3703.2011.00728.x. Epub 2011 Jun 20.
- Few plant pathogens have had a more profound effect on the evolution of disease management than Erysiphe necator, which causes grapevine powdery mildew. When the pathogen first spread from North America to England in 1845, and onwards to France in 1847, 'germ theory' was neither understood among the
- PMID 21726395
- The phosducin-like protein PhLP1 impacts regulation of glycoside hydrolases and light response in Trichoderma reesei.
- Tisch D, Kubicek CP, Schmoll M.AbstractABSTRACT:
- BMC genomics.BMC Genomics.2011 Dec 19;12(1):613. [Epub ahead of print]
- ABSTRACT:BACKGROUND: In the biotechnological workhorse Trichoderma reesei (Hypocrea jecorina) transcription of cellulase genes as well as efficiency of the secreted cellulase mixture are modulated by light. Components of the heterotrimeric G-protein pathway interact with light-dependent signals, ren
- PMID 22182583
- Meiotic silencing in the homothallic fungus Gibberella zeae.
- Son H, Min K, Lee J, Raju NB, Lee YW.SourceDepartment of Agricultural Biotechnology and Center for Fungal Pathogenesis, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Republic of Korea.
- Fungal biology.Fungal Biol.2011 Dec;115(12):1290-302. Epub 2011 Oct 7.
- The homothallic ascomycete fungus Gibberella zeae is an important pathogen on major cereal crops. The objective of this study was to determine whether meiotic silencing occurs in G. zeae. Cytological studies demonstrated that GFP and RFP-fusion proteins were not detected during meiosis, both in hete
- PMID 22115448
Japanese Journal
- 鹿児島県におけるナシ黒星病の第一次伝染源として分生子および子のう胞子が果たす役割
- 耐熱性カビの子嚢胞子発芽測定による新規D値試験法の開発
- 上田 成一,川良 希
- 日本菌学会会報 = Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 51(2), 27-34, 2010-11-01
- NAID 10027671868
- 3P-1099 長期間馴養した酵母の四胞子解析と掛け合わせによる耐熱性・耐酸性酵母の創製(3a発酵生理学,発酵工学,一般講演,代謝生理学・発酵生産,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- 中野 芳美,光増 可奈子,赤松 隆,田口 久貴,木田 建次
- 日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集 平成22年度, 82, 2010-09-25
- NAID 110008084655
Related Links
- An ascospore is a spore contained in an ascus or that was produced inside an ascus. This kind of spore is specific to fungi classified as ascomycetes ( Ascomycota). Typically, a single ascus will contain eight ascospores. The eight spores are ...
- as·co·spore ( s k -spôr , -sp r ). n. A sexually produced fungal spore formed within an ascus. as co·spo rous (-spôr s, -sp r -, s-k s p r- s), as co·spor ic (-spôr k, -sp r -) adj. ascospore [ˈæskəˌspɔː]. n. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications ...
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- 英
- fungus, (pl.)fungi
- 同
- かび、菌類 Mycota
- 関
- 微生物学、真菌症、抗真菌薬
- いずれも単細胞生物
- 細菌は核を持たないが、それ以外は核を持つ
- 細胞壁の多糖:細菌はペプチドグリカンなど。真菌はβグルカン、キチン。藻類はセルロース。原虫は細胞壁を持たない
- 栄養獲得様式:藻類は光合成独立栄養生性。
- 細胞壁の骨格となる
- キチンとβ-グルカンからなる。
- 特殊な多糖にキトサンがある
- グルコースのホモ重合体
- β(1→3)結合、β(1→6)結合
- 酵母では細胞壁成分にβ-1,3-グルカンが多い
- Coccidioides immitis
- Histoplasma capsulatum
- Sporothrix schenckii
- Candida albicans
- 接合菌などの下等真菌にのみ見られる
- 細胞壁の多糖を染色:コットンブルー(cotton blue)、グラム染色(全ての真菌はグラム陽性)
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