- 英
- base、basis、bases、basic、fundamental、basal
- 関
- 塩基、塩基性、基剤、基礎的、基底、基本、基本的、根拠、底部、必要、ベーシック、基づく、基礎づける、基盤、ベース、根本的
- being or involving basic facts or principles; "the fundamental laws of the universe"; "a fundamental incomatibility between them"; "these rudimentary truths"; "underlying principles" (同)rudimentary, underlying
- the lowest tone of a harmonic series (同)fundamental_frequency, first harmonic
- any factor that could be considered important to the understanding of a particular business; "fundamentals include a companys growth, revenues, earnings, management, and capital structure"
- far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something; "the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred"; "the book underwent fundamental changes"; "committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance"; "profound social changes" (同)profound
- pertaining to or constituting a base or basis; "a basic fact"; "the basic ingredients"; "basic changes in public opinion occur because of changes in priorities"
- (usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant (同)staple
- reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality; "a basic story line"; "a canonical syllable pattern" (同)canonic, canonical
- serving as a base or starting point; "a basic course in Russian"; "basic training for raw recruits"; "a set of basic tools"; "an introductory art course" (同)introductory
- of or denoting or of the nature of or containing a base
- of primary importance (同)primary
- serving as or forming a base; "the painter applied a base coat followed by two finishing coats" (同)base
- any of various water-soluble compounds capable of turning litmus blue and reacting with an acid to form a salt and water; "bases include oxides and hydroxides of metals and ammonia" (同)alkali
- (numeration system) the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place; "10 is the radix of the decimal system" (同)radix
- the bottom side of a geometric figure from which the altitude can be constructed; "the base of the triangle"
- situate as a center of operations; "we will base this project in the new lab"
- a place that the runner must touch before scoring; "he scrambled to get back to the bag" (同)bag
- installation from which a military force initiates operations; "the attack wiped out our forward bases" (同)base of operations
- a support or foundation; "the base of the lamp" (同)pedestal, stand
- (electronics) the part of a transistor that separates the emitter from the collector
- a flat bottom on which something is intended to sit; "a tub should sit on its own base"
- the principal ingredient of a mixture; "glycerinated gelatin is used as a base for many ointments"; "he told the painter that he wanted a yellow base with just a hint of green"; "everything she cooked seemed to have rice as the base"
- the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end (同)home
- (anatomy) the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment; "the base of the skull"
- the bottom or lowest part; "the base of the mountain"
- illegitimate (同)baseborn
- of low birth or station (`base is archaic in this sense); "baseborn wretches with dirty faces"; "of humble (or lowly) birth" (同)baseborn, humble, lowly
- not adhering to ethical or moral principles; "base and unpatriotic motives"; "a base, degrading way of life"; "cheating is dishonorable"; "they considered colonialism immoral"; "unethical practices in handling public funds" (同)immoral
- having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality; "that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble"- Edmund Burke; "taking a mean advantage"; "chokd with ambition of the meaner sort"- Shakespeare; "something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics" (同)mean, meanspirited
- (used of metals) consisting of or alloyed with inferior metal; "base coins of aluminum"; "a base metal"
- debased; not genuine; "an attempt to eliminate the base coinage"
- the most important or necessary part of something; "the basis of this drink is orange juice" (同)base
- the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained; "the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture" (同)base, foundation, fundament, groundwork, cornerstone
- 『基本的な』,基礎の / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…に)絶対に必要な《『to』+『名』》 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》本質的な / (…の)基本,根本,原理《+『of』+『名』》
- 『基礎の』,基本的な(fundamental) / 塩基性(アルカリ性)の
- 基底の,基部の / 基礎的な,基本的な
- basisの複数形
- 《文》(人や人の行動・孝えが)『卑しい』,下劣な / (金属が)質の劣った;(貨幣が)粗悪な
- 『基礎』,根拠 / 『基部』,基底,土台 / 『根拠地』,基地 / (野球の)塁,ベース / 主成分;塩基(酸と反応シテ塩(官)を生じる化合物) / (数学で図形の)底;底辺;基線 / (…に)…‘の'『基礎をおく』《+『名』+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》
- 『根拠』,基準;…制 / (混合物の)主成分
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/10/13 19:36:11」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
この項目では、建物の基礎について記述しています。「基礎」の語義については、ウィクショナリーの「基礎」の項目をご覧ください。 |
基礎 (きそ、Foundation) は、構造物からの力を地盤に伝達し、構造物を安全に支える機能をもつ構造である。下部構造(かぶこうぞう)とも呼ばれ、それに対して建築物本体を上部構造と呼ぶ。
- 1 基礎に求められる性能
- 2 基礎の形式
- 2.1 深い基礎
- 2.2 併用基礎
- 2.3 直接基礎
- 2.4 木構造に用いる基礎
- 3 関連項目
- 杭基礎:既製杭、場所打ち杭、深礎
- ケーソン基礎:オープンケーソン、ニューマチックケーソン
- 地中連続壁基礎
- 鋼管矢板基礎:井筒型、脚付き型
- 布基礎
- 土台を乗せることが多い。この場合、予めアンカーボルトを付属させておく必要がある。幅は12cm以上ある必要がある。
- 独立基礎
- 特に大きな荷重がかかる柱や束などの下に用いられることが多い。柱や床束の乗せられる束石、くつ石もその一種である。
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Japanese Journal
- 〈基礎講座〉アルカリ溶液に対するアルミニウムの挙動(Ⅴ)− 有機酸塩・フッ化物添加による陽極酸化皮膜への影響 −
- 野口 駿雄
- 近畿アルミニウム表面処理研究会会誌 = Aluminum finishing society of Kinki (310), 13-18, 3018-03-15
- NAID 120006492838
- おさえておきたい学習評価の基礎基本 (特集 活動の充実を目指す! 授業改善のための学習評価 活用術)
- 持続的成功を実現するための武器 : 品質管理の基礎を学ぶ(第13回)人間尊重経営
Related Links
- デジタル大辞泉 - 基礎の用語解説 - 1 ある物事を成り立たせる、大もとの部分。もとい。「基礎がしっかりしているから、上達が早い」「基礎を固める」「基礎知識」2 建造物の荷重を支持し、地盤に伝える最下部の構造物。地形 ...
- 用 語 基礎 よびかな きそ 別 名 - カテゴリー分類 工事・施工関係/基礎工事/一般 構造分類 全般 工事分類 基礎工事 関連用語 基礎・形状・種類 参照資料 住まいづくりの知識上手/施工品質(構造)
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- 英
- requirement、need、necessity、necessary、essential、prerequisite、fundamental
- 関
- 基礎、基礎的、基本的、所要量、重要、必須、必然的、必要性、本質的、本態性、要求、必要とする、必要条件、ニーズ、根本的、必然、必要不可欠
- 関
- basal、base、basement、basic、basis、element、elementary、evidence、foundation、fundamental、fundamentals、fundus、ground、infrastructure、reason
- 英
- fundamental、essential、basic、elemental、cardinal、fundamentally、essentially、basically
- 関
- 塩基、塩基性、基礎、基礎的、基本、主要、重要、必須、必要、ベーシック、本質的、本態性、基数、根本的、必要不可欠
- 同
- 英
- basis、bases、fundamentals、element、basic、basal、elementary
- 関
- エレメント、塩基、塩基性、基礎、基礎的、基底、基本的、元素、原理、根拠、初等、成分、ベーシック、要素、基盤
- 英
- basis、bases、evidence、reason、foundation、ground
- 関
- アース、考える、基礎、基底、基本、原種、証拠、証明、設立、素因、判断、理由、わけ、基金、エビデンス、基盤、轢く
- 英
- basal acid output
- 関
- 胃液酸度
- 英
- basal body temperature measurement
- 英
- Faculty of Engineering Science
- 英
- groundplasm
- 関
- 基質