English Journal
- Intracellular storage of sodium and magnesium in Drosophila Malpighian tubules. X-ray microanalysis of native cryosections.
- Wessing A1, Zierold K, Schäfer D.
- European journal of cell biology.Eur J Cell Biol.1988 Oct;47(1):1-6.
- Using electron probe X-ray microanalysis after cryofixation, cryosectioning and freeze-drying we investigated the content of electron-dark vacuoles in the intermediate cell region of the proximal segment of Malpighian tubules in Drosophila larvae. According to this method these vacuoles store sodium
- PMID 3229416
- Lipid transport through the enterocytes of larval Aeshna cyanea (Insecta, Odonata).
- Kukulies J, Komnick H.
- European journal of cell biology.Eur J Cell Biol.1984 May;34(1):118-29.
- The larval enterocytes of A. cyanea absorb lipid after luminal lipolysis in morphologically invisible form by direct membrane transport, presumably molecular diffusion. The lipolytic products are utilized for resynthesis of di- and triglyceride which become visible in the form of lipid droplets in t
- PMID 6734623
- Quantitative ultrastructure of the rat liver by immersion and perfusion fixations.
- David H, Uerlings I.
- Experimental pathology.Exp Pathol.1983;23(3):131-41.
- Morphometric and qualitative investigations of rat liver with immersion fixation (I) and perfusion fixation (P) have not produced any statistically significant differences in the volume densities and numbers per area of elements of hepatocytes: Vv mitochondria: 0.194 (I), 0.189 (P); peroxisomes 0.01
- PMID 6345188
Japanese Journal
- 奥平 吉雄 [他],建石 龍平,佐藤 安子,佐治 文隆,早川 謙一,松井 義明,沢田 益臣
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 32(10), 1541-1550, 1980-10-01
- 51例の子宮内膜腺癌のうち43例についてGrimelius法による硝酸銀染色を行ない好銀細胞の有無に関する検討を行ない,さらに21例について電顕観察を行ない特殊顆粒の検出を試みた.Grimelius染色により好銀細胞が散在性に少数認められたものを+,多数周所性に集団をなすものを〓,その中間を〓とし〓以上を好銀細胞有りと判定した.光顕観察上43例中11例(25.6%)がGrimelius反応〓以上を …
- NAID 110002205794
- ハムスター唾液腺の特殊構造について:I. 細胞構造及び分泌機能
- 鷲見 和恒
- Archivum histologicum japonicum 20(3), 413-434, 1960
- … Secretory substances in the granuloplasm are produced by fusion or liquefaction of granules, and accumlated towards the basement membrane to be expelled at this spot, while those in the groundplasm of the cell of granular duct proceed in opposite direction. …
- NAID 130003880341
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