- 関
- causal、causally、consequential、essential、fundamental、inevitable、inevitably、necessarily、necessity、need、prerequisite、requirement
- unavoidably determined by prior circumstances; "the necessary consequences of ones actions"
- absolutely essential
- have or feel a need for; "always needing friends and money"
- a condition requiring relief; "she satisfied his need for affection"; "God has no need of men to accomplish His work"; "there is a demand for jobs" (同)demand
- anything that is necessary but lacking; "he had sufficient means to meet his simple needs"; "I tried to supply his wants" (同)want
- being or involving basic facts or principles; "the fundamental laws of the universe"; "a fundamental incomatibility between them"; "these rudimentary truths"; "underlying principles" (同)rudimentary, underlying
- the lowest tone of a harmonic series (同)fundamental_frequency, first harmonic
- any factor that could be considered important to the understanding of a particular business; "fundamentals include a companys growth, revenues, earnings, management, and capital structure"
- far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something; "the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred"; "the book underwent fundamental changes"; "committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance"; "profound social changes" (同)profound
- being or relating to or containing the essence of a plant etc; "essential oil"
- absolutely necessary; vitally necessary; "essential tools and materials"; "funds essential to the completion of the project"; "an indispensable worker" (同)indispensable
- basic and fundamental; "the essential feature"
- the condition of being essential or indispensable
- anything indispensable; "food and shelter are necessities of life"; "the essentials of the good life"; "allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions"; "a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained" (同)essential, requirement, requisite, necessary
- required as a prior condition or course of study
- something that is required in advance; "Latin was a prerequisite for admission" (同)requirement
- not necessary (同)unneeded
- (物事が)『必要な』,なくてはならない / 『必然的な』,避けられない
- 〈U〉《時にa~》『必要』,入用 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》『必要なもの』,(…の)必要品《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…に対する)欲求,切望《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…の)『困窮』,欠乏,不足《+『of』(『for』)+『名』》 / 〈U〉『困った時』(『事態』),まさかの時 / …‘を'必要とする,要する / 《疑問文・否定文,また疑問・否定の内容を表す文で》…『する必要がある』,しなければならない / 《need not have doneの形で》…する必要はなかったのに
- 『基本的な』,基礎の / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…に)絶対に必要な《『to』+『名』》 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》本質的な / (…の)基本,根本,原理《+『of』+『名』》
- 『絶対必要な』,欠くことのできない / 『本質の』,本質的な / (植物・薬剤などの)エキスの,精の / (…に)不可欠の要素;(…の)主眼点,要点《+『of』+『名』》
- 〈U〉《時にa ~》『必要』,必要性;必然,当然のこと・必要品〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》(…に)『どうしても必要なもの』,(…の)必需品《+『of』(『for, to』)+『名』》 / 〈U〉(貧乏・不幸などによる)困窮,窮乏
- 必須の,あらかじめ必要な,条件として必要な;(…に)必須の《+『for』(『to』)+『名』》 / (…の)前提条件,前もって必要なもの《+『for』(『to』,『of』)+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 『必要のない』,無用の,よけいな
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/02/06 10:30:53」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Necessary or necessity may refer to:
- Need
- An action somebody may feel they must do
- An important task or essential thing to do at a particular time or by a particular moment
- Necessary and sufficient condition, in logic, something that is a required condition for something else to be the case
- Necessary truth, in logic, something that cannot fail to be true
- Necessity, in criminal law
- A bathroom or toilet, in some languages (in English this is an archaic usage)
- An economic need enunciated by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his 1944 Second Bill of Rights
- A necessity in contract law
- Necessary Records, UK record label
See also[edit]
- All pages beginning with "Necessary"
- All pages with titles containing "Necessary"
- All pages beginning with "necessity"
- All pages with titles containing "necessity"
- Bare Necessities (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Vitamin D status in Bulgaria--winter data.
- Borissova AM, Shinkov A, Vlahov J, Dakovska L, Todorov T, Svinarov D, Kassabova L.SourceDepartment of Thyroid and Bone Mineral Diseases, University Hospital of Endocrinology, Medical University of Sofia, 2 ZdraveStr, Sofia 1431, Bulgaria. anmarbor@abv.bg
- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2013 Dec;8(1-2):133. doi: 10.1007/s11657-013-0133-4. Epub 2013 Mar 23.
- We assume that 25(OH)D level >50 nmol/l is necessary for adequate parathyroid hormone (PTH) suppression in our population. The epidemiology of vitamin D status in Bulgarian population shows deficiency in 21.3 %, insufficiency in 54.5 % and sufficiency in 24.2 %. The mean level of 25(ОН)D for th
- PMID 23526032
- Vitamin D homeostasis, bone mineral metabolism, and seasonal affective disorder during 1 year of Antarctic residence.
- Premkumar M, Sable T, Dhanwal D, Dewan R.Source30th Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica, National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, Headland Sada, Goa, India. drmadhumitap@gmail.com
- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2013 Dec;8(1-2):129. doi: 10.1007/s11657-013-0129-0. Epub 2013 Mar 9.
- Low serum vitamin D and increased parathormone levels were found to be associated with depression and stress in a wintering expedition of 20 healthy male subjects over a period of 1 year in Antarctica. The continuous daylight during summer and the dark polar winter affect endogenous vitamin D produ
- PMID 23475735
- Distinction between a transgenic and a conventional common bean genotype by (1)H HR-MAS NMR.
- Choze R, Alcantara GB, Alves Filho Ede G, E Silva LM, Faria JC, Lião LM.SourceInstituto de Química, Universidade Federal de Goiás, C.P. 131, 74001-970 Goiânia, GO, Brazil.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 Dec 1;141(3):2841-7. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.05.123. Epub 2013 Jun 4.
- In this work, it is proposed a methodology which allows to differentiate a conventional and a specific transgenic common beans, grown in greenhouse or under field conditions, based on modifications in chemical composition using (1)H HR-MAS NMR. It is demonstrated that the influence of typical variab
- PMID 23871032
- Analysis of non-polar heterocyclic aromatic amines in beefburguers by using microwave-assisted extraction and dispersive liquid-ionic liquid microextraction.
- Agudelo Mesa LB, Padró JM, Reta M.SourceLaboratorio de Separaciones Analíticas, División Química Analítica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 47 y 115, 1900 La Plata, Argentina.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 Dec 1;141(3):1694-701. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.04.076. Epub 2013 May 2.
- A new sample preparation procedure to determine six heterocyclic aromatic amines (3-Amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pirido[4,3-b]indole, 3-Amino-1-methyl-5H-pirido[4,3-b]indole, 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo-[4,5-b]pyridine, 2-amino-9H-pyrido-[2,3-b] indole, 2-amino-3-methyl-9H-pyrido-[2,3-b] indole and 2-
- PMID 23870880
Japanese Journal
- A monotonic statistical machine translation approach to speaking style transformation
- Neubig Graham,Akita Yuya,Mori Shinsuke,Kawahara Tatsuya
- Computer Speech & Language 26(5), 349-370, 2012-10
- … An evaluation of the proposed model on both faithful transcripts and speech recognition results of parliamentary and lecture speech demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed model in performing the wide variety of corrections necessary for creating clean transcripts. …
- NAID 120004247251
- チェックポインティングとコード差分実行による時短シミュレーション法の提案
- 椎名 敦之,大津 金光,大川 猛,横田 隆史,馬場 敬信
- 情報処理学会研究報告. EVA, [システム評価] 2012-EVA-38(1), 1-7, 2012-07-26
- 近年,計算機の性能向上のために高性能な計算機アーキテクチャが開発されている.同様に,それらを活かすためにソフトウェアの最適化技術の重要性が増してきている.最適化技術の開発では,プログラムコード中の最適化する部分を異なるコード最適化手法を適用しながら繰り返しプロセッサシミュレーションを行う必要がある.しかし,一般にプログラム全体のシミュレーションの実行に時間がかかるため,繰り返し何度もシミュレーショ …
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- 瀬戸 勇介,佐々木 敬泰,大野 和彦,近藤 利夫
- 情報処理学会研究報告. 計算機アーキテクチャ研究会報告 2012-ARC-201(27), 1-7, 2012-07-25
- 近年,多様なプログラムをより効率的に実行するための手段として,構成の異なるスーパースカラコアを用いたヘテロジニアスマルチコアプロセッサが注目されている.しかし,各コアの構成及びキャッシュ仕様等の組み合わせの膨大さや設計・検証にかかる時間が実用の面で大きな障害となっている.この問題を解決するために,任意の構成のスーパースカラコアを自動生成するツールとして FabScalar が提案されているが,現状 …
- NAID 110009425039
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- (英正式)~する必要がある
- [need not have done](主に英)~する必要はなかったのに(実際にはした)
- (英正式)[need not do]必ずしも~でない
- furthermore, aneurysms need not always be present, and angiographic findings may be limited to stenotic segments and obliteration of vessels.(HIM.2125)(さらに、動脈瘤はいつも存在するわけでないし、血管造影所見は血管の狭窄や閉塞に限られるかもしれない。)
- 関
- ask for, call, claim, demand, desire, entail, essential, fundamental, necessary, necessitate, necessity, order, prerequisite, request, require, requirement
- 必須の、必要な、重要な、基本的な、本質的な、必要不可欠な、(病名)本態性の
- 関
- basic、basically、cardinal、elemental、essentially、fundamental、fundamentally、important、inherently、intimate、intimately、intrinsically、key、mandatory、necessary、necessity、need、obligatory、prerequisite、requirement、significant、vital
- 英
- requirement、need、necessity、necessary、essential、prerequisite、fundamental
- 関
- 基礎、基礎的、基本的、所要量、重要、必須、必然的、必要性、本質的、本態性、要求、必要とする、必要条件、ニーズ、根本的、必然、必要不可欠
- 関
- basal、base、bases、basic、basically、basis、cardinal、elemental、essential、essentially、fundamentally、necessary、necessity、need、prerequisite、requirement
- 前もって必要な、欠くことのできない(to, for)
- 前もって必要なもの、先行条件/必要条件(to, for, of)。基礎必須科目
- 関
- essential、fundamental、mandatory、necessary、necessity、need、obligatory、requirement
- 関
- dispensable、needless、needlessly、obviate、unnecessarily、unwanted、useless