- 立つ、起立する。
- 立ち止まる。(自動車などが)静止したままである、動かない
- もとのままである、持ちこたえる、耐える。一致する、合う。
- it stands to reason that ~ それは~という理由と一致する
- 関
- bear、canopy、community、endure、lie、locate、location、loci、locus、map、position、rank、resist、resistance、resistant、sit、situated、situation、standing、tolerate、topo、withstand
- remain inactive or immobile; "standing water"
- a defensive effort; "the army made a final stand at the Rhone"
- a small table for holding articles of various kinds; "a bedside stand"
- a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance; "a one-night stand"
- tiered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood) where people can sit to watch an event (game or parade)
- an interruption of normal activity (同)standstill, tie-up
- a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area; "they cut down a stand of trees"
- the position where a thing or person stands
- hold ones ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright; "I am standing my ground and wont give in!" (同)remain firm
- be standing; be upright; "We had to stand for the entire performance!" (同)stand_up
- put into an upright position; "Can you stand the bookshelf up?" (同)stand_up, place upright
- be available for stud services; "male domestic animals such as stallions serve selected females"
- be in effect; be or remain in force; "The law stands!"
- be in some specified state or condition; "I stand corrected"
- be tall; have a height of; copula; "She stands 6 feet tall"
- have or maintain a position or stand on an issue; "Where do you stand on the War?"
- occupy a place or location, also metaphorically; "We stand on common ground"
- cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation
- a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury" (同)post, berth, office, spot, billet, place, situation
- the arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender" (同)posture, attitude
- the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated; "the position of the hands on the clock"; "he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage" (同)spatial relation
- (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"
- the act of positing; an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom
- the particular portion of space occupied by something; "he put the lamp back in its place" (同)place
- a rationalized mental attitude (同)stance, posture
- a way of regarding situations or topics etc.; "consider what follows from the positivist view" (同)view, perspective
- the appropriate or customary location; "the cars were in position"
- very offensive in smell or taste; "a rank cigar"
- relative status; "his salary was determined by his rank and seniority"
- a row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another; "the entrance was guarded by ranks of policemen"
- take precedence or surpass others in rank (同)outrank
- growing profusely; "rank jungle vegetation"
- take or have a position relative to others; "This painting ranks among the best in the Western World"
- very fertile; producing profuse growth; "rank earth"
- serve in a specific professional capacity; "the priest sat for confession"; "she sat on the jury"
- be around, often idly or without specific purpose; "The object sat in the corner"; "We sat around chatting for another hour" (同)sit around
- be seated (同)sit_down
- be in session; "When does the court of law sit?"
- be located or situated somewhere; "The White House sits on Pennsylvania Avenue"
- make a map of; show or establish the features of details of; "map the surface of Venus"
- to establish a mapping (of mathematical elements or sets) (同)represent
- a diagrammatic representation of the earths surface (or part of it)
- plan, delineate, or arrange in detail; "map ones future" (同)map out
- depict as if on a map; "sorrow was mapped on the mothers face"
- explore or survey for the purpose of making a map; "We havent even begun to map the many galaxies that we know exist"
- locate within a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known DNA or gene sequences; "map the genes"
- a condition or position in which you find yourself; "the unpleasant situation (or position) of having to choose between two evils"; "found herself in a very fortunate situation" (同)position
- the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time; "the present international situation is dangerous"; "wondered how such a state of affairs had come about"; "eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation"- Franklin D.Roosevelt (同)state of affairs
- a complex or critical or unusual difficulty; "the dangerous situation developed suddenly"; "thats quite a situation"; "no human situation is simple"
- perform ostentatiously in order to impress the audience and with an eye to the applause; "She never misses a chance to grandstand"
- a stand at a racecourse or stadium consisting of tiers with rows of individual seats that are under a protective roof (同)covered stand
- the audience at a stadium or racetrack
- a lifesize cardboard cutout (usually of a celebrity); "he had his picture taken with a standee of the president"
- someone who stands in a place where one might otherwise sit (as a spectator who uses standing room in a theater or a passenger on a crowded bus or train); "the allowed number of standees is posted"
- the act of supporting yourself by your hands alone in an upside down position
- (computer science) a standardized language for the descriptive markup of documents; a set of rules for using whatever markup vocabulary is adopted (同)SGML
- permanent; "a standing army"
- social or financial or professional status or reputation; "of equal standing"; "a member in good standing"
- the act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position
- an ordered listing of scores or results showing the relative positions of competitors (individuals or teams) in a sporting event
- (of fluids) not moving or flowing; "mosquitoes breed in standing water"
- (of persons) on the feet; having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs; "standing room only"
- executed in or initiated from a standing position; "race from a standing start"; "a standing jump"; "a standing ovation"
- having a supporting base; "a standing lamp"
- not created for a particular occasion; "a standing committee"
- 〈人・動物が〉『立つ』,立っている / (すわっていたのが)『立ち上がる』,起立する《+『up』》 / 〈物が〉(ある場所に)『立っている』,立てかけてある,置かれている / 《副詞[句]を伴って》『位置する』ある(進行形にできない) / 〈人物が〉状態(関係)にある / 〈人が〉(…に)(賛成・反対の)態度をとる,主張をする《+『for』(『against』)+『名』》 / 《『stand』+『名』(『形』)〈補〉》〈身長・得点・温度・順位などが〉(…で)ある / 立ち止まる;〈車・機械などが〉停止している / 〈主張などが〉変わらないでいる,ぐらつかない;〈規則などが〉有効である(進行形にできない) / 〈水などが〉よどむ;〈涙・汗などが〉たまる / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(船が)針路をとる / …‘を'『立てる』,立たせる,立てかける;…‘を'置く,すえる / …‘に'『立ち向かう』;…‘に'ひるまない;…‘を'守り通す / 《追例否定文で》…‘に'『耐える』,‘を'がまんする(進行形にできない) / 〈検査など〉‘を'受ける;〈運命など〉‘に'従う / 《話》…‘を'おごる / 〈任務など〉‘を'務める / 『立つこと;立ち止まること』,停止 / 防御,抵抗 / 立場,(明確な)態度,意見 / 位置,場所 / 《しばしば複合語を作って》『台』,…立て,…掛け / 《米》=witness stand / 『屋台店』,売店 / (タクシー・バスなどの)駐車場・乗り場 / 《通例the stands》『観覧席』,さじき,スタンド / (同一の地域・種類・樹齢の)立ち木,樹木,草木,作物 / (巡業興行団の)巡業[先],巡回[地]
- 〈C〉『位置;場所』;所在地 / 〈U〉所定の位置,適所 / 〈C〉『姿勢』,構え / 〈U〉有利な地位(立場) / 〈C〉《通例単数形で》(周囲の状況と関連する)『立場,境遇』;形勢,情況 / 〈C〉見解,態度 / 〈C〉(…としての)勤め口,職《+『as(of)+名』》 / 〈C〉(…の中の)地位《+『in+名』》 / 〈U〉(特に高い)社会的地位 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》…‘を'適当な(特定の)場所に置く
- 〈C〉〈U〉『階級』,等級;)相対的な)『順位』,地位: / 〈U〉高い地位(身分) / 〈C〉〈U〉(人・物の)『列』,並び;(兵隊)の横列 / 《the ranks》(また『rank and file』)(将校たちに対して)兵卒,下士官 / …‘を'『並べる』 / …‘を'『位置づける』,評価する / 《米》…‘より'上位にある / 『位置する』・「pull one's rank on 誰々」で「(誰々に)地位を悪用する; (意見が衝突したような場合に)階級をかさに着て(誰々に)命令を押しつける」
- (植物が)おい茂った,はびこった / (土地が)植物をおい茂らせた,肥えすぎた;(土地が)(植物を)おい茂らせた《+『with』+『名』》 / 悪臭を放つ,いやな味のする / 全くの,ひどい
- (…に)『座る』,座っている《+『at』(『on, in』)+『名』》・着席する《+『down』》・(…に)〈鳥などが〉『止まる』,休む《+『on』+『名』》・〈めんどりが〉卵を抱く,巣に就く / 《場所の副詞[句]を伴って》(ある場所に)『位置する』・ (画家・写真家のために)ポーズをとる・しっとしている,動かないでいる・(議員・委員などの)職に就いている《+『on』+『名』》・〈議会・法廷などが〉開会(開廷)される・(…に)負担となる,重荷となる《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》・〈衣服などが〉(…に)合う,似合う《+『on』+『名』》・〈人〉‘を'座らせる,着席させる《+『down』+『名,』+『名』+『down』》・〈馬〉‘に'乗る・《英》〈試験〉‘を'受ける
- (1枚1枚の)『地図』;天体図 / …‘の'地図を作る;…‘を'地図にかく
- (人の)『立場』,状態,境遇 / (事の)『事態』,形勢,情況 / 『位置』,環境 / 《文》就職口,勤め口
- (競技場などの)観覧席 / 《集合的に》観覧席の観衆 / (…の)人気取りをする《+『for』+『名』》
- (劇場・汽車・バスなどで席がなく)立っている人
- 逆立ち
- 〈U〉〈C〉『身分』,地位;名声,評伴;立場 / 〈U〉継続,存続(duration) / 『立っている』,立ったままで行う / 動かない,止まった / 絶え間まなく続く,永続的な;固定した,いつもの;常備の,常設の
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/05/28 19:39:49」(JST)
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Look up Stand or stand in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Stand may refer to:
- A grove of trees
- To assume the upright position of standing
- Stand (cricket), a relationship between two players
- Stand, Greater Manchester, a residential area in England
- STAND: A Student Anti-Genocide Coalition
- The Stand Comedy Club, in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle upon Tyne
- ST And, a variable star
- A food business:
- Fruit stand
- Hot dog stand
- Lemonade stand
- 1 Objects
- 2 Music
- 3 Television, books
- 4 See also
- A standing frame, an assistive technology supporting a person who could not otherwise stand erect
- Stand (drill pipe), 2 or 3 joints of drill pipe connected together on a drilling rig
- A music stand
- A cymbal stand
- A bus stand, a place where public service vehicles are parked between journeys
- A kickstand of a bicycle or motorcycle
- An area of seating in a stadium, such as bleachers
- Forest stand, in forestry, a group of similar trees; see stand level modelling
- Tree stand, a platform used in hunting
- Retort stand, a laboratory equipment
- Stand!, an album by Sly & the Family Stone
- "Stand!" (song), from that album
- "Stand" (R.E.M. song)
- "Stand" (Jewel song)
- "Stand" (Rascal Flatts song)
- "Stand" (Lenny Kravitz song)
- "Stand" (Poison song), 1993
- Stand (Michael W. Smith album), 2006
- Stand (Avalon album)
- Stand (Breaking the Silence album), 2007
- Stand (Irish band), a New York–based Dublin four-piece band
- "Stand", a song by Petra on the album Jekyll & Hyde
- "The Stand" (song), by Mother Mother
- "The Stand", a song by Hillsong United from their 2006 album United We Stand
- "The Stand", a song by The Alarm
Television, books
- The Stand, a 1978 novel by Stephen King
- The Stand (TV miniseries), 1994, based on the novel
- Stand, a supernatural power in the manga, anime, and game series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
- STAND, an organization in the anime Virus Buster Serge
See also
- Stand-in (disambiguation)
- The Stands, English band
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English Journal
- Ozone affects leaf physiology and causes injury to foliage of native tree species from the tropical Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil.
- Moura BB1, Alves ES2, Marabesi MA2, de Souza SR2, Schaub M3, Vollenweider P3.
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- Selectivity improvement of positive photoionization ion mobility spectrometry for rapid detection of organophosphorus pesticides by switching dopant concentration.
- Zhou Q1, Li J2, Wang B1, Wang S3, Li H4, Chen J5.
- Talanta.Talanta.2018 Jan 1;176:247-252. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2017.08.045. Epub 2017 Aug 13.
- PMID 28917748
- Does the developmental stage and composition of riparian forest stand affect ecosystem functioning in streams?
- Seena S1, Carvalho F2, Cássio F2, Pascoal C2.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2017 Dec 31;609:1500-1511. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.07.252. Epub 2017 Aug 7.
- PMID 28800692
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- Silva CA1,2, Hudak AT3, Klauberg C3, Vierling LA4, Gonzalez-Benecke C5, de Padua Chaves Carvalho S6, Rodriguez LCE7, Cardil A8.
- Carbon balance and management.Carbon Balance Manag.2017 Dec;12(1):13. doi: 10.1186/s13021-017-0081-1. Epub 2017 Jun 7.
- PMID 28593558
Japanese Journal
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- Yamazaki Shunya,Okuda Shohei,Ozaki Hiroyuki,Endo Osamu,Ogino Kenji,Okamoto Kazuo
- Chemistry Letters, 2015
- … It is found that the molecules lie flat in a monolayer of 0.4 nm thickness but stand up in a 16-nm film with the methyl ends of the chains exposed outside. …
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- Forest Ecology and Management 334, 301-312, 2014-12-15
- … Our analysis revealed that G[cref] linearly related with the sapwood area on a stand scale (A) and that Alinearly related with stem density (N) and powers of the mean stem diameter (d[m]). …
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- hapuna&Co. が提案する自社ブランドだけをセレクトしたテーマショップが 3月7日(水)阪神百貨店梅田本店3Fにオープンいたしました。 ADD:大阪市北区梅田1-13-13 阪神百貨店梅田本店 3F ← access map TEL : 06-6348-9431
- standとは。意味や和訳。[動](stood 〔stud〕)(自)I [立つ, 立っている, 止まっている]1 [I([副])][II[形]過分doing]〈人が〉立つ, 立っている;立ち止まる;(ある状態で)立っているstand on tiptoeつま先で立つstand around ...
- 那覇市久茂地にあるSTANDは、スペイン料理を中心に沖縄県産食材を使った創作料理や鉄板焼、炭火焼を楽しむことができる洋風居酒屋です。オシャレでアットホームな店内では、五感を刺激するオープンキッチンで満点の臨場感が味わえます。
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- 英
- position、location、locus、loci、situation、topo、position、locate、sit、map、rank、stand、lie、situated
- 関
- 位置づけ、遺伝子座、横臥、置く、局面、群落、座、座位、順位、状況、状態、静置、耐える、立場、立つ、抵抗、場所、部位、マップ、地図で表す、地図、スタンド、体位、台、トポ、ポジション、地位、様子、嘘をつく、嘘、座る
- 地位、順位。下級、投球
- 後位、養殖
- 列、並び。整列
- 並べる、整列させる。(~と)並べる、同列にする
- ~に等級(順位)をつける、ランク付けをする。評価する。分類する。
- ~より階級が上だ、~の上に立つ
- 位する、ランク付けされる。評価される。列する、並ぶ
- 上位を占める
- 整列する
- 関
- lie、locate、location、loci、locus、map、position、ranking、sit、situated、situation、stand、topo
- 関
- appearance、aspect、circumstance、circumstantial、condition、context、lie、locate、location、loci、locus、map、phase、position、rank、sit、situated、situational、stance、stand、standpoint、state、status、topo
- 関
- condition、lie、locate、location、loci、locus、map、postural、posture、rank、sit、situated、situation、stance、stand、standpoint、state、status、topo
- 関
- lie、location、loci、locus、map、mapping、position、rank、sit、situated、situation、stand、topo
- locate ファイル名
- 関
- find
- 同
- 関
- BE
- http://www.janiigata.sakura.ne.jp/JMNK/04-1/1.pdf
- 関
- long-standing
- 関
- SP
- 関
- eternal、immutable、invariable、invariant、stand、unabated、unaltered、unchanged、unchanging