- conforming to orthodox or recognized rules; "the drinking of cocktails was as canonical a rite as the mixing"- Sinclair Lewis (同)canonical, sanctioned
- appearing in a biblical canon; "a canonical book of the Christian New Testament" (同)canonical
- of or relating to or required by canon law (同)canonical
- (Roman Catholic Church) one of seven specified times for prayer
- in a canonical manner; "the deacon was canonically inducted"
- a collection of books accepted as holy scripture especially the books of the Bible recognized by any Christian church as genuine and inspired
- a complete list of saints that have been recognized by the Roman Catholic Church
- a contrapuntal piece of music in which a melody in one part is imitated exactly in other parts
- a priest who is a member of a cathedral chapter
- a rule or especially body of rules or principles generally established as valid and fundamental in a field or art or philosophy; "the neoclassical canon"; "canons of polite society"
- 宗規の,教会法による / 正典と認められた,正統の / (聖職者の)祭服
- (教会)の教理,戒律,教会法 / (一般に)規準,規範 / (正しい典拠とすべき)経典,正典 / 聖従名簿 / 《しばしばC-》みさ典文 / (音楽で)カノン,典則曲
- 大聖堂参事会員
- =canyon
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Look up canonical, canonic, or canonicals in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
The term canonical may refer to:
- 1 Mathematics
- 1.1 Differential geometry
- 2 Physics
- 3 Computer science
- 4 Religion
- 5 See also
- Canonical coordinates, sets of coordinates which can be used to describe a physical system at any given point in time
- Canonical form, a natural unique representation of an object, or a preferred notation for some object
- Canonical homomorphism, canonical isomorphism: an homomorphism that is uniquely defined by its main property
- Canonical polyhedron, in geometry a polyhedron whose edges are all tangent to a common sphere, whose center is the average of its vertices (midsphere)
- Canonical representative, in set theory a standard member of each element of a set partition
Differential geometry
- Canonical one-form, a special 1-form defined on the cotangent bundle T*M of a manifold M
- Canonical symplectic form, the exterior derivative of this form
- Canonical vector field, the corresponding special vector field defined on the tangent bundle TM of a manifold M
- Canonical ensemble, in statistical mechanics, is a statistical ensemble representing a probability distribution of microscopic states of the system
- Grand canonical ensemble, a probability distribution of microscopic states for an open system, which is being maintained in thermodynamic equilibrium
- Microcanonical ensemble, a theoretical tool used to analyze an isolated thermodynamic system
- Canonical quantum gravity, an attempt to quantize the canonical formulation of general relativity
- Canonical stress–energy tensor, a conserved current associated with translations through space and time
- Canonical theory, a unified molecular theory of physics, chemistry, and biology
- Canonical variable, a conjugate variable in theoretical physics
- Canonical transformation, in Hamiltonian mechanics
Computer science
- Canonical form, data that has been canonicalized into a completely unique representation, from a previous form that had more than one possible representation
- Canonical Huffman code, a particular type of Huffman code with unique properties which allow it to be described in a very compact manner
- Canonical link element, an HTML element that helps webmasters prevent duplicate content issues by specifying the "canonical" or "preferred" version
- Canonical (company), a UK software company that develops, markets and supports related services for Ubuntu and related projects
- Canonical Model, a design pattern used to communicate between different data formats
- Canonical name record (CNAME record), a type of Domain Name System record
- Canonical S-expressions, a binary encoding form of a subset of general S-expression
- Canonical XML, a normal form of XML, intended to allow relatively simple comparison of pairs of XML documents
- MAC address (formerly canonical number), a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment
- Canon law (Catholic Church)
- Canonical Coronation, an institutional act of the pope to legally crown images venerated by the faithful through a papal bull
- Canonical hours, the divisions of the day in terms of periods of fixed prayer at regular intervals.
- Biblical canon
- Canonical gospel, the four gospels accepted as part of the New Testament
- Canonical criticism, a way of interpreting the Bible that focuses on the text of the biblical canon itself as a finished product
- The scriptures of the Pāli Canon of Theravāda Buddhism (these include the Sutta Pitaka, the Vinaya Pitaka, and the Abhidhamma Pitaka)
See also
- Archetype
- Canon (disambiguation)
- Canonicalization, a process for converting data to canonical form
- Canonization, the act of a pope's declaring a deceased person a saint
English Journal
- Improving Electrical Conductivity, Thermal Stability, and Solubility of Polyaniline-Polypyrrole Nanocomposite by Doping with Anionic Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes.
- Su N1.
- Nanoscale research letters.Nanoscale Res Lett.2015 Dec;10(1):997. doi: 10.1186/s11671-015-0997-x. Epub 2015 Jul 25.
- The extent to which anionic spherical polyelectrolyte brushes (ASPB) as dopant improved the performance of polyaniline-polypyrrole (PANI-PPy) nanocomposite was investigated. Different characterization and analytical methods including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermo-gravimetric
- PMID 26209298
- Identification of novel monocistronic HTLV-1 mRNAs encoding functional Rex isoforms.
- Rende F1, Cavallari I2, Andresen V3,4, Valeri VW5,6, D'Agostino DM7, Franchini G8, Ciminale V9,10.
- Retrovirology.Retrovirology.2015 Jul 2;12:58. doi: 10.1186/s12977-015-0184-2.
- BACKGROUND: Human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) gene expression is controlled by the key regulatory proteins Tax and Rex. The concerted action of these proteins results in a two-phase kinetics of viral expression that depends on a time delay between their action. However, it is difficult to
- PMID 26133546
- Clinical Course of acute-on-chronic liver failure syndrome and effects on prognosis.
- Gustot T1, Fernandez J2, Garcia E3, Morando F4, Caraceni P5, Alessandria C6, Laleman W7, Trebicka J8, Elkrief L9, Hopf C10, Solís-Munoz P11, Saliba F12, Zeuzem S13, Albillos A14, Benten D15, Montero-Alvarez JL16, Chivas MT17, Concepción M18, Córdoba J19, McCormick A20, Stauber R21, Vogel W22, de Gottardi A23, Welzel TM13, Domenicali M5, Risso A6, Wendon J11, Deulofeu C3, Angeli P4, Durand F9, Pavesi M3, Gerbes A10, Jalan R24, Moreau R9, Ginés P2, Bernardi M25, Arroyo V25; CANONIC Study Investigators of the EASL-CLIF Consortium.
- Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.).Hepatology.2015 Jul;62(1):243-52. doi: 10.1002/hep.27849. Epub 2015 May 29.
- Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) is characterized by acute decompensation (AD) of cirrhosis, organ failure(s), and high 28-day mortality. We investigated whether assessments of patients at specific time points predicted their need for liver transplantation (LT) or the potential futility of thei
- PMID 25877702
- Bik subcellular localization in response to oxidative stress induced by chemotherapy, in Two different breast cancer cell lines and a Non-tumorigenic epithelial cell line.
- Trejo-Vargas A1,2,3, Hernández-Mercado E1,2, Ordóñez-Razo RM2, Lazzarini R1, Arenas-Aranda DJ2, Gutiérrez-Ruiz MC1, Königsberg M1, Luna-López A4.
- Journal of applied toxicology : JAT.J Appl Toxicol.2015 Jun 9. doi: 10.1002/jat.3173. [Epub ahead of print]
- Cancer chemotherapy remains one of the preferred therapeutic modalities against malignancies despite its damaging side effects. An expected outcome while utilizing chemotherapy is apoptosis induction. This is mainly regulated by a group of proteins known as the Bcl-2 family, usually found within the
- PMID 26059411
Japanese Journal
- PSOによるCSD係数FIRフィルタ設計のための局所解停留回避の一提案(学生セッション)
- 齋藤 一幾,陶山 健仁
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. CAS, 回路とシステム 112(418), 29-34, 2013-01-21
- … 本研究ではPSO(Particle Swarm Optimization)によるCSD(Canonic Signed Digit)係数FIRフィルタ設計のための局所解停留回避法を提案する.FIRフィルタの回路規模削減にはCSD表現が有効である.しかし,この設計問題は混合整数計画問題として定式化され,NP困難な問題となる.そこで,高速に解の候補を列挙可能なPSOが注目されている.しかしながら,PSOの共通の問題として局所解への停留問題がある.特に,CSD係数FIRフィルタ設計問題では,それが顕 …
- NAID 110009727435
- 伝統的なアイヌ音楽のモノフォニーの歌唱形式におけるポリフォニー的要素
- Fixed-Width Group CSD Multiplier Design
- KIM Yong-Eun,CHO Kyung-Ju,CHUNG Jin-Gyun,HUANG Xinming
- IEICE transactions on information and systems 93(6), 1497-1503, 2010-06-01
- … This paper presents an error compensation method for fixed-width group canonic signed digit (GCSD) multipliers that receive a W-bit input and generate a W-bit product. …
- NAID 10027987800
- CSD-Based Programmable Multiplier Design for Predetermined Coefficient Groups
- KIM Yong-Eun,CHO Kyung-Ju,CHUNG Jin-Gyun,HUANG Xinming
- IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences 93(1), 324-326, 2010-01-01
- … An efficient multiplier design method for predetermined coefficient groups is presented based on the variation of canonic signed digit (CSD) encoding and partial product sharing. …
- NAID 10026862914
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- For, not to hint of this: that it is an inference from certain canonic teachings, that while some natural enjoyments here shall have no children born to them for the other world, but, on the contrary, shall be followed by the joy ...
- canonicalとは。意味や和訳。[形容詞]1 宗規にかなった,宗規によって定められた,教会法上の;司教座聖堂参事会員の.2 聖書正典に含まれているthe canonical books (of the Bible)正経書.3 権威ありと認められた,正統の,規範[標準 ...
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- 関
- bench mark、benchmark、criteria、criterion、measure、reference、standard
- 関
- nonstandard