- fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised; "I was horrified at the thought of being late for my interview"; "The news of the executions horrified us" (同)alarm, appal, appall, horrify
- 〈恐怖・危機・心配などが〉…‘を'『うろたえさせる』,‘を'意気消沈させる / 『ろうばい』,意気消沈
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English Journal
- Mental health staff know how harmful prison books ban will be.
- Arif Z.AbstractWriting from Pakistan - a country where books being sold on pavements with scores of people browsing them is a common sight - I have to express my dismay at the directive from the Ministry of Justice banning books being sent to prisoners. How vindictive and judgemental this is, and to what end?
- Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987).Nurs Stand.2014 Apr 2;28(31):36-7. doi: 10.7748/ns2014.
- Writing from Pakistan - a country where books being sold on pavements with scores of people browsing them is a common sight - I have to express my dismay at the directive from the Ministry of Justice banning books being sent to prisoners. How vindictive and judgemental this is, and to what end
- PMID 24689413
- "Every 'never' I ever said came true": transitions from opioid pills to heroin injecting.
- Mars SG1, Bourgois P2, Karandinos G3, Montero F4, Ciccarone D5.Author information 1University of California, San Francisco, United States. Electronic address: MarsS@fcm.ucsf.edu.2University of Pennsylvania, United States.3Harvard Medical School, United States.4Columbia University, United States.5University of California, San Francisco, United States.AbstractThis qualitative study documents the pathways to injecting heroin by users in Philadelphia and San Francisco before and during a pharmaceutical opioid pill epidemic. Data was collected through in-depth, semi-structured interviews (conducted between 2010 and 2012) that were, conducted against a background of longer-term participant-observation, ethnographic studies of street-based drug users and dealers in Philadelphia (2007-12) and San Francisco (1994-2007, 2012). Philadelphia and San Francisco were selected for their contrasting political economies, immigration patterns and source type of heroin. In Philadelphia the ethnographers found heroin injectors, usually white users, who had started their opiate using careers with prescription opioids rather than transitioning from other drugs. In both Philadelphia and San Francisco, most of the young heroin injectors interviewed began, their drug-use trajectories with opioid pills--usually Percocet (oxycodone and acetaminophen), generic short acting oxycodone or, OxyContin (long-acting oxycodone)--before transitioning to heroin, usually by nasal inhalation (sniffing) or smoking at first, followed by injecting. While most of the Philadelphia users were born in the city or its suburbs and had started using both opioid pills and heroin there, many of the San Francisco users had initiated their pill and sometimes heroin use elsewhere and had migrated to the city from around the country. Nevertheless, patterns of transition of younger injectors were similar in both cities suggesting an evolving national pattern. In contrast, older users in both Philadelphia and San Francisco were more likely to have graduated to heroin injection from non-opiate drugs such as cannabis, methamphetamine and cocaine. Pharmaceutical opioid initiates typically reported switching to heroin for reasons of cost and ease-of-access to supply after becoming physically and emotionally dependent on opioid pills. Many expressed surprise and dismay at their progression to sniffing and subsequently to injecting heroin. Historically and structurally these users found themselves caught at the intersection of two major developments in the opiate supply: (1) an over 500% increase in opiate pill prescription from 1997 to 2005 resulting in easy access to diverted supplies of less stigmatized opiates than heroin and (2) a heroin supply glut, following the US entry of Colombian-sourced, heroin in the early 1990s, that decreased cost and increased purity at the retail level. A nationwide up-cycle of heroin use may be occurring among young inner city, suburban and rural youth fueled by widespread prescription opioid pill use.
- The International journal on drug policy.Int J Drug Policy.2014 Mar;25(2):257-66. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2013.10.004. Epub 2013 Oct 19.
- This qualitative study documents the pathways to injecting heroin by users in Philadelphia and San Francisco before and during a pharmaceutical opioid pill epidemic. Data was collected through in-depth, semi-structured interviews (conducted between 2010 and 2012) that were, conducted against a backg
- PMID 24238956
- Tumor-targeting peptides and small molecules as anti-cancer agents to overcome drug resistance.
- Sarafraz-Yazdi E, Pincus MR, Michl J1.Author information 1Dept. Pathology, Box 25, 450 Clarkson Ave, BSB 4-122, Brooklyn, NY, 11203, USA. ehsun.yazdi@downstate.edu.AbstractSince the introduction of chemotherapy in cancer therapy, development of resistance to every new therapeutic has been the universal experience. The growing understanding of cancer genomics, cancer-associated signal transduction pathways, and key protein drivers of cancer has enabled cancer biologists and medicinal chemists to develop targeted molecules to interfere with these pathways to tackle drug resistant cancers. However, to the dismay of oncologists, the clinical use of many of these tools has once again brought to the forefront the inevitable challenge of drug resistance. It is now understood that cancer resistance to different therapies involves multiple challenges that encompass the cancer cell itself as well as host physiology. This review presents small molecule inhibitors and peptides as two therapeutic approaches in anti-cancer drug development. Resistance to selected samples of these novel therapies is described in the context of cell autonomous resistance, the contributions of the tumor microenvironment, and germ line factors. For each approach, advantages and disadvantages are discussed on how to better overcome the inevitable challenge of resistance in cancer treatment.
- Current medicinal chemistry.Curr Med Chem.2014;21(14):1618-30.
- Since the introduction of chemotherapy in cancer therapy, development of resistance to every new therapeutic has been the universal experience. The growing understanding of cancer genomics, cancer-associated signal transduction pathways, and key protein drivers of cancer has enabled cancer biologist
- PMID 23992333
- Confronting uncomfortable truths: receptivity and resistance to Aboriginal content in midwifery education.
- Thackrah RD1, Thompson SC.Author information 1Combined Universities Centre for Rural Health, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia, 2. School of Nursing and Midwifery, Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia.AbstractOBJECTIVES: The emotional responses of students undertaking a new, compulsory unit on Indigenous cultures and health were investigated as part of a broader study looking at culturally secure practice in midwifery education and service provision for Aboriginal women.
- Contemporary nurse.Contemp Nurse.2013 Dec;46(1):113-22. doi: 10.5172/conu.2013.46.1.113.
- OBJECTIVES: The emotional responses of students undertaking a new, compulsory unit on Indigenous cultures and health were investigated as part of a broader study looking at culturally secure practice in midwifery education and service provision for Aboriginal women.METHODS: Classroom observations we
- PMID 24716769
Japanese Journal
- フランクルの生涯と思想(三) : 収容所解放直前から最晩年まで
- 廣岡 義之
- 兵庫大学論集 12, 262-247, 2007-03-31
- 「V.E.フランクルの生涯と思想(二)」の後を受けた形で、本論を継続する。本論においては特に「フランクルの収容所解放直前から最晩年まで」に焦点をあてて考察することにより、「ロゴセラピー」を産み出したフランクルの人物像を浮き彫りにするとともに、同時代の学問的関連性を明らかにしてみたい。
- NAID 110006434020
- 新人助産師の学びを助産師としての成長につなぐ院内教育に関する一考察 : 新人助産師の語りと記述からみた学びに焦点をあてて
- 福島 恭子,フクシマ キョウコ,Kyoko FUKUSHIMA
- 東洋英和大学院紀要 3, 57-70, 2007-03-15
- … The study attempts to understand the different kinds of feelings new midwives experience in the process of undergoing their first year of hospital in-service training, and to analyze how the various emotions they experience-fear, dismay, sorrow, anger, pleasure, conflict-relate to and contribute to their development as midwives. …
- NAID 110006390997
- 佐々木 淳,丹野 義彦
- 心理学研究 76(4), 397-402, 2005
- … The results indicated that the distress of egorrhea symptoms in the situation of "blushing and dismay" was led by the idea of offending, the motivation for avoiding rejection, and suspicion; …
- NAID 130002027247
- 終末期看護実習における学生の戸惑いの実態と指導上の課題
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