- any of various usually bushy plants producing fruit that is eaten while immature and before the rind or seeds harden (同)summer squash vine, Cucurbita pepo melopepo
- the indoor court in which squash is played
- rubber ball used in playing squash
- 〈判決・決議など〉‘を'取り消す,破棄する / 〈反乱など〉‘を'鎮める,抑える
- スカッシュテニス(2人でするスカッシュラケットに似たゲームだが,ボールはより大きくよくはずむ)
- つぶれやすい;(土地が)ぬかるみの;ぐしゃぐしゃの
- …として,の資格で
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/03/04 14:52:49」(JST)
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A motion to quash is a request to a court to render a previous decision of that court or a lower judicial body null or invalid. It can arise out of mistakes made by any lawyer in a court proceeding. A lawyer may file a motion to quash if a mistake has been on the part of a court, or if an attorney believes that the issuance of some court document like a subpoena was not done in a legal manner.
For example, a party that receives improper service of process may file a motion to quash.[1]
Look up quash in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
- ^ Scott Hatch, Lisa Zimmer Hatch, Paralegal Career For Dummies, John Wiley & Sons, (March 3, 2011).
English Journal
- Blockbusters and controlled substances: Miltown, Quaalude, and consumer demand for drugs in postwar America.
- Herzberg D.SourceSUNY-University at Buffalo, History Department, 546 Park Hall, North Campus, Buffalo, NY 14260, USA. herzberg@buffalo.edu
- Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences.Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci.2011 Dec;42(4):415-26. doi: 10.1016/j.shpsc.2011.05.005. Epub 2011 Jun 17.
- In 1955 Carter Products launched its new tranquilizer Miltown with a huge marketing blitz; Miltown soon became one of America's earliest "blockbuster" celebrity drugs. In 1981, federal agents shut down a network of "stress clinics" and arrested the owners, medical staff, and other personnel for ille
- PMID 22035715
- Using support vector machines to detect medical fraud and abuse.
- Francis C, Pepper N, Strong H.SourceQmedtrix, Portland, OR 97214, USA. francisc@reed.edu
- Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference.Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc.2011;2011:8291-4.
- This paper examines the architecture and efficacy of Quash, an automated medical bill processing system capable of bill routing and abuse detection. Quash is designed to be used in conjunction with human auditors and a standard bill review software platform to provide a complete cost containment sol
- PMID 22256268
Japanese Journal
- 判例研究 土地収用法上の事業認定と収用裁決における違法性の承継 : 静岡空港土地収用裁決等取消請求控訴事件(静岡県)東京高裁平成24年1月24日判決
Related Links
- 楽天市場:ZIPのブランドリスト > Q > Quash一覧。ストリートスタイルをベースに、モードやミリタリーとワークなど様々なエッセンスを加え、素材とディテールにこだわり、今旬なトレンドを取り入れ、コーディネートを提案しつつ価格 ...
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