find / -name "a*.*"
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/08/09 03:39:32」(JST)
(ファインド)について記述する。ファイルシステムの1つ以上のディレクトリツリー上で検索を行い、ユーザーの指定した基準にマッチするファイルを探す。既定の動作としては現在のワーキングディレクトリ配下にある全ファイルをリストアップする。さらに find
find は評価式「-regex
」などを用いることで正規表現によるパス名のマッチングを行うことが可能であるが、GNU版のfindは複数の正規表現文法に対応している。そこで、GNU findは、既定では正規表現をGNU Emacsの正規表現として解釈し、他の異なる文法についてはコマンドラインオプション「-regextype
find . -name 'my*'
find . -name my\* -type f
-type f -name my\*
を実行するようになっているためである。なお、初期の find
コマンドには既定のアクションが存在しなかったため、何も指定しないと検索をするだけでその結果は表示されなかった。find . -type f -name 'my*' -ls
find / -type f -iname myfile -print
」は大文字小文字を区別しない検索式。単にデータファイルを探すだけなら、「/」を指定するのは非常に時間がかかる可能性があり、賢い方法ではない。find /home/brian -type f -name myfile -print
find local /tmp -type d -name mydir -print
find / -type f -name myfile -print 2> /dev/null
find . -type f \( -name '*jsp' -or -name \*java \) -ls
と -or
は全てのバージョンの find
で使えるわけではない。find /var/ftp/mp3 -type f -iname '*.mp3' -exec chmod 744 {} \;
-exec chmod 744 {} \;
の部分で指定されている。MP3ファイルそれぞれについて、chmod 744 {}
というコマンドの {}
というパーミッションは普通に記せば rwxr--r--
であり、ファイル所有者は完全なアクセス(読み書きと実行)が可能だが、それ以外のユーザーは読むことしかできない。find /tmp -exec grep "search string" '{}' /dev/null \; -print
find /tmp -exec grep -H "search string" '{}' \; -print
grep -R /tmp "search string"
find ~jsmith -exec grep "LOG" '{}' /dev/null \; -print /home/jsmith/scripts/ $LOG $FIXEDLOGNAME /home/jsmith/scripts/ $LOG /home/jsmith/scripts/title:USER=$LOGNAME
find . -type f -iname '*.xml' -exec grep "ERROR" '{}' \; -print
find . -user <userid>
In Unix-like and some other operating systems, find
is a command-line utility that searches through one or more directory trees of a file system, locates files based on some user-specified criteria and applies a user-specified action on each matched file. The possible search criteria include a pattern to match against the file name or a time range to match against the modification time or access time of the file. By default, find
returns a list of all files below the current working directory.
The related locate
programs use a database of indexed files obtained through find
(updated at regular intervals, typically by cron
job) to provide a faster method of searching the entire filesystem for files by name.
This section requires expansion. (August 2008) |
find [-H] [-L] [-P] path... [expression]
The three options control how the find
command should treat symbolic links. The default behaviour is never to follow symbolic links. This can be explicitly specified using the -P flag. The -L flag will cause the find
command to follow symbolic links. The -H flag will only follow symbolic links while processing the command line arguments. These flags are not available with some older versions of find
At least one path must precede the expression. find
is capable of interpreting wildcards internally and commands must be constructed carefully in order to control shell globbing.
Expression elements are whitespace-separated and evaluated from left to right. They can contain logical elements such as AND (‑and or ‑a) and OR (‑or or ‑o) as well as more complex predicates.
The GNU find
has a large number of additional features not specified by POSIX.
Real-world filesystems often contain looped structures created through the use of hard or soft links. The POSIX standard requires that
utility shall detect infinite loops; that is, entering a previously visited directory that is an ancestor of the last file encountered. When it detects an infinite loop,find
shall write a diagnostic message to standard error and shall either recover its position in the hierarchy or terminate.
find . -name 'my*'
This searches in the current directory (represented by the dot character) and below it, for files and directories with names starting with my. The quotes avoid the shell expansion — without them the shell would replace my* with the list of files whose names begin with my in the current directory. In newer versions of the program, the directory may be omitted, and it will imply the current directory.
Note that for RedHat Linux Version 9: find . -name my* returns this error find: paths must precede expression. Double quotes find . -name "my*" works fine.
find . -name 'my*' -type f
This limits the results of the above search to only regular files, therefore excluding directories, special files, pipes, symbolic links, etc. my* is enclosed in single quotes (apostrophes) as otherwise the shell would replace it with the list of files in the current directory starting with my...
The previous examples created listings of results because, by default, find
executes the '-print' action. (Note that early versions of the find
command had no default action at all; therefore the resulting list of files would be discarded, to the bewilderment of users.)
find . -name 'my*' -type f -ls
This prints extended file information.
find / -name myfile -type f -print
This searches every file on the computer for a file with the name myfile and prints it to the screen. It is generally not a good idea to look for data files this way. This can take a considerable amount of time, so it is best to specify the directory more precisely. Some operating systems may mount dynamic filesystems that are not congenial to find
. More complex filenames including characters special to the shell may need to be enclosed in single quotes.
find / -path excluded_path -prune -o -type f -name myfile -print
This searches every folder on the computer except the subtree excluded_path (full path including the leading /), for a file with the name myfile. It will not detect directories, devices, links, doors, or other "special" filetypes.
find /home/weedly -name 'myfile' -type f -print
This searches for files named myfile in the /home/weedly directory, the home directory for userid weedly. You should always specify the directory to the deepest level you can remember. The quotes are optional in this example because "myfile" contains no characters special to the shell.
find local /tmp -name mydir -type d -print
This searches for directories named mydir in the local subdirectory of the current working directory and the /tmp directory.
If you're doing this as a user other than root, you might want to ignore permission denied (and any other) errors. Since errors are printed to stderr, they can be suppressed by redirecting the output to /dev/null. The following example shows how to do this in the bash shell:
find / -name 'myfile' -type f -print 2>/dev/null
If you are a csh or tcsh user, you cannot redirect stderr without redirecting stdout as well. You can use sh to run the find
command to get around this:
sh -c find / -name 'myfile' -type f -print 2>/dev/null
An alternate method when using csh or tcsh is to pipe the output from stdout and stderr into a grep command. This example shows how to suppress lines that contain permission denied errors.
find . -name 'myfile' |& grep -v 'Permission denied'
find . \( -name '*jsp' -o -name '*java' \) -type f -ls
The -ls
option prints extended information, and the example finds any file whose name ends with either 'jsp' or 'java'. Note that the parentheses are required. Also note that the operator "or" can be abbreviated as "o". The "and" operator is assumed where no operator is given. In many shells the parentheses must be escaped with a backslash, "\(" and "\)", to prevent them from being interpreted as special shell characters. The -ls
option and the -or
operator are not available on all versions of find
find /var/ftp/mp3 -name '*.mp3' -type f -exec chmod 644 {} '\;
This command changes the permissions of all files with a name ending in .mp3 in the directory /var/ftp/mp3. The action is carried out by specifying the option -exec chmod 644 {} \;
in the command. For every file whose name ends in .mp3
, the command chmod 644 {}
is executed replacing {}
with the name of the file. The semicolon (backslashed to avoid the shell interpreting it as a command separator) indicates the end of the command. Permission 644
, usually shown as rw-r--r--
, gives the file owner full permission to read and write the file, while other users have read-only access. In some shells, the {}
must be quoted. The trailing ";" is customarily quoted with a leading "\", but could just as effectively be enclosed in single quotes.
Note that the command itself should *not* be quoted; otherwise you get error messages like
find: echo "mv ./3bfn rel071204": No such file or directory
which means that find
is trying to run a file called 'echo "mv ./3bfn rel071204"' and failing.
If running under Windows, don't include the backslash before the semicolon:
find . -exec grep blah {} ;
If you will be executing over many results, it is more efficient to pipe the results to the xargs command instead. xargs is a more modern implementation, and handles long lists in a more intelligent way. The print0 option can be used with this.
The following command will ensure that filenames with whitespaces are passed to the executed COMMAND without being split up by the shell. It looks complicated at first glance, but is widely used.
find . -print0 | xargs -0 COMMAND
The list of files generated by find
(whilst it is being generated) is simultaneously piped to xargs, which then executes COMMAND with the files as arguments. See xargs for more examples and options.
Delete empty files and directories and print the names
find /foo -empty -delete -print
Delete empty files
find /foo -type f -empty -delete
Delete empty directories
find /foo -type d -empty -delete
Delete files and directories (if empty) named bad
find /foo -name bad -delete
Warning: -delete
should be use with other operators such as -empty
or -name
find /foo -delete (this deletes all in foo
This command will search for a string in all files from the /tmp directory and below:
find /tmp -exec grep 'search string' '{}' /dev/null \; -print
The /dev/null argument is used to show the name of the file before the text that is found. Without it, only the text found is printed. An equivalent mechanism is to use the "-H" or "--with-filename" option to grep:
find /tmp -exec grep -H 'search string' '{}' ';' -print
GNU grep can be used on its own to perform this task:
grep -r 'search string' /tmp
Example of search for "LOG" in jsmith's home directory
find ~jsmith -exec grep LOG '{}' /dev/null \; -print /home/jsmith/scripts/ $LOG $FIXEDLOGNAME /home/jsmith/scripts/ $LOG /home/jsmith/scripts/title:USER=$LOGNAME
Example of search for the string "ERROR" in all XML files in the current directory and all sub-directories
find . -name "*.xml" -exec grep "ERROR" '{}' \; -print
The double quotes (" ") surrounding the search string and single quotes (' ') surrounding the braces are optional in this example, but needed to allow spaces and some other special characters in the string. Note with more complex text (notably in most popular shells descended from `sh` and `csh`) single quotes are often the easier choice, since double quotes do not prevent all special interpretation. Quoting filenames which have English contractions demonstrates how this can get rather complicated, since a string with an apostrophe in it is easier to protect with double quotes. Example:
find . -name "file-containing-can't" -exec grep "can't" '{}' \; -print
find . -user <userid>
find . -iname 'MyFile*'
-iname, not to be confused with -inum( find based on inode value)
find . -inum 1407374883783078
If the -iname
switch is not supported on your system then workaround techniques may be possible such as:
find . -name '[mM][yY][fF][iI][lL][eE]*'
This uses Perl to build the above command for you:
echo "'MyFile*'" |perl -pe 's/([a-zA-Z])/[\L\1\U\1]/g;s/(.*)/find . -name \1/'|sh
Example of searching files with size between 100 kilobytes and 500 kilobytes.
find . -size +100k -a -size -500k
Example of searching empty files.
find . -size 0k
Example of searching non-empty files.
find . -not -size 0k
find /usr/src -not \( -name '*,v' -o -name '.*,v' \) '{}' \; -print
This command will search in the /usr/src directory and all sub directories. All files that are of the form '*,v' and '.*,v' are excluded. Important arguments to note are:
-not means the negation of the expression that follows \( means the start of a complex expression. \) means the end of a complex expression. -o means a logical or of a complex expression. In this case the complex expression is all files like '*,v' or '.*,v'
for file in `find /opt \( -name error_log -o -name 'access_log' -o -name 'ssl_engine_log' -o -name 'rewrite_log' -o -name 'catalina.out' \) -size +300000k -a -size -5000000k`; do cat /dev/null > $file; done
The units should be one of [bckw], 'b' means 512-byte blocks, 'c' means byte, 'k' means kilobytes and 'w' means 2-byte words. The size does not count indirect blocks, but it does count blocks in sparse files that are not actually allocated.
Operators can be used to enhance the expressions of the find command. Operators are listed in order of decreasing precedence:
find . -name 'fileA_*' -or -name 'fileB_*'
This command searches files whose name has a prefix of "fileA_" or "fileB_" in the current directory.
find . -name 'foo.cpp' -not -path '.svn'
This command searches for files with the name "foo.cpp" in all subdirectories of the current directory (current directory itself included) other than ".svn".
(because the database may not be up-to-date).find
: find files – Commands & Utilities Reference, The Single UNIX® Specification, Issue 7 from The Open Groupfind(1)
: search for files in a directory hierarchy – Linux User Commands Manual
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リンク元 | 「prove」「ファイル」「realize」「see」「locate」 |
拡張検索 | 「histopathological finding」「cerebrospinal fluid findings」「new finding」「physical finding」 |
関連記事 | 「finding」 |