- 英
- return、recover
- 関
- 回収、回復、帰還、戻る、返る、返す
- submit (a report, etc.) to someone in authority; "submit a bill to a legislative body"
- the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property; "the average return was about 5%" (同)issue, take, takings, proceeds, yield, payoff
- a coming to or returning home; "on his return from Australia we gave him a welcoming party" (同)homecoming
- a reciprocal group action; "in return we gave them as good as we got" (同)paying back, getting even
- (American football) the act of running back the ball after a kickoff or punt or interception or fumble
- a tennis stroke that sends the ball back to the other player; "he won the point on a cross-court return"
- the act of going back to a prior location; "they set out on their return to the base camp"
- the occurrence of a change in direction back in the opposite direction (同)coming back
- bring back to the point of departure (同)take_back, bring back
- go or come back to place, condition, or activity where one has been before; "return to your native land"; "the professor returned to his teaching position after serving as Dean"
- make a return; "return a kickback"
- return in kind; "return a compliment"; "return her love"
- return to a previous position; in mathematics; "The point returned to the interior of the figure"
- cover anew; "recover a chair"
- regain a former condition after a financial loss; "We expect the stocks to recover to $2.90"; "The company managed to recuperate" (同)go_back, recuperate
- regain or make up for; "recuperate ones losses" (同)recoup, recuperate
- get or find back; recover the use of; "She regained control of herself"; "She found her voice and replied quickly" (同)retrieve, find, regain
- (…から元の場所・状態などに)『帰る』,戻る《+from+名+to+『名』》 / 再び起こる,再発する / (元の持ち主・場所・状態に)…‘を'『返す』,戻す《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (同じようなやり方で)(…に対して)…‘を'『お返しする』,…‘で'こたえる《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / …‘を'公式に報告する,答申する / 〈利子・利益など〉‘を'生む,生ずる / (国会議員などに)…‘を'選出する / 《しばしば引用節を従えて》…‘と'言葉を返す,返答する / 〈C〉(…から…べ)『帰って来ること』,帰還《+『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…が)再び起ること(来ること);(病気の)再発《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…を)戻すこと,(…の)返却《+『fo』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…に対する)返礼,返報《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉公式の報告[書],答申,(所得の)申告 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》収入;利潤 / 《英》(国会議員などの)選挙 / 《米》『帰りの』;《英》往復の(《米》round・trip)) / 返しの,返報の
- …‘を'再びおおう;…‘を'張り替える
- 〈失ったもの〉‘を'『取り戻す』,『回復する』 / 〈損失など〉‘を'埋め合わせる / (…から)正常な状態に戻る,回復する《+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》
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Japanese Journal
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- 本誌連載漫画「ヘルプマン!! : 介護蘇生編」関連企画 胃ろうを考える(2)のみ込む力を取り戻す リハビリと手術
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- 英
- recovery、restoration、resolution、reversal、restitution、amelioration、recover、restore、return、regain、ameliorate、resolve、recuperate
- 関
- 解決、回収、回収率、解像度、寛解、帰還、逆転、再建、再建術、修復、反転、復旧、分解、分解能、分割、分離、戻る、戻す、返る、返す、消散、復活、取り戻す
- DNA修復
- 関
- ameliorate、amelioration、feedback、recover、recovery、recuperate、regain、resolution、resolve、restitution、restoration、restore、reversal、revert
- 関
- ameliorate、amelioration、harvest、recovery、recuperate、regain、resolution、resolve、restitution、restoration、restore、retrieval、retrieve、return、reversal、revert
- 英
- recovery、retrieval、recover、harvest、retrieve
- 関
- 収穫、回収率、回復、検索、収集、修復、戻る、戻す、想起、復活
- 英
- return、recover、revert
- 関
- 回収、回復、帰還、先祖返り、復帰、戻す、返る、返す
- 英
- recall
- 関
- リコール、思い起こす、想起
- 英
- reconstitute
- 関
- 再構成
- 英
- recuperate
- 関
- 回復
- 英
- unwind
- 関
- ほどく