- She is getting up to pass urine five times a night.(夜間多尿)
- transfer to another; of rights or property; "Our house passed under his official control"
- a bad or difficult situation or state of affairs (同)strait, straits
- (military) a written leave of absence; "he had a pass for three days"
- (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate; "the coach sent in a passing play on third and long" (同)passing play, passing game, passing
- (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team; "the pass was fumbled" (同)toss, flip
- a flight or run by an aircraft over a target; "the plane turned to make a second pass"
- a difficult juncture; "a pretty pass"; "matters came to a head yesterday" (同)head, straits
- a document indicating permission to do something without restrictions; "the media representatives had special passes" (同)laissez passer
- a permit to enter or leave a military installation; "he had to show his pass in order to get out" (同)liberty chit
- the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks; "we got through the pass before it started to snow" (同)mountain pass, notch
- any authorization to pass or go somewhere; "the pass to visit had a strict time limit" (同)passport
- a complimentary ticket; "the star got passes for his family"
- one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer); "it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass"
- go unchallenged; be approved; "The bill cleared the House" (同)clear
- go across or through; "We passed the point where the police car had parked"; "A terrible thought went through his mind" (同)go_through, go across
- place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers" (同)hand, reach, pass_on, turn_over, give
- go successfully through a test or a selection process; "She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now" (同)make it
- cause to pass; "She passed around the plates" (同)make pass
- travel past; "The sports car passed all the trucks" (同)overtake, overhaul
- accept or judge as acceptable; "The teacher passed the student although he was weak"
- allow to go without comment or censure; "the insult passed as if unnoticed"
- throw (a ball) to another player; "Smith passed"
- allowing you to pass (e.g., an examination or inspection) satisfactorily; "a passing grade"
- going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it; "she drove but well but her reckless passing of every car on the road frightened me" (同)overtaking
- success in satisfying a test or requirement; "his future depended on his passing that test"; "he got a pass in introductory chemistry" (同)pass, qualifying
- euphemistic expressions for death; "thousands mourned his passing" (同)loss, departure, exit, expiration, going, release
- the motion of one object relative to another; "stellar passings can perturb the orbits of comets" (同)passage
- the end of something; "the passing of winter"
- of advancing the ball by throwing it; "a team with a good passing attack"; "a pass play" (同)pass
- liquid excretory product; "there was blood in his urine"; "the child had to make water" (同)piss, pee, piddle, weewee, water
- (ballet) a step in dancing (especially in classical ballet)
- 『通り過ぎる』,通る / 〈時間が〉『過ぎる』,過ぎ去る / 〈交通機関・道などが〉通っている / 消え去る,なくなる:《遠回しに》死ぬ / (障害・試験などで)『通過する』,『合格する』 / 〈法案などが〉通過する,可決される / 〈事が〉起こる / 移る,変わる / 〈言葉などが〉交わされる,やりとりされる / (…として)通用する《+『as』(『for』)+『名』》 / (球技で)パスする / (カードゲームで)パスする,自分の番を見送る / …‘を'『通り過ぎる』,‘の'そばを通る / 〈試験など〉‘に'『合格する』;〈人〉‘を'『合格させる』 / …‘を'『手渡す』,回す;…‘を'伝える / …‘を'『通過させる』,動かす / 〈ある点・程度など〉‘を'『越える』;〈歩行者・車など〉‘を'『追い抜く』 / 〈時〉‘を'『過ごす』;…‘を'経験する / 〈法案など〉‘を'『通す』;〈法案などが〉〈議会など〉‘を'通過する / (…に対して)〈判決・批評など〉‘を'下す,述べる《+『名』+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / 〈ボール・パック〉‘を'味方の選手に送る,パスする / 出入許可[証];無料入場券;(鉄道などの)[フリー]パス / (試験の)合格,及第 / 山道,峠;細道,抜け道 / 《話》《a~》困った状況,危機 / (奇術・ふき掃除などの)手の動き,手つき / (球技で)送球,パス;(野球で)四球による出塁 / (カードゲームで)パス
- 通過しつつある;過ぎて行く / 当座の;長続きしない / ふとした,偶然の / 合格の / 〈U〉(…が)通ること;過ぎ去ること《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉通行の方法(場所);浅瀬 / 〈U〉(…の)終わり;死《+『of』+『名』》
- たいへん,非常に
- 尿,小便
- (バレエのステップの)踏み足 / 優先権
- とうちゃん(papa)
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English Journal
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Japanese Journal
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- … The patient can now pass urine by himself. …
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- How To Pass Urine Test - Pass Drug Test _____ The absolute best way to pass a drug test is to be Drug Free! For more information on drug testing, please see below: CLICK HERE for Body Detox resources
- 63歳 女性
- 主訴:口渇と頻尿
- 来院のきっかけ:(GPから)多尿の精査のために泌尿器科医に紹介された。
- 症状:
- (主訴にまつわる症状)
- ・多尿:(発症時期)4週間前。(発症様式)突然。(頻度)一晩に5回排尿
- (主訴以外の症状)
- ・全身倦怠感:3ヶ月間体中調子悪い。
- ・背部痛:
- ・体重減少:3ヶ月前から3kg体重減少。
- ・頭痛、悪心:朝に悪心と持続する前頭部の頭痛。(増悪因子)臥床、咳嗽。
- 既往症:8年前、乳癌のために乳房切断術と放射線照射をうけた。
- 職業歴:市に公務員に勤めていたが、現在は退職している。
- 嗜好歴:喫煙歴無し。飲酒は10 units/week
- 服薬歴:なし
- 身体所見 examination
- 全身:やせている。筋肉は萎縮(muscles are wasted)。
- 循環器系:脈拍 72 /分、血圧 120/84 mmHg、頚静脈怒張なし。I, II音に亢進減弱無く、過剰心音、雑音を認めない。
- 四肢:浮腫なし
- 呼吸器系、腹部、神経系に異常所見なし。
- 眼:眼底に乳頭浮腫を認める。
- 検査所見 investigations
- 高値:Ca(軽度高値)、アルカリホスファターゼ
- 尿検査:蛋白(-)、血尿(-)
- frequency n.頻尿
- pass urine 排尿する
- servant n. 公務員
- mastectomy 乳房切断術
- 乳癌が脳に転移し、視床下部に浸潤・圧迫し尿崩症を来している。頭痛・悪心は頭蓋内圧によるもので、眼底の乳頭浮腫はこれを指示している。また、朝の頭痛は頭蓋内圧亢進症に特徴的らしい。また、咳や体位により増悪するのも頭蓋内圧の亢進によるものということを支持している。背部痛があるので、胸椎から腰椎に骨転移しており、骨破壊によりCa, AlP上昇を来していると理解される。
- 尿崩症:尿比重、血液検査、
- 頭蓋内圧亢進症:頭部MRI。利尿剤によって頭痛が軽快するか検査。
- 骨転移:胸部or腰部MRI。ガリウムシンチグラフィーで全身の転移巣を精査。
- 関
- course、cross、elapse、flow pass、lapse、pass through、passage、thread、transit