- 関
- course、lapse、pass
- pass by; "three years elapsed" (同)lapse, pass, slip by, glide by, slip_away, go_by, slide by, go along
- transfer to another; of rights or property; "Our house passed under his official control"
- a bad or difficult situation or state of affairs (同)strait, straits
- (military) a written leave of absence; "he had a pass for three days"
- (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate; "the coach sent in a passing play on third and long" (同)passing play, passing game, passing
- (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team; "the pass was fumbled" (同)toss, flip
- a flight or run by an aircraft over a target; "the plane turned to make a second pass"
- a difficult juncture; "a pretty pass"; "matters came to a head yesterday" (同)head, straits
- a document indicating permission to do something without restrictions; "the media representatives had special passes" (同)laissez passer
- a permit to enter or leave a military installation; "he had to show his pass in order to get out" (同)liberty chit
- the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks; "we got through the pass before it started to snow" (同)mountain pass, notch
- any authorization to pass or go somewhere; "the pass to visit had a strict time limit" (同)passport
- a complimentary ticket; "the star got passes for his family"
- one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer); "it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass"
- go unchallenged; be approved; "The bill cleared the House" (同)clear
- go across or through; "We passed the point where the police car had parked"; "A terrible thought went through his mind" (同)go_through, go across
- place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers" (同)hand, reach, pass_on, turn_over, give
- go successfully through a test or a selection process; "She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now" (同)make it
- cause to pass; "She passed around the plates" (同)make pass
- travel past; "The sports car passed all the trucks" (同)overtake, overhaul
- accept or judge as acceptable; "The teacher passed the student although he was weak"
- allow to go without comment or censure; "the insult passed as if unnoticed"
- throw (a ball) to another player; "Smith passed"
- move swiftly through or over; "ships coursing the Atlantic"
- a mode of action; "if you persist in that course you will surely fail"; "once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place" (同)course of action
- education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings; "he took a course in basket weaving"; "flirting is not unknown in college classes" (同)course_of_study, course of instruction, class
- (construction) a layer of masonry; "a course of bricks" (同)row
- facility consisting of a circumscribed area of land or water laid out for a sport; "the course had only nine holes"; "the course was less than a mile"
- a connected series of events or actions or developments; "the government took a firm course"; "historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available" (同)line
- general line of orientation; "the river takes a southern course"; "the northeastern trend of the coast" (同)trend
- part of a meal served at one time; "she prepared a three course meal"
- hunt with hounds; "He often courses hares"
- let slip; "He lapsed his membership"
- drop to a lower level, as in ones morals or standards (同)backslide
- a break or intermission in the occurrence of something; "a lapse of three weeks between letters"
- end, at least for a long time; "The correspondence lapsed"
- go back to bad behavior; "Those who recidivate are often minor criminals" (同)lapse, recidivate, regress, retrogress, fall_back
- the time that elapses while some event is occurring
- (of time) having passed or slipped by; "elapsed time"
- 〈時が〉経過する,たつ(pass)
- 『通り過ぎる』,通る / 〈時間が〉『過ぎる』,過ぎ去る / 〈交通機関・道などが〉通っている / 消え去る,なくなる:《遠回しに》死ぬ / (障害・試験などで)『通過する』,『合格する』 / 〈法案などが〉通過する,可決される / 〈事が〉起こる / 移る,変わる / 〈言葉などが〉交わされる,やりとりされる / (…として)通用する《+『as』(『for』)+『名』》 / (球技で)パスする / (カードゲームで)パスする,自分の番を見送る / …‘を'『通り過ぎる』,‘の'そばを通る / 〈試験など〉‘に'『合格する』;〈人〉‘を'『合格させる』 / …‘を'『手渡す』,回す;…‘を'伝える / …‘を'『通過させる』,動かす / 〈ある点・程度など〉‘を'『越える』;〈歩行者・車など〉‘を'『追い抜く』 / 〈時〉‘を'『過ごす』;…‘を'経験する / 〈法案など〉‘を'『通す』;〈法案などが〉〈議会など〉‘を'通過する / (…に対して)〈判決・批評など〉‘を'下す,述べる《+『名』+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / 〈ボール・パック〉‘を'味方の選手に送る,パスする / 出入許可[証];無料入場券;(鉄道などの)[フリー]パス / (試験の)合格,及第 / 山道,峠;細道,抜け道 / 《話》《a~》困った状況,危機 / (奇術・ふき掃除などの)手の動き,手つき / (球技で)送球,パス;(野球で)四球による出塁 / (カードゲームで)パス
- 〈C〉『進路』,道筋,方向,水路 / 《単数形で》(時・事態の)『経過』,推移,成り行き,進行《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(行動の)『方針』,方向;やり方 / 〈C〉(競技の)『コース』,走路 / 〈C〉(講議などの)『課程』,講座《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(順々に出される)料理,一品 / …'を'走り抜ける,‘の'上を飛ぶ(猟犬を使って)〈獲物〉'を'狩る / 〈飛行機・船などが〉針路に従って進む / 〈涙・血などが〉勢いよく流れる
- 『ちょっとした誤り』(失策) / (時の)『経過』《+『of』+『名』》 / (道徳的に正しい道を)踏みはずすこと,堕落《+『from』+『名』》 / (…への)転落,(…に)陥ること《+『into』+『名』》 / (…が)しだいに消滅すること《+『of』+『名』》 / (道徳的に正しい道を)踏みはずす《+『from』+『名』》 / (ある状態に)陥る,なる《+『into』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 消滅する,使われなくなる / (時が)過ぎていく
- (元の悪い状態に)逆戻りする,再び陥る《+『into』+『名』》 / 〈病気が〉ぶり返す / 逆戻り;堕落 / (病気の)再発
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English Journal
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- Sugioka D, Kameyama T, Kuwabata S, Yamamoto T, Torimoto T.
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- Johal SS1, Mounsey Z1, Brannelly P2, Johnston DM1.
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- Introduction This report explores nurses' perspectives following the Canterbury (New Zealand) 2010-2011 earthquake sequence and the subsequent recovery process. Problem Little is known about the experiences of health care professionals during a disaster recovery process, and this research generates
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Japanese Journal
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- ろう教育科学 : 聴覚障害児教育とその関連領域 = Soundless world : the Japanese journal of research on the deaf 59(2), 57-66, 2017-07
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- ふとした間違い、過失、失策。堕落、つまづき
- (時の)経過、推移。空白、中断
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- 関
- course、elapse、fall、incur、pass
- 関
- course、cross、elapse、flow pass、lapse、pass through、passage、thread、transit
- 関
- elapse、lapse、pass、process
- 英
- course、lapse、pass、elapse
- 関
- 陥る、過程、課程、コース、通過、通す、流路
- 関
- recrudescence、recur、recurrence、rekindle
- 関
- event-free