- without possessing something at the time it is contractually sold; "he made his fortune by selling short just before the crash"
- the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed
- low in stature; not tall; "he was short and stocky"; "short in stature"; "a short smokestack"; "a little man" (同)little
- lacking foresight or scope; "a short view of the problem"; "shortsighted policies"; "shortsighted critics derided the plan"; "myopic thinking" (同)shortsighted, unforesightful, myopic
- at a disadvantage; "I was caught short" (同)unawares
- (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length; "short skirts"; "short hair"; "the board was a foot short"; "a short toss"
- at some point or distance before a goal is reached; "he fell short of our expectations"
- clean across; "the cars axle snapped short"
- not holding securities or commodities that one sells in expectation of a fall in prices; "a short sale"; "short in cotton"
- of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration; "the English vowel sounds in `pat, `pet, `pit, `pot, putt are short"
- primarily temporal sense; indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration; "a short life"; "a short flight"; "a short holiday"; "a short story"; "only a few short months"
- so as to interrupt; "She took him up short before he could continue"
- tending to crumble or break into flakes due to a large amount of shortening; "shortbread is a short crumbly cookie"; "a short flaky pie crust"
- cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques; "The Bordeaux region produces great red wines"; "They produce good ham in Parma"; "We grow wheat here"; "We raise hogs here" (同)raise, farm, produce
- come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes); "He grew a beard"; "The patient developed abdominal pains"; "I got funny spots all over my body"; "Well-developed breasts" (同)develop, produce, get, acquire
- become attached by or as if by the process of growth; "The tree trunks had grown together"
- become larger, greater, or bigger; expand or gain; "The problem grew too large for me"; "Her business grew fast"
- cause to grow or develop; "He grows vegetables in his backyard"
- increase in size by natural process; "Corn doesnt grow here"; "In these forests, mushrooms grow under the trees"; "her hair doesnt grow much anymore"
- (biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level; "he proposed an indicator of osseous development in children" (同)growing, maturation, development, ontogeny, ontogenesis
- (pathology) an abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor)
- a progression from simpler to more complex forms; "the growth of culture"
- something grown or growing; "a growth of hair"
- vegetation that has grown; "a growth of trees"; "the only growth was some salt grass"
- inadequate in amount or degree; "a deficient education"; "deficient in common sense"; "lacking in stamina"; "tested and found wanting" (同)lacking, wanting
- falling short of some prescribed norm; "substandard housing" (同)inferior, substandard
- the secretion of an endocrine gland that is transmitted by the blood to the tissue on which it has a specific effect (同)endocrine, internal_secretion
- (長さ・時間・距離などが)『短い』,近い・(人が)『背が低い』・(数量・期間などが)不足の』,乏しい;目標(標準)に達しない・(文などが)『簡潔な』,手短な・『そっけない』,ぞんぞいな,無愛想な・(ケーキなどが)かりかりする,さくさくする・(母音・音節が)短い;(詩の行の母音が)強勢のない・急に,突然・短いもの;欠けているもの・短篇映画(short movie, short subject) ・=short circuit・《複数形で》不足,欠損 / …‘を'短絡させる,ショートさせる / 短絡する,ショートする
- 『成長する』,育つ,〈植物が〉生える,茂る / (類・量・程などにおいて)『増大する』,大きくなる / 『しだいになる』 / …‘を'成長させる,大きくする,育てる / …から生じる(起こる)
- 〈U〉(…の)『成長』,発育;『発達』,発展《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(数・量,重要性・力などの)『増加』,増大,拡張《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《修飾語[句]を伴って》栽培,生産,…産 / 〈C〉成育した物,(草,木,髪,ひげなどの)生えたもの / 〈C〉腫瘍(しゅよう)
- 欠陥のある,欠けた,不足した
- ホルモン
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English Journal
- Growth hormone deficiency as the only identifiable cause for primary amenorrhea
- Lee M.SourceDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Endocrinology, Pundang CHA Hospital, Pochon CHA University,., Sungnam, South Korea.
- Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology.J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol.2000 May;13(2):93.
- Background: There is much evidence that growth hormone plays an important role in the development and function of the reproductive system of both males and females. Growth hormone exerts its effects on the ovarian follicular cycle directly or by local production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-
- PMID 10869982
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- 成長ホルモン分泌不全性低身長症 growth hormone deficient short statue 「概念」 成長ホルモンが分泌不全の低身長症。 「疫学」 成長遅延を訴える患者の、10%を占める。 本症の90%は特発性であり、男女比は3:1 骨盤位で経膣分娩の ...
- Short stature Idiopathic short stature, Non-growth hormone deficient short stature information center covers Definition, Overview & Considerations, Common Causes, Home Care & Treatment, Call your Health Care Provider if, What to ...
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- 英
- short stature with growth hormone deficiency, growth hormone deficient short statue
- 同
- 成長ホルモン分泌不全性低身長、(国試)(差別語)下垂体性小人症 pituitary dwarfism
- 関
- 低身長、成長ホルモン
- 発症は乳児期以降。 ← 成長がGH dependentになるのは幼児期以降だから? まあ、新生児~乳児期に低GHによる他の症状は出現することがあるだろうけど。
- 特発性:原因は不明であるが、出産時に骨盤分娩、仮死例が多い
- 糖代謝:(重症例では?)新生児、乳幼児では低血糖、筋緊張低下。 ← 低成長ホルモンによる
- 全身:低身長(-2SD/-1.5SD(6歳以下))、低い身長の伸び(-1.5SD)
- 器質性の場合、原疾患による症状:頭蓋咽頭腫、胚芽腫など
- 不足/欠乏した、不十分な(in)。不完全な、欠陥のある
- 関
- absent、agenesis、dearth、defect、defective、deficiency、deficit、deletion、deletional、depletion、deprivation、deprive、devoid、inadequate、insufficiency、insufficient、insufficiently、lack、low、miss、missing、paucity、poorly、scanty、scarce、scarcity、starve
- (比較級shorter-最上級shortest)短い、不足した、乏しい、省略された
- 関
- abbreviated、brevis、brief、dearth、deficit、in short、insufficiency、insufficient、lack、paucity、poor、scant、scanty、scarce、scarcity、shortage、shortness
- (過去: grew-過去分詞: grown)
- 関
- extend、growth、outgrow、outgrowth、stretch