- without forethought or plan; inadvertently; "came upon the diamond unawares"
- suddenly and unexpectedly; "rain caught them unawares"; "sorrow comes to all, and to the young it comes with bittered agony because it takes them unawares"- A.Lincoln
- (often followed by `of' (同)incognizant
- 不意に,思いがけなく
- 気づかない,知らない
English Journal
- The resistance tsunami, antimicrobial stewardship, and the golden age of microbiology.
- Prescott JF.
- Veterinary microbiology.Vet Microbiol.2014 Mar 4. pii: S0378-1135(14)00125-4. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2014.02.035. [Epub ahead of print]
- Modern medicine is built on antibiotics. Antibiotics are something that we take for granted. We have however spent over 60 years educating bacteria to become resistant, and the global resistance tsunami has caught everyone unawares. Since bacteria have changed, we also have to change, and to change
- PMID 24646601
- A right hemisphere safety backup at work: hypotheses for deep hypnosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, and dissociation identity disorder.
- Burnand G.
- Medical hypotheses.Med Hypotheses.2013 Sep;81(3):383-8. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2013.05.026. Epub 2013 Jun 19.
- Problem theory points to an a priori relation between six key problems of living, to which people have adapted through evolution. Children are guided through the problems one by one, learning to switch between them automatically and unawares. The first problem of raising hope of certainty (about the
- PMID 23790686
- Mirizzi syndrome: report of a case and the challenge of management in our environment.
- Akute OO1, Alegbeleye BJ, Afolabi AO.
- African journal of medicine and medical sciences.Afr J Med Med Sci.2013 Mar;42(1):107-10.
- BACKGROUND: Mirizzi Syndrome is a rare complication of cholelithiasis reported to occur in 1% of all patients with gall stones and an incidence of 0.7-1.4% in all cholecystectomies. It is characterized by an impaction of a large calculus in the Hartman's pouch of the gall bladder (GB) or in the cyst
- PMID 23909101
- Causes of new cases of major thalassemia in sistan and balouchistan province in South-East of iran.
- Miri-Moghaddam E1, Naderi M, Izadi S, Mashhadi M.
- Iranian journal of public health.Iran J Public Health.2012;41(11):67-71. Epub 2012 Nov 1.
- BACKGROUND: Thalassemia is the most common monogenic disease in South-East of Iran. Despite the 70% reduction in Iranian thalassemia cases after thalassemia control comprehensive program, 601 affected babies were born in Sistan and Balouchistan Province, Iran from 2002 to 2010, so this study aims at
- PMID 23304678
Japanese Journal
- The Deconstructible Allegory of the Failed Author-Reader Communion : Hawthorne's "The Minister's Black Veil : A Parable"(Special Issue Dedicated to Professor NAKAI,Noriaki)
- 佐々木 英哲
- 英米評論 (28), 53-87, 2014-03-18
- … He shows unawares his totalitarian inclination toward essentialism-the sort of attitude that Existentialists denounce. …
- NAID 110009892128
- <思考>か<衝動>か : ミルトン vs. ワーズワス
- 水野 薫
- Asphodel = アスフォデル 46, 44-64, 2011-07-26
- … On account of this, these years were the period for Wordsworth to struggle and invent his own wisdom through rivalry to Milton, unawares. …
- NAID 120005642961
- 小畠 啓邦
- 英文學研究 44(2), 135-148, 1968-03-30
- … Her willingness to obey him seems so natural and spontaneous that one has the feeling that she is now taming him unawares. …
- NAID 110008155248
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- 31 Dec 2011 ... <the thunderstorm caught us unawares, and we scrambled to get off the ridge as lightning started to flash>. Origin of UNAWARES. un- + aware + -s, adverb suffix, from Middle English, from -s, genitive singular ending of nouns ...
- unawares adv. By surprise; unexpectedly: 'Sorrow comes to all, and to the young it comes with bittered agony because it takes them unawares' (Abraham.
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- 関
- insensible、unawareness、unconscious、unconscious state、unconsciousness、unnoticed