- 関
- expand、extend、extension、grow、spread
- pull in opposite directions; "During the Inquisition, the torturers would stretch their victims on a rack"
- extend ones limbs or muscles, or the entire body; "Stretch your legs!"; "Extend your right arm above your head" (同)extend
- an unbroken period of time during which you do something; "there were stretches of boredom"; "he did a stretch in the federal penitentiary" (同)stint
- extend ones body or limbs; "Lets stretch for a minute--weve been sitting here for over 3 hours" (同)stretch out
- become longer by being stretched and pulled; "The fabric stretches"
- the capacity for being stretched (同)stretchiness, stretchability
- exercise designed to extend the limbs and muscles to their full extent (同)stretching
- a straightaway section of a racetrack
- extension to or beyond the ordinary limit; "running at full stretch"; "by no stretch of the imagination"; "beyond any stretch of his understanding"
- a large and unbroken expanse or distance; "a stretch of highway"; "a stretch of clear water"
- occupy a large, elongated area; "The park stretched beneath the train line" (同)stretch along
- lie down comfortably; "To enjoy the picnic, we stretched out on the grass" (同)stretch out
- easily stretched; "stretch hosiery"
- extend the scope or meaning of; often unduly; "Stretch the limits"; "stretch my patience"; "stretch the imagination"
- having an elongated seating area; "a stretch limousine"
- prepared or arranged for a meal; especially having food set out; "a table spread with food"
- act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time (同)spreading
- the expansion of a persons girth (especially at middle age); "she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread"
- a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes (同)paste
- two facing pages of a book or other publication (同)spread head, spreadhead, facing pages
- process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space (同)spreading
- distribute or disperse widely; "The invaders spread their language all over the country" (同)distribute
- spread across or over; "A big oil spot spread across the water" (同)overspread
- become distributed or widespread; "the infection spread"; "Optimism spread among the population" (同)propagate
- strew or distribute over an area; "He spread fertilizer over the lawn"; "scatter cards across the table" (同)scatter, spread out
- cover by spreading something over; "spread the bread with cheese"
- distribute over a surface in a layer; "spread cheese on a piece of bread"
- a mutually agreed delay in the date set for the completion of a job or payment of a debt; "they applied for an extension of the loan"
- an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students (同)extension service, university extension
- amount or degree or range to which something extends; "the wire has an extension of 50 feet" (同)lengthiness, prolongation
- an additional telephone set that is connected to the same telephone line (同)telephone extension, extension phone
- act of expanding in scope; making more widely available; "extension of the program to all in need"
- act of stretching or straightening out a flexed limb
- a string of characters beginning with a period and followed by one or more letters; the optional second part of a PC computer filename; "most applications provide extensions for the files they create"; "most BASIC files use the filename extension .BAS" (同)filename extension, file name extension
- the ability to raise the working leg high in the air; "the dancer was praised for her uncanny extension"; "good extension comes from a combination of training and native ability"
- open or straighten out; unbend; "Can we extend the legs of this dining table?"
- increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance; "stretch the soup by adding some more cream"; "extend the casserole with a little rice" (同)stretch
- prolong the time allowed for payment of; "extend the loan"
- expand the influence of; "The King extended his rule to the Eastern part of the continent" (同)expand
- make available; provide; "extend a loan"; "The bank offers a good deal on new mortgages" (同)offer
- reach outward in space; "The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk" (同)poke out, reach_out
- cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques; "The Bordeaux region produces great red wines"; "They produce good ham in Parma"; "We grow wheat here"; "We raise hogs here" (同)raise, farm, produce
- come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes); "He grew a beard"; "The patient developed abdominal pains"; "I got funny spots all over my body"; "Well-developed breasts" (同)develop, produce, get, acquire
- become attached by or as if by the process of growth; "The tree trunks had grown together"
- become larger, greater, or bigger; expand or gain; "The problem grew too large for me"; "Her business grew fast"
- cause to grow or develop; "He grows vegetables in his backyard"
- increase in size by natural process; "Corn doesnt grow here"; "In these forests, mushrooms grow under the trees"; "her hair doesnt grow much anymore"
- make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity; "expand the house by adding another wing"
- become larger in size or volume or quantity; "his business expanded rapidly"
- extend in one or more directions; "The dough expands" (同)spread out
- extended or spread over a wide area or distance; "broad fields lay stretched on both sides of us"
- (of muscles) relieved of stiffness by stretching; "well-stretched muscles are less susceptible to injury"
- act of expanding by lengthening or widening
- 〈手足・翼など〉‘を'『いっぱいに伸ばす(広げる)』《+out+名,+名+out》 / 〈手など〉‘を'差し出す《+out+名,+名+out》 / (一方から一方へ)〈なわなど)‘を'張る,渡す,〈じゅうたんなど〉‘を'敷く《+名+out, out+名》 / 〈神経など〉‘を'極度に緊張させる,ぎりぎりまで使う(働かせる) / 〈意味・法律など〉‘を'拡大解釈する,誇張する / (無理に)〈靴など〉‘を'広げる,長くする,引っ張る / 〈訪問など〉‘を'引き延ばす,長びかせる / 〈人が〉『長々と横になる』(寝べる)《+out》 / 〈人が〉手足をいっぱいに克ばす《+out》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》伸びている,広がっている / 〈ゴムなどが〉伸びる / 〈C〉(…の)(空間的な)『広がり』,伸び,範囲《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(時間的な)一続きの期間,長さ《+of+名》 / 〈C〉《単数形で》『伸ばす(伸びる)こと』 / 〈U〉弾力性,伸張力 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(競走路の,特に最後の)直線コース / 弾性を持つ材料でできた,ストレッチの
- 〈たたんだ物など〉‘を'『広げる』,伸ばす《+『out』+『名,』+『名』+『out』》 / (…に)‥‘を'『薄く塗る;』(…に)‥‘を'かける,かぶせる《+『名』+『on(over)』+『名』》 / (…を)…‘に'『薄く塗る;』(で)…‘を'おおう《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / …‘を'引き離す,押し広げる / 《しばしば副詞[句]を伴って》(…に)…‘を'『まき散らす』;〈知識・ニュースなど〉‘を'広める;〈病気など〉‘を'まん延させる《+『名』+『over(among)』+『名』》 / 〈仕事・支払いなど〉‘を'引き延ばす《+『名』+『out,』+『out』+『名』》;(ある期間に)〈支払いなど〉‘を'わたらせる《+『名』+『over(for)』+『名』》 / …‘を'広げて見せる,展示する / (食事ができるように)〈食卓〉‘を'用意する,〈食卓〉‘に'料理を並べる / 〈物が〉『広がる,』伸びる / 《しばしば副詞[句]を伴って》(…に)〈うわさなどが〉『広まる』〈病気などが〉まん延する《+『over』+『名』》 / (時間的に)延びる;(…の期間に)わたる《+『over(for)』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《the~》(…が)『広がること』,(…の)普及《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《しばしばa~》(…の)広がり,広がった距離(程度)《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(食卓掛けなどの)掛け布;(特に)ベッドカバー / 〈C〉(食卓に出された)たくさんの食へ物,ごちそう / 〈U〉〈C〉スプレッド(パンに塗るバター,ジャム,ゼリー類) / 〈C〉(新聞,雑誌などの数段ぬきまたは2ページにわたる)大広告,大見出し記事
- 〈U〉〈C〉(…を)『拡大』(延長)『すること』,(…が)拡大(延長)されること《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉拡大(延長)された部分(物) / 〈C〉(電話の)内線
- (…まで)〈距離・期間など〉‘を'『延ばす』,延長する《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)〈手・足,針金など〉‘を'『伸ばす』,広げる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 《文》(…に)〈親切・援助など〉‘を'『及ぼす』《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈事業・意味など〉‘を'広げる,拡張する / (距離・期間など)(…まで)『広がる』,『伸びる』,(…に)及ぶ,わたる《+『to+『名』》
- 『成長する』,育つ,〈植物が〉生える,茂る / (類・量・程などにおいて)『増大する』,大きくなる / 『しだいになる』 / …‘を'成長させる,大きくする,育てる / …から生じる(起こる)
- (…にまで)『拡大する』,膨張する,広がる《+『into』+『名』》 / (…について)さらに詳しく述べる《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / 〈人が〉打ち解ける,心を開く / …‘を'『拡大する』,拡張する,広げる;…‘を'拡大して(…に)する《+『名』+『into』+『名』》
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/11/09 12:06:24」(JST)
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Stretch can refer to:
Look up stretch in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
- 1 People
- 2 In music
- 3 Films
- 4 Fictional characters
- 5 Other uses
- 6 See also
- Stretch (surname), a list of people
- Stretch (nickname), a list
In music
- Stretch Records, an independent record label
- Stretch (band), a 1970s UK band
- Stretch (rapper) (1968-1995), American rapper and producer
- Stretch (album), an album by Scott Walker
- Stretch (2011 film), a French film
- Stretch (2014 film), directed by Joe Carnahan
Fictional characters
- Stretch Armstrong, an action figure introduced in 1976
- Stretch, a purple toy octopus in the film Toy Story 3 (see List of Toy Story characters)
- Stretch, a member of the DC Comics superteam Hero Hotline
- Stretch Cunningham, a recurring character in the TV series All in the Family
- Stretch Emerson, a fictional character created by Australian western writer Leonard Frank Meares
Other uses
- Another name for one of two legal pitching positions in baseball
- IBM 7030 Stretch, IBM 's first transistorized supercomputer
- Stretch Island, Washington state, United States
- The Stretch (novel), a thriller by Stephen Leather, published in 2000
See also
- All pages beginning with "Stretch"
- All pages with titles containing "Stretch"
- Stretch ratio, in the mechanics of materials
- Stretch rule, in physics
- Stretching (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Initial tension of the human extraocular muscles in the primary eye position.
- Gao Z1, Guo H1, Chen W2.
- Journal of theoretical biology.J Theor Biol.2014 Jul 21;353:78-83. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.03.018. Epub 2014 Mar 20.
- This study proposes a mathematical model to estimate the initial tension forces of the extraocular muscles (EOMs). These forces are responsible for the mechanical equilibrium of the eye suspended in primary position. The passive contributions were obtained using the corresponding Cauchy stress-stret
- PMID 24657805
- On the propagation of long thickness-stretch waves in piezoelectric plates.
- Huang D1, Yang J2.
- Ultrasonics.Ultrasonics.2014 Jul;54(5):1277-80. doi: 10.1016/j.ultras.2014.02.007. Epub 2014 Feb 17.
- We study the propagation of thickness-stretch waves in a piezoelectric plate of polarized ceramics with thickness poling or crystals of class 6 mm whose sixfold axis is along the plate thickness. For device applications we consider long waves with wavelengths much longer than the plate thickness. A
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- Spatial and temporal trends in occurrence of emerging and legacy contaminants in the Lower Columbia River 2008-2010.
- Alvarez D1, Perkins S2, Nilsen E3, Morace J3.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2014 Jun 15;484:322-30. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.07.128. Epub 2013 Aug 23.
- The Lower Columbia River in Oregon and Washington, USA, is an important resource for aquatic and terrestrial organisms, agriculture, and commerce. An 86-mile stretch of the river was sampled over a 3year period in order to determine the spatial and temporal trends in the occurrence and concentration
- PMID 23978701
- Comparative dynamics of the two channels of the reaction of D + MuH.
- Aoiz FJ1, Aldegunde J, Herrero VJ, Sáez-Rábanos V.
- Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.Phys Chem Chem Phys.2014 Jun 7;16(21):9808-18. doi: 10.1039/c3cp53908c. Epub 2013 Dec 23.
- The dynamics of the asymmetric D + MuH (Mu = Muonium) reaction leading to Mu exchange, DMu + H, and H abstraction, DH + Mu, channels has been investigated using time-independent quantum mechanical (QM) calculations. Reaction probabilities, cross sections, cumulative reaction probabilities, and rate
- PMID 24366414
Japanese Journal
- Mechanisms of exercise-induced muscle damage and fatigue : Intracellular calcium accumulation
- Kano Yutaka,Sonobe Takashi,Inagaki Tadakatsu [他]
- The journal of physical fitness and sports medicine : JPFSM : official journal of the Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1(3), 505-512, 2012-09
- NAID 40019437235
- 【論文】 行動療法を用いたメタボリックシンドロームの予防・改善
- 江﨑 和希
- 滋賀大学環境総合研究センター研究年報 (第9巻第1号), 19-24, 2012-08
- … Seven participants (mean age 48 ± 10 years old) performed walking and stretch exercises two days a week for a 3-month exercise program. …
- NAID 120004706449
- 猪飼 祥夫
- 医譚 = History of medicine : journal of the Kansai Branch of the Japan Society of Medical History (95), 6573- 6579, 2012-07
- NAID 40019405744
- 伸張反射による指伸展促通機能を有する片麻痺指機能回復訓練装置の開発 (特集 第16回ロボティクスシンポジア)
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- 広げること、伸長、拡張。拡大。(外科)(骨折・打球・関節疾患の整復のための)牽引、牽引法。(医)(屈曲肢の)伸展
- 伸び、伸張量、伸張力。(理)填充性
- 増設、増築、建て増し。伸張部分、延長部分、拡張部分、付加部分、(線路の)延長戦。延長コード。(電話の)内線、切り替え電話
- 延長時間、そう述べ時間。
- 関
- allongement, dilatation, dilate, dilated, dilation, distend, elongation, enlarge, enlargement, expand, expansion, extend, lengthen, lengthening, magnify, prolong, prolongation, stretch
- http://freewiki.myht.org/index.php/MediaWiki%E6%8B%A1%E5%BC%B5%E6%A9%9F%E8%83%BD%E4%B8%80%E8%A6%A7
- 拡大する、膨張する、広がる、発展する、(ペプチド鎖などが)伸長する
- 関
- develop、development、dilatation、dilate、dilation、distend、distention、elongate、elongation、enlarge、enlargement、evolution、expansion、extend、extension、inflate、inflation、magnify、outgrowth、spread、stretch、swell、swelling
- 関
- dilatation、dilate、dilated、dilation、distend、elongate、elongation、enlarge、enlargement、expand、extension、go、grow、lengthen、outgrowth、postpone、prolong、range、reach、span、spread、stretch
- (adj.)extended
- [[(過去-過去分詞も同形)伝播する、延展する、蔓延する、流布する、広げる、広がる
- 関
- broaden、diffuse、diffusion、diffusional、diffusive、expand、extend、prevalence、prevalent、propagate、propagation、spreading、stretch
- 英
- spread、stretch、extend、expand
- 関
- 延ばす、延展、及ぶ、拡散、拡大、拡張、伸長、伸展、伝播、伸びる、発展、広げる、膨張、蔓延、流布、ストレッチ