- (biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level; "he proposed an indicator of osseous development in children" (同)growing, maturation, development, ontogeny, ontogenesis
- (pathology) an abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor)
- a progression from simpler to more complex forms; "the growth of culture"
- something grown or growing; "a growth of hair"
- vegetation that has grown; "a growth of trees"; "the only growth was some salt grass"
- superimpose a three-dimensional surface on a plane without stretching, in geometry
- cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development; "The perfect climate here develops the grain"; "He developed a new kind of apple" (同)make grow
- be gradually disclosed or unfolded; become manifest; "The plot developed slowly";
- elaborate by the unfolding of a musical idea and by the working out of the rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme; "develop the melody and change the key"
- expand in the form of a series; "Develop the function in the following form"
- grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment; "A flower developed on the branch"; "The country developed into a mighty superpower"; "The embryo develops into a fetus"; "This situation has developed over a long time"
- gain through experience; "I acquired a strong aversion to television"; "Children must develop a sense of right and wrong"; "Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position"; "develop a passion for painting" (同)acquire, evolve
- grow emotionally or mature; "The child developed beautifully in her new kindergarten"; "When he spent a summer at camp, the boy grew noticeably and no longer showed some of his old adolescent behavior" (同)grow
- generate gradually; "We must develop more potential customers"; "develop a market for the new mobile phone"
- make something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation; "Her company developed a new kind of building material that withstands all kinds of weather"; "They developed a new technique"
- make visible by means of chemical solutions; "Please develop this roll of film for me"
- move into a strategically more advantageous position; "develop the rook"
- move ones pieces into strategically more advantageous positions; "Spassky developed quickly"
- processing a photosensitive material in order to make an image visible; "the development and printing of his pictures took only two hours" (同)developing
- a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage); "the development of his ideas took many years"; "the evolution of Greek civilization"; "the slow development of her skill as a writer" (同)evolution
- a state in which things are improving; the result of developing (as in the early part of a game of chess); "after he saw the latest development he changed his mind and became a supporter"; "in chess your should take care of your development before moving your queen"
- act of improving by expanding or enlarging or refining; "he congratulated them on their development of a plan to meet the emergency"; "they funded research and development"
- (music) the section of a composition or movement (especially in sonata form) where the major musical themes are developed and elaborated
- a district that has been developed to serve some purpose; "such land is practical for small park developments"
- a recent event that has some relevance for the present situation; "recent developments in Iraq"; "what a revolting development!"
- travel through the air; "sound and light propagate in this medium"
- cause to propagate, as by grafting or layering
- multiply sexually or asexually
- transmit from one generation to the next; "propagate these characteristics"
- transmit or cause to broaden or spread; "This great civilization was propagated throughout the land"
- transmit; "propagate sound or light through air"
- a function expressed as a sum or product of terms; "the expansion of (a+b)^2 is a^2 + 2ab + b^2"
- the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope (同)enlargement
- adding information or detail (同)expanding upon
- a discussion that provides additional information (同)enlargement, elaboration
- cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques; "The Bordeaux region produces great red wines"; "They produce good ham in Parma"; "We grow wheat here"; "We raise hogs here" (同)raise, farm, produce
- come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes); "He grew a beard"; "The patient developed abdominal pains"; "I got funny spots all over my body"; "Well-developed breasts" (同)develop, produce, get, acquire
- become attached by or as if by the process of growth; "The tree trunks had grown together"
- become larger, greater, or bigger; expand or gain; "The problem grew too large for me"; "Her business grew fast"
- cause to grow or develop; "He grows vegetables in his backyard"
- increase in size by natural process; "Corn doesnt grow here"; "In these forests, mushrooms grow under the trees"; "her hair doesnt grow much anymore"
- 〈U〉(…の)『成長』,発育;『発達』,発展《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(数・量,重要性・力などの)『増加』,増大,拡張《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《修飾語[句]を伴って》栽培,生産,…産 / 〈C〉成育した物,(草,木,髪,ひげなどの)生えたもの / 〈C〉腫瘍(しゅよう)
- (今まではなかったが)…‘を'『生じさせる』,‘を'現す / …‘を'『発展させる』,伸ばす,成長させる / 〈病気・悪習など〉‘に'だんだん感染する,かかりはじめる,‘を'発病させる / 〈資源など〉‘を'『開発する』 / …‘を'十分に考える,〈議論・主題など〉‘を'展開する / 〈フイルム〉‘を'現像する / 〈ないもの・隠れているものが〉『現れる』,明らかになる / (…から…に)『発展する』,発育する《+『from』+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / 〈フイルムが〉現像される
- 〈U〉〈C〉『発達』,発展,発育,成長;『開発』;進化 / 〈U〉(写真の)現像 / 〈C〉発達(発展)の結果できたもの / 〈C〉開発した土地(地区);(特に)住宅団地(housing development) / 〈C〉(最近の)でき事,新事実
- 〈動植物・菌など〉‘を'増殖させる,繁殖させる / …‘を'普及させる,広める / 〈音・光など〉‘を'伝える / 〈動植物・菌などが〉増殖する,繁殖する
- 〈U〉『拡大』,『拡張』;展開 / 〈C〉拡大(拡張)されたもの / 〈U〉〈C〉(数字で)展開[式]
- 『成長する』,育つ,〈植物が〉生える,茂る / (類・量・程などにおいて)『増大する』,大きくなる / 『しだいになる』 / …‘を'成長させる,大きくする,育てる / …から生じる(起こる)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/10/16 12:30:33」(JST)
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Look up growth in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Growth refers to a positive change in size, often over a period of time. Growth can occur as a stage of maturation or a process toward fullness or fulfillment. It can also perpetuate endlessly, for example, as detailed by some theories of the ultimate fate of the universe.
The quantity can be:
- Physical (e.g., growth in height, growth in an amount of money)
- Abstract (e.g., a system becoming more complex, an organism becoming more mature)
It can also refer to the mode of growth, i.e. numeric models for describing how much a particular quantity grows over time.
- Biology
- Cell growth
- A tumor is sometimes referred to as a "growth"
- Bacterial growth
- Human development (biology)
- Auxology, the study of all aspects of human physical growth
- Growth hormone
- Primary growth, growth that elongates plants
- Secondary growth, growth that thickens woody plants
- Social science
- Human development (humanity)
- Developmental psychology
- Personal development ("Personal growth")
- Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, stages of individual growth
- Population growth
- Economy
- Economic growth
- Financial growth, due to simple or compound interest
- Growth investing
- Mathematical models
- Linear growth
- Logistic growth, characterized as an S curve
- Exponential growth, also called geometric growth
- Hyperbolic growth
- Films
- Growth (film), a 2010 American horror film
See also
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English Journal
- Steady states and outbreaks of two-phase nonlinear age-structured model of population dynamics with discrete time delay.
- Akimenko V1, Anguelov R2.
- Journal of biological dynamics.J Biol Dyn.2017 Dec;11(1):75-101.
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Japanese Journal
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- 情報処理学会論文誌 55(1), 127-142, 2014-01-15
- 組織のメンバが替わっても組織活動を維持発展させるには「組織の知識」を継承してゆく必要がある.しかしながら,「組織の知識」の継承において資料は引き継げるものの十分に活用できないという問題がある.そこで,組織知識継承の問題をより踏み込んで解決するために,知識継承の具体的なシーンである「業務の引継ぎ」に着目して検討を行った.研究組織における「業務の引継ぎ」の実体を調査し,調査結果に基づき共有フォルダとス …
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- 英
- growth、outgrowth、grow、outgrow、development
- 関
- 発育、伸長、増殖、伸びる、発達、生育
- 二次性徴
- 1歳でIgMは成人と同程度
- MAGE → IgM, IgA, IgG, IgEの順に成人値と同じレベルとなる。
- 発達/発育させる、発展させる(from, into)。(生)発生させる、進化させる
- (議論・思索などを)展開する(evolve)、詳しく説く
- (新しい物を)創り出す。(資源・土地を)開発する、(宅地を)造成する、(鉱山などを)開く
- (潜在力・けいこうなどを)発現/顕出させる、発揮する。(新事実などを)明らかにする。
- (事故・火災などを)起こす
- 関
- buildup, deployment, development, developmental, emergence, engender, evolution, expand, exploit, exploitation, generate, generation, growth, occur, occurrence, onset, transpire, unfold
- propagat- = latin propago to increase (plants) by cuttings
- 繁殖させる、増殖させる、増やす。(思想などを)普及させる、宣伝させる。(音波、電波などを)伝播する、伝達する。(性質などを)遺伝させる。蔓延させる
- 関
- breed、breeding、expansion、growth、multiplication、multiply、outgrow、outgrowth、proliferate、proliferation、propagation、reproduce、reproduction、spread、spreading
- 英
- 成長因子 growth factor
- 同
- 成長促進因子 growth-promoting substance、発育因子、増殖因子
[show details]
angiogenic factor
- 関
- augment、augmentation、dilatation、dilate、dilation、distend、distention、enlarge、enlargement、escalate、escalation、expand、extension、growth、increase、increment、inflate、inflation、magnify、multiplication、multiply、outgrow、outgrowth、proliferate、proliferation、propagate、propagation、swell、swelling
- 関
- failure to thrive
血管内皮増殖因子 VEGF
血管内皮増殖因子 VEGF
- (過去: grew-過去分詞: grown)
- 関
- extend、growth、outgrow、outgrowth、stretch