- 関
- dilatation、dilate、distend、distention、expand、expansion、inflation、swell、swelling
- increase the amount or availability of, creating a rise in value; "inflate the currency"
- fill with gas or air; "inflate a balloons" (同)blow_up
- exaggerate or make bigger; "The charges were inflated" (同)blow_up, expand, amplify
- cause prices to rise by increasing the available currency or credit; "The war inflated the economy"
- increase in size, magnitude, number, or intensity; "The music swelled to a crescendo"
- expand abnormally; "The bellies of the starving children are swelling" (同)swell up, intumesce, tumefy, tumesce
- cause to become swollen; "The water swells the wood"
- a crescendo followed by a decrescendo
- the undulating movement of the surface of the open sea (同)crestless wave
- a rounded elevation (especially one on an ocean floor)
- become filled with pride, arrogance, or anger; "The mother was swelling with importance when she spoke of her son" (同)puff_up
- make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity; "expand the house by adding another wing"
- become larger in size or volume or quantity; "his business expanded rapidly"
- extend in one or more directions; "The dough expands" (同)spread out
- a function expressed as a sum or product of terms; "the expansion of (a+b)^2 is a^2 + 2ab + b^2"
- the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope (同)enlargement
- adding information or detail (同)expanding upon
- a discussion that provides additional information (同)enlargement, elaboration
- a general and progressive increase in prices; "in inflation everything gets more valuable except money" (同)rising prices
- the act of filling something with air
- (cosmology) a brief exponential expansion of the universe (faster than the speed of light) postulated to have occurred shortly after the big bang
- cause to expand as it by internal pressure; "The gas distended the animals body"
- swell from or as if from internal pressure; "The distended bellies of the starving cows"
- an air pump operated by hand to inflate something (as a tire) (同)inflator
- (空気・ガスなどで)…‘を'ふくらます《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 〈物価・株式など〉‘を'釣り上げる;〈通貨〉‘を'膨張させる / (誇り・満足などで)〈人〉‘を'慢心させる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / ふくらむ,膨張する
- 〈物が〉『大きくなる』,ふくれる,はれる《+up》 / 〈帆などが〉『張り出る』,ふくらむ《+out》 / 〈数量・程度・力などが〉『増大する』,増える,強まる / 〈川などが〉増水する,〈海が〉うねる,〈土地が〉高まる / 《話》〈感情が〉高まる;(感情で)〈胸が〉いっぱいになる《+with+名》 / …‘を'『ふくらます』,‘の'かさを大きくする / 〈帆など〉‘を'『張り出させる』,ふくらませる《+out+名,+名+out》 / …‘を'『増大させる』,増やす,強める / 〈心・胸など〉‘を'いっぱいにする / 〈U〉《時にa ~》ふくれる(増大する)こと;ふくれている状態 / 〈C〉土地の隆起部,なだらかな丘 / 〈U〉《単数形で》大波,うねり / 〈C〉音の高まり,音量の増減 / 〈C〉《古》《話》名士;(特に)流行の服を着た人 / 《米話》すばらしい,すてきな / 《古》《俗》いきな,しゃれた
- (…にまで)『拡大する』,膨張する,広がる《+『into』+『名』》 / (…について)さらに詳しく述べる《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / 〈人が〉打ち解ける,心を開く / …‘を'『拡大する』,拡張する,広げる;…‘を'拡大して(…に)する《+『名』+『into』+『名』》
- 〈U〉『拡大』,『拡張』;展開 / 〈C〉拡大(拡張)されたもの / 〈U〉〈C〉(数字で)展開[式]
- 『インフレーション』,インフレ,通貨膨張;物価の暴騰 / ふくらますこと,誇張 / ふくらんだ状態
- …‘を'膨らませる,膨張させる / 膨らむ,膨張する
- (空気・ガスで)ふくらんだ / (文体・言語が)誇張した / (通貨が)膨張した / 《文》(人が)慢心した
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Inflation commonly refers to a rise in the general price level over a period of time (also known as price inflation).
Inflation may also refer to:
- 1 Economics
- 2 Education
- 3 Natural sciences
- 4 Mathematics and computation
- 5 See also
- Monetary inflation, an expansion in the quantity of money in an economy
- Credential inflation, the devaluing of academic credentials and increase in academic requirements, due to the increase over time of the average level of education
- Grade inflation, the increase over time of academic grades, faster than any real increase in standards
Natural sciences
- Inflation (cosmology), the expansion of space in the early universe at a rate much faster than the speed of light; the inflationary epoch lasted from 10−36 seconds after the Big Bang to sometime between 10−33 and 10−32 seconds
- Warm inflation, a particular description of cosmological inflation
- The act of inflating an inflatable, anything designed to be expanded with air or gas (such as a balloon)
Mathematics and computation
- The action of INFLATE, the algorithm that reverses DEFLATE compression
- The inflation map in group cohomology (mathematics)
See also
- Deflation (disambiguation), the antonym of inflation
- All pages with titles containing Inflation
- Template:Inflation
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- Bartoli F1, Carrà G2, Crocamo C1, Clerici M1.
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- 関
- augment、augmentation、dilatation、dilate、dilation、distend、distention、enlarge、enlargement、escalate、escalation、expand、extension、growth、increase、increment、inflate、inflation、magnify、multiplication、multiply、outgrow、outgrowth、proliferate、proliferation、propagate、propagation、swell、swelling
- 拡大する、膨張する、広がる、発展する、(ペプチド鎖などが)伸長する
- 関
- develop、development、dilatation、dilate、dilation、distend、distention、elongate、elongation、enlarge、enlargement、evolution、expansion、extend、extension、inflate、inflation、magnify、outgrowth、spread、stretch、swell、swelling
- his physician advises him to distend the rectum digitally on a regular schedule to initiate the defecation reflex.
- 関
- dilatation、dilate、dilated、dilation、distention、enlarge、enlargement、expand、expansion、extend、extension、inflate、inflation、swell、swelling
- 関
- bulge、dilatation、dilate、distend、distention、eminence、expand、expansion、inflate、inflation、oncotic、protrude、protrusion、protuberance、swell、swollen、tuber、tuberosity、tumid、turgid
- 英
- expansion、swelling、inflation、distention、dilatation、expand、swell、distend、dilate、inflate
- 関
- インフレ、拡大、拡張、散大、腫大、腫脹、伸長、増殖、増大、怒張、発展、肥大、広がる、膨化、膨潤、隆起