recombination-activating gene
- play in ragtime; "rag that old tune"
- a week at British universities during which side-shows and processions of floats are organized to raise money for charities (同)rag_week
- break into lumps before sorting; "rag ore"
- a small piece of cloth or paper (同)shred, tag, tag end, tatter
- a boisterous practical joke (especially by college students)
- the 18th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)r
- 『布切れ』;(特に)『ぼろ切れ』,ぼろくず / 《複数形で》ぼろ服 / (一般に)(…の)小片,切れ端,かけら《+『of』+『名』》 / 《話》ぼろ新聞
- 《米》〈人〉‘を'しかる / 《英》〈人〉‘を'からかう,〈人〉‘に'悪ふざけする / 悪ふざけ,ばか騒ぎ / 大学生が資金集めのために練り歩く愉快な行列
- ラグタイム(ragtime)の曲
- resistance / 17歳以下父兄同伴映画の表示 / rook
- Regular Army正規軍
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/12/20 03:28:22」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
RAG or RAGS may refer to:
- 1 Academia
- 2 Military
- 3 Companies
- 4 Other
- 5 See also
- Royal Galician Academy (Real Academia Galega), an institution dedicated to the study of Galician culture, especially the Galician language
- Replacement air group, an outdated term for a naval aviation squadron that trains replacement pilots (see Fleet Replacement Squadron)
- RAG Aktiengesellschaft, an international coal mining group based in Herne, Germany
- Rohöl-Aufsuchungs Aktiengesellschaft, an Austrian oil and gas company
- RAG rating for issues or status reports, based on the Red, Amber, and Green colors used in a traffic light rating system
- Recombination activating gene, encoding enzymes (RAG1 and RAG2) involved in V(D)J recombination
- Ruhrpott AG, a German hip hop group
- Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi (born 1941), Pakistani spiritual leader known as RAGS
- RAGS International, the former name of the Messiah Foundation International
See also
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Invertebrate immune diversity.
- Ghosh J, Lun CM, Majeske AJ, Sacchi S, Schrankel CS, Smith LC.SourceDepartment of Biological Sciences, George Washington University, Washington, DC United States.
- Developmental and comparative immunology.Dev Comp Immunol.2011 Sep;35(9):959-74. Epub 2010 Dec 21.
- The arms race between hosts and pathogens (and other non-self) drives the molecular diversification of immune response genes in the host. Over long periods of evolutionary time, many different defense strategies have been employed by a wide variety of invertebrates. We review here penaeidins and cru
- PMID 21182860
- Enforced expression of the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-2 ablates tolerance induction in DNA-reactive B cells through a novel mechanism.
- Wang YH, Yan Y, Rice JS, Volpe BT, Diamond B.SourceThe Center for Autoimmune and Musculoskeletal Disease, The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, North Shore LIJ Health System, 350 Community Drive, Manhasset, NY 11030, USA.
- Journal of autoimmunity.J Autoimmun.2011 Aug;37(1):18-27. Epub 2011 Apr 1.
- How self tolerance is maintained during B cell development in the bone marrow has been a focal area of study in immunology. Receptor editing, anergy and clonal deletion all play important roles in the regulation of autoimmunity in the immature population. The mechanisms of tolerance induction in the
- PMID 21458954
Japanese Journal
- 混交の寓話 : The Rag Doll Plagues 論 (野々山久也教授横山博教授退職記念号) (英語英米文学科)
- Analysis of mutations and recombination activity in RAG-deficient patients
- Asai Erika,Wada Taizo,Sakakibara Yasuhisa,Toga Akiko,Toma Tomoko,Shimizu Takashi,Nampoothiri Sheela,Imai Kohsuke,Nonoyama Shigeaki,Morio Tomohiro,Muramatsu Hideki,Kamachi Yoshiro,Ohara Osamu,Yachie Akihiro
- Clinical Immunology 138(2), 172-177, 2011-02
- … Mutations in the recombination activating genes (RAG1 or RAG2) can lead to a variety of immunodeficiencies. … Herein, we report 5 cases of RAG deficiency from 5 families: 3 of Omenn syndrome, 1 of severe combined immunodeficiency, and 1 of combined immunodeficiency with oligoclonal TCRγδ+ T cells, autoimmunity and cytomegalovirus infection. … The genetic defects were heterogeneous and included 6 novel RAG mutations. …
- NAID 120002772030
Related Links
- 京都木屋町三条にあるライブハウス、ライブスポットラグ.
Related Pictures

- 英
- immunodeficiency syndrome, immunodeficiency
- 同
- 免疫不全症、免疫不全 immune deficiency、immunodeficiency disease immunodeficiency disorder ID
- 関
- 先天性免疫不全症、原発性免疫不全症、免疫不全患者
- 抗体欠乏を主徴とする免疫不全症:B細胞の内因性欠陥またはT-B細胞相互間の異常により,抗体産生が障害された疾患群で,最も頻度が高い(原発性免疫不全症の約45%)
- 1. Wiskott-Aldrich症候群 WAS:血小板減少、免疫低下、湿疹。X連鎖劣性遺伝。WASpをコードする遺伝子の変異による。T細胞における免疫シナプス形成不全が本態。IgG,IgMは正常~低下、IgE, IgAは増加。リンパ球数は漸減。
- 2. DNA修復の欠陥
- 4. immuno-osseous dysplasia
- 6. 皮膚粘膜カンジダ症
- 7. 免疫不全を伴う肝静脈閉鎖症
- 8. Hoyerall-Hreidarsson症候群
- Chediak-Higashi症候群 CHS:好中球機能低下、NK細胞機能低下、白子症。常染色体劣性遺伝。細胞内輸送蛋白(CHS1)の調節の異常により巨大顆粒の形成、殺菌性蛋白・溶菌性酵素の食胞内放出が障害される。
- ADA欠損症
- RAG-1/2欠損症:TCR,BCRの遺伝子再構成において、RSSの認識と切断に関わるリコンビナーゼを欠損
- Artemis欠損症:TCR,BCRの遺伝子再構成において、RAGによる切断末端の修復に関わる酵素Artemisの欠損
- LIG IV欠損症
- TREC定量
- CVID/IgA欠損症
- 補体欠損症
- 若年性サルコイドーシス
- CINCA症候群
- 家族性地中海熱
- TNF受容体関連周期熱症候群
- HyperIgD症候群
- 細菌性 → 抗体、補体、貪食細胞の欠損・障害
- 真菌性、ウイルス性 → T細胞の欠損・障害
- 1. 体液性免疫不全:B細胞欠損、Ig欠損・機能不全
- 重症感染症
- 侵襲性の強いグラム陽性菌による肺炎、敗血症、髄膜炎、中耳炎
- Stapylococcus pneumonia, Stapylococcus pyrogens, Haemophilis influenzae
- 日和見感染を起こす
- 1) 重症感染症
- 侵襲性の弱いグラム陰性菌による肺炎、敗血症、皮膚感染症
- Psudomonas, Escherichia coli, Seratia
- 2) ウイルス感染
- cytomegalovirus, helpes simplex virus, varicela zoaster virus
- 3) 真菌感染
- Candida albicans, cryptococcus, aspergillus
- 4) 原虫
- 3. 複合型免疫不全症(体液性免疫と細胞性免疫の両方の異常)
- ①+②
- 細菌感染症による肺炎、皮膚炎、化膿性リンパ節炎 → 重症ではない
- 英
- recombination signal sequence, recombination signal sequences
- 同
- 関
- heptamer + spacer + nonamer
- heptamer
- spacer
- 12bp or 23bp
- nonamer
- 関
- receptor for advanced glycation end products
- 同
- recombinase activating gene 2