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- 1. 小児における中枢神経系の急性脱髄の鑑別診断differential diagnosis of acute central nervous system demyelination in children [show details]
… by recurrent episodes of demyelination in the central nervous system separated in space and time. Acute inflammation and demyelination in a critical area of the brain,… encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is characterized by acute or subacute onset of multifocal neurologic deficits with encephalopathy, often following a viral illness. Additional typical signs associated with ADEM are headache …
- 2. 成人の多発性硬化症の評価と診断evaluation and diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in adults [show details]
… a rare microangiopathy characterized by the triad of encephalopathy, branch retinal artery occlusions and hearing loss Tumefactive demyelination is an acute tumor-like MS variant in which patients …
- 3. 小児における急性中毒性代謝性脳症acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy in children [show details]
… excluding this diagnosis, but radiologic evidence of demyelination may not be evident early in the course of the illness. When parainfectious encephalopathy develops in children younger than two years of age …
- 4. 小児における急性散在性脳脊髄炎(ADEM):病因、臨床的特徴、診断acute disseminated encephalomyelitis adem in children pathogenesis clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
…associated with demyelination. The demyelination appears to result from a cell-mediated delayed hypersensitivity reaction. The histologic appearance of EAE includes perivenous demyelination and inflammation… Encephalopathy – Encephalopathy is a required diagnostic feature of pediatric ADEM and usually develops rapidly in association with multifocal neurologic deficits . With encephalopathy,…
- 5. 成人における急性中毒性代謝性脳症acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy in adults [show details]
…hepatic encephalopathy are recognized : Acute hepatic encephalopathy associated with marked cerebral edema is seen in patients with the acute onset of hepatic failure. Chronic hepatic encephalopathy occurs …
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- 英
- encephalopathy
- 英
- sis, pathy
- 英
- demyelination
- 同
- 髄鞘崩壊
- 関
- 髄鞘 myelin sheath
- 英
- demyelinating、demyelinative