- 英
- chronic progressive subcortical encephalopathy
- 関
- ビンスワンガー病
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- 1. 成人における進行性多発性硬化症の治療treatment of progressive multiple sclerosis in adults [show details]
…patients with progressive forms of MS, although some data suggest benefit for patients with SPMS. Cladribine showed benefit one trial, in which 48 matched pairs of patients with chronic progressive MS received …
- 2. レイノー現象の治療:難治性の虚血状態や虚血状態の進行treatment of raynaud phenomenon refractory or progressive ischemia [show details]
…varying levels of tissue injury due to prolonged or progressive reduction in flow (ie, chronic ischemia). Acute ischemia can also be superposed on chronic ischemia, particularly if underlying structural disease …
- 3. 慢性肺アスペルギルス症の治療treatment of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis [show details]
… state that, in those with progressive disease, long-term, even lifelong, antifungal therapy may be necessary. In our experience, many patients with chronic cavitary or chronic fibrosing pulmonary aspergillosis …
- 4. 慢性肺アスペルギルス症の臨床症状および診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis [show details]
… degree of immunocompromise who present with progressive features over one to three months have subacute invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (formerly known as chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis). This …
- 5. 慢性肝疾患患者のための予防接種immunizations for patients with chronic liver disease [show details]
… at risk for progressive liver disease. This recommendation also considers the safety of the available vaccinations. We suggest pneumococcal vaccination in all adult patients with chronic liver disease …
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- 英
- Binswanger's disease, Binswanger disease
- 同
- Binswanger病、進行性皮質下血管性脳症、進行性皮質下性脳症 progressive subcortical encephalopathy、ビンスワンガー脳症 Binswanger encephalopathy、ビンスワンガー皮質下白質脳症 Binswanger subcortical leukoencephalopathy、慢性進行性皮質下脳症 chronic progressive subcortical encephalopathy、進行性皮質下性動脈硬化性脳症 progressive subcorticalarteriosclerotic encephalopathy
- 関
- diffuse white matter disease
- 脳血管性認知症
- 多発性ラクナ梗塞に加え、大脳白質に広範でびまん性の脱髄を生じ、進行性で高度の認知症を呈する疾患を指す。
- 英
- encephalopathy
- 英
- progression、progress、advance、progress、proceed、advance
- 関
- 進歩、進む、前進、プログレッション、級数、進捗、進展
- 英
- cortex (Z)
- 同
- eloquent area??
- 英
- sis, pathy
- 英
- progressive、progressively
- 関
- 連続的