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- pancreatic encephalopathy
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- 膵臓
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- 1. 成人における急性中毒性代謝性脳症acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy in adults [show details]
…patients, encephalopathy present at the time of transplantation may continue if the transplant fails acutely. In pancreatic transplant patients, a reversible and rare pancreatic encephalopathy has been …
- 2. 小児における急性中毒性代謝性脳症acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy in children [show details]
… result in encephalopathy are hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), but there are many other metabolic causes of encephalopathy. Hypoglycemia is a serious cause of encephalopathy that is generally… (eg, growth hormone or cortisol deficiency), Reye and Reye-like syndromes , and insulin-secreting pancreatic tumors. The clinical manifestations of hypoglycemia are varied. Neurologic signs can range from …
- 3. 乳糜性、血性、および膵性腹水chylous bloody and pancreatic ascites [show details]
… Pancreatic ascites is defined as the massive accumulation of pancreatic fluid in the peritoneal cavity . It mainly occurs due to an ongoing leakage of pancreatic secretions in the… of chronic liver disease such as jaundice, palmar erythema, spider angiomata of the chest, and encephalopathy may be present in patients with cirrhosis. Abdominal paracentesis is the most important diagnostic …
- 4. 非プラチナ製剤による従来のがん化学療法における神経学的合併症の概要overview of neurologic complications of conventional non platinum cancer chemotherapy [show details]
…patients with subacute encephalopathy (16 following IT therapy and two after IV therapy) . The patients were drawn from a cohort of 501 patients who received IT therapy (encephalopathy risk 3.2 percent) and …
- 5. 中枢性尿崩症の臨床症状および原因clinical manifestations and causes of central diabetes insipidus [show details]
… resulting in pancreatic beta cell death and possibly in magnocellular cell death,… syndrome . In some patients with metastatic disease, polyuria is the presenting symptom . Hypoxic encephalopathy or severe ischemia (as with cardiopulmonary arrest or shock) can lead to diminished ADH release …
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- 膵性脳症とは膵炎に随伴しておこる精神神経症 状を呈する病態を示すが,そ の報告は少なく,特 に本邦においては極めてまれである.山 形らitは 急性膵炎約110例,慢 性膵炎約210例中,膵 性脳症 ...
- 極めてまれな膵性脳症の1例を報告した.症例は28才男性で,腹痛に引き続きけいれん発作が出現した.入院時譫妄状態を呈し,左下腹部圧痛,筋性防御, skew deviation, oculogyric crisis,腱反射亢進,病的反射,強直性間代性けいれん,後弓反張を認めた.血清アミラーゼ,リパ ...
- 膵性脳症 Pancreatic encephalopathy. 定義 膵炎に随伴して生じて精神神経症状を呈した病態. 初報 Rothermichらが提唱(J Clin Endocrinol 1941;1:872). 症状 失見当,意識障害,錯乱,病的反射,運動失調など. 機序 膵障害によるニコチン酸低下?. 膵酵素による脳障害 ...
- 英
- encephalopathy
- 英
- sis, pathy
- 英
- pancreatic
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- 膵、膵臓