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- 1. 維持透析を受けている成人の精神疾患psychiatric illness in adults receiving maintenance dialysis [show details]
…hypertension, and vascular disease who start dialysis . Dementia secondary to aluminum toxicity is now uncommon because aluminum is removed from water used for dialysis. In addition, phosphate binders that do …
- 2. 慢性腎臓病におけるアルミニウム毒性aluminum toxicity in chronic kidney disease [show details]
…calcium supplements . A slowly progressive dementia (formerly called dialysis dementia) results from prolonged aluminum toxicity. Aluminum-related dementia is characterized by dysarthria, myoclonus, mental …
- 3. 慢性腎疾患における透析開始の適応indications for initiation of dialysis in chronic kidney disease [show details]
… exclude progressive dementia in patients with advanced CKD since patients with significant cognitive impairment may not tolerate and are unlikely to benefit from dialysis. Dialysis initiation only rarely …
- 4. 腎臓緩和ケア:透析の中止kidney palliative care withdrawal of dialysis [show details]
… usually appropriate to withdraw dialysis from a patient in whom restraints or sedation are required during dialysis sessions. Patients with severe and irreversible dementia. Patients who are permanently …
- 5. 認知障害および認知症の評価evaluation of cognitive impairment and dementia [show details]
… vascular dementia and vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) is relatively high in patients who are Black and/or have hypertension or diabetes. Some of the reversible dementias (eg, metabolic dementias) tend …
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