- 英
- disinfection of operating field
- 関
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- 1. 胸部に行う低侵襲手術の概要overview of minimally invasive thoracic surgery [show details]
…are being used for thoracic surgery, although they are still not as prevalent as with other surgical specialties such as gastrointestinal, gynecologic, and urologic surgery. As more thoracic surgeons embrace …
- 2. 成人に生じる手術部位感染の予防策の概要overview of control measures for prevention of surgical site infection in adults [show details]
…reasonable for surgical patients known to be nasal carriers of S. aureus who have a high risk of negative outcomes if S. aureus infection were to develop at the surgical site (eg, cardiothoracic surgery, orthopedic …
- 3. 放射線性腸炎に対する外科的アプローチsurgical approach to radiation enteritis [show details]
…bleeding from the small bowel requires surgical intervention. In this case, accurate localization of the bleeding source is important prior to surgery as surgical exploration may not readily identify the …
- 4. 血管異常に対する血管介入と手術の概要overview of vascular intervention and surgery for vascular anomalies [show details]
…following should be considered when surgery is discussed: Surgical resection may be appropriate for small, well-localized lesions that can be completely removed. Early surgical resection may be needed for lesions …
- 5. Overview of preoperative evaluation and preparation for gynecologic surgeryoverview of preoperative evaluation and preparation for gynecologic surgery [show details]
…to surgery and referred for appropriate consultation regarding surgical clearance and perioperative management. These issues are discussed in detail separately: Prior to gynecologic surgery, a complete …
Japanese Journal
- 外科で用いられる便利な新しい用具・用品-8-ドレ-プ類と手術野消毒法
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- 122 レジデント2 01 /3 Vol.3 No.3 消毒とは 人体の表面には無数の微生物が存在している。一方,皮膚の1枚下は無菌状態である。手術はそのバリアとしての皮膚を切開することにより無菌環境を破壊し,微生物の体 内への侵入を許す。体内 ...
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- 英
- operation、surgery、operate
- 関
- 機能、外科、外科学、作動、操作、オペ、外科術、運用、操縦、術、外科手術、施行
- 英
- disinfection
- 関
- 滅菌、殺菌、消毒剤 消毒薬
- 病原微生物を殺菌、あるいは減弱させて感染を防ぐこと (SMB.49)
- 非病原菌は残存していても良い (SMB.49)
- 英
- method、law
- 関
- 測定法、測定方法、訴訟、方法、法律学、手法、方式、法律
- 英
- antisepsis
- 関
- 消毒、防腐、防腐法
- 英
- field of operation
- 同
- 術野