手術部位感染 surgical site infection
- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/07 15:26:03」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- Server Side Includesの略。
- 単一システムイメージ (Single-system image)
- ショワルター安定指数 (Showalter Stability Index) の略。気象学で大気の安定度を評価するために用いられる指数。
- 科学秘密捜査隊(Secret Science Institute) - スーパーロボット レッドバロンに登場する組織。
- せん断安定性指数(Shear Stability Index)の略 - 粘度指数向上剤のせん断による粘度低下率を表す指数。PSSI(Permanent Shear Stability Index:永久せん断安定性指数)と言う場合もある。
- 補足的保障所得(Supplemental Security Income) - アメリカの公的扶助制度
- 少額短期保険(Small amount and Short term Insurance)の略。
- 企業名
- アメリカのAT&Tサブマリン・システムズ社 (AT&T Submarine Systemus,Inc.)。
- 株式会社エス・エス・アイ。協和のアガリクス茸「仙生露」などの健康食品を企画開発・製造・販売。
- 株式会社エス・エス・アイ。「速聴」などの脳力開発を核にした事業。
- SSI(Strategic Simulations, Inc)社は、かつて存在したアメリカ合衆国のパソコンゲームソフト制作会社。
- スクーバダイビング教育機関 SCUBA SHOOLS INTERNATIONAL(スクーバスクールズインターナショナル)の略。
- アメリカオレゴン州の業務用シュレッダーメーカー、SSIシュレッディングシステム・インク。CMシリーズWATCH IT SHRED!で有名。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up SSI in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
SSI may refer to:
- 1 Economics
- 2 Computing
- 3 Medicine
- 4 Military and police
- 5 Organizations
- 6 Transportation
- 7 Education
- 8 Honorifics
- 9 Others
- Strategic sustainable investing, an investment strategy that recognizes financial value in transitional leadership towards sustainability
- Supplemental Security Income, a United States federal government program
- Small Scale Industry, small-sized manufacturing firms. This phrase is primarily used in India.
- Server Side Includes, a server-side scripting language used on the Web
- Server System Infrastructure, design specifications for common server hardware elements (e.g. SSI CEB)
- Single sign-in, or single sign-on, a specialized form of software authentication
- Single system image, a cluster dedicated operating system
- Small Scale Integration, electronic chips
- The Software Sustainability Institute, a UK-based, academic software organisation
- Strategic Simulations, Inc., a computer gaming company that produced war and simulation games from the mid-1980s to late 1990s.
- Synchronous Serial Interface, electronics
- Serial Peripheral Interface Bus, Often referred to as SSI (Synchronous Serial Interface)
- Simple Sensor Interface protocol, a simple communications protocol designed for smart sensors
- Serializable snapshot isolation, a way to allow multiple concurrent transactions to see consistent information when making changes to a database
- Sliding-Scale Insulin, a method of insulin administration
- Solid State Intelligence, a malevolent entity described by John C. Lilly
- Stress-strain index, a measure of bone strength
- Surgical site infection, this term is preferred over "Surgical Wound Infection"
Military and police
- Soldier Support Institute
- Selective Service Initiative, a form of military conscription in the United States
- Senior station inspector, a rank in the Singapore Police Force
- Serviciul Special de Informaţii, the Romanian intelligence service between November 1940 and September 1944
- Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (US Army), formation insignia used by the United States Army
- Staff Sergeant Instructor, an appointment in the British Army
- Subsecretaria de Inteligência, the Brazilian intelligence agency until 1995
- State Security Intelligence agency of Egypt
- Samsung Semiconductor Inc., a Korean electronics company
- Sano Sansar Initiative, a global youth organization
- Scuba Schools International, a diver training organization
- Space Science Institute, an American nonprofit organisation based in Boulder, Colorado
- Space Services Inc., a team of companies investigating new commercial opportunities in space
- Space Studies Institute, an American non-profit organisation based in Mojave, California
- The Spastics Society of India, an organization based in India
- Spatial Sciences Institute, a professional body in the Asia-Pacific region
- Statens Serum Institut, the Danish State Serum Institute
- Strategic Studies Institute, the United States Army War College institute for geostrategic and national security research and analysis
- Statens strålskyddsinstitut (Swedish Radiation Safety Authority), a Stockholm-based regulatory and research government agency
- Students Supporting Israel, a network of pro-Israel student organizations in North America and the United Kingdom
- Survey Sampling International (SSI), a global provider of sampling solutions in marketing research
- Swedish Society for Interlingua, a society that encourages the active use of Interlingua in Sweden
- The General Directorate for State Security Investigations, Egypt's internal security force
- Security Surveillance Integrated (SSI Security Systems), Indian provider of Security Systems
- Sensitive Security Information, a category of sensitive information under the United States government's information sharing and control rules
- Solid State Interlocking, the brand name of a railway signalling system developed in the 1980s in the UK
- Socio-scientific issues, controversial social issues which relate to science
- Star of the Solomon Islands, the most senior award made by the government of the Solomon Islands
- The State of Sustainability Initiatives (SSI) reporting mechanism of the Sustainable Commodity Initiative (SCI)
- SteadyShot INSIDE, a sensor-based camera image stabilization system by Sony
- Supplemental Security Income, a U.S. Federal social program
- Sustainable Society Index
- Soil structure interaction, the interaction between soil and structures (e.g. buildings), especially in seismic engineering
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English Journal
- Surgical site infections after abdominal surgery: incidence and risk factors. A prospective cohort study.
- Aga E1, Keinan-Boker L, Eithan A, Mais T, Rabinovich A, Nassar F.
- Infectious diseases (London, England).Infect Dis (Lond).2015 Nov;47(11):765-71. doi: 10.3109/23744235.2015.1055587. Epub 2015 Jun 26.
- BACKGROUND: Abdominal surgeries have high rates of surgical site infections (SSIs), contributing to increased morbidity and mortality and costs for hospitalization. The aim of this study was to determine the SSI incidence rates and risk factors after abdominal surgeries.METHODS: This prospective coh
- PMID 26114986
- Postoperative infections following colorectal surgery in an English teaching hospital.
- Kirby A1, Burnside G, Bretsztajn L, Burke D.
- Infectious diseases (London, England).Infect Dis (Lond).2015 Nov;47(11):829-33. doi: 10.3109/23744235.2015.1055584. Epub 2015 Jun 9.
- A retrospective case note review of postoperative infections within 30 days of colorectal surgery was completed. Surgical site infections (SSIs) were identified in 22% of patients (84/378), with other infections, e.g. urinary tract infections, identified in 18.3% of patients. SSIs, urinary and respi
- PMID 26056859
- Combined Preoperative Mechanical Bowel Preparation With Oral Antibiotics Significantly Reduces Surgical Site Infection, Anastomotic Leak, and Ileus After Colorectal Surgery.
- Kiran RP1, Murray AC, Chiuzan C, Estrada D, Forde K.
- Annals of surgery.Ann Surg.2015 Sep;262(3):416-25. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000001416.
- OBJECTIVES: To clarify whether bowel preparation use or its individual components [mechanical bowel preparation (MBP)/oral antibiotics] impact specific outcomes after colorectal surgery.METHODS: National Surgical Quality Improvement Program-targeted colectomy data initiated in 2012 capture informati
- PMID 26258310
Japanese Journal
- 腹腔鏡下尾側膵切除術(Lap-DP)における手術部位感染例の検討 (特集 内視鏡下手術と術後感染)
- 直腸癌術後surgical site infection発生リスク因子の検討 : 特に腹腔鏡下手術の関与 (特集 内視鏡下手術と術後感染)
- 腹腔鏡下大腸切除術における予防抗菌薬の投与期間と周術期感染症の検討 (特集 内視鏡下手術と術後感染)
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- 英
- surgical site infection SSI
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- 英
- disinfection of operating field
- 関
- 同
- Supplemental Security Income