- any of various red antibiotics isolated from soil bacteria
- something that people do or cause to happen (同)deed, human action, human_activity
- behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; "You should act like an adult"; "Dont behave like a fool"; "What makes her do this way?"; "The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people" (同)behave, do
- pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind; "He acted the idiot"; "She plays deaf when the news are bad" (同)play, act_as
- a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body (同)enactment
- a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program; "he did his act three times every evening"; "she had a catchy little routine"; "it was one of the best numbers he ever did" (同)routine, number, turn, bit
- a manifestation of insincerity; "he put on quite an act for her benefit"
- a subdivision of a play or opera or ballet
- discharge ones duties; "She acts as the chair"; "In what capacity are you acting?"
- perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel" (同)move
- play a role or part; "Gielgud played Hamlet"; "She wants to act Lady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role"; "She played the servant to her husbands master" (同)play, represent
- perform on a stage or theater; "She acts in this play"; "He acted in `Julius Caesar"; "I played in `A Christmas Carol" (同)play, roleplay, playact
- be engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasure
- be suitable for theatrical performance; "This scene acts well"
- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- American College Testing / Australian Capital Territory
- 副腎皮質刺激ホルモン[剤]
- 『行い』,『行為』 / 《しばしばA-》法令,条令 / 《しばしばA-》(芝居の1つの)『幕』;(演芸などの)出し物の一つ / (見せかけの)お芝居,演技 / 『行動する』,行う / 《様態を表す副詞[句]を伴って》わざとふるまう,見せかける / 〈人・物が〉(…として)動く,役割をはたす《+『as』+『名』》 / 〈薬が〉『作用する』,きく / 舞台に立つ,出演する / 〈…の役〉'を'『演ずる』;〈劇〉'を'上演する / …‘に'ふさわしくふるまう / …‘に'見せかける,‘の'ふりをする
- answer / ampere
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/06/16 10:05:10」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- オーストラリア首都特別地域 (Australian Capital Territory)
- (Artemisinin-based combination therapy) - マラリアの治療法の一つ。アーテミシニン誘導体と他の抗マラリア薬を併用する。
- ACT (キー配列) - 日本語入力を行うために使用する、ローマ字入力用キー配列の一つ。
- ACT (芸能プロダクション) - 日本の芸能事務所。
- いすゞ自動車のフィンガーシフト。(Air Control Transmission)
- 旭川ケーブルテレビ(Asahikawa Cable Television)
- 青森ケーブルテレビ(Aomori Cable Television)
- 淡路五色ケーブルテレビ(Awaji-Goshiki Cable Television)
- 自動車のナンバープレートで、国際ナンバーにつけられる地名のひとつ。日本の地名の「豊橋」にあたる。
- ASEAN標準時 (ASEAN Common Time)
- ACT系(active -)は、二重化されたシステムの正。⇔SBY系
- 包括型地域生活支援(Assertive Community Treatment)
- コンピュータゲームのジャンルのひとつ、アクションゲーム(Action game)の略表記。
- en:ACT (test) (The American College Testing Program) - 米国の大学進学統一試験の一つ。
- Action for Children's Television - 子ども向けテレビ番組改善のための市民運動団体
- en:Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT)…第三世代の認知療法の一つ。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up act in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Act or ACT may mean:
- Act (band), a British band
- Act (document), a document recording the legality of a transaction or contract
- Act of Parliament, Act of Congress or Act of Tynwald, a statute or law passed by a legislature
- Act (drama), a segment of a performance, such as a play or opera
- Act or Acts, an obsolete name for the defence of theses at the University of Oxford and University of Cambridge
- Act! CRM, a customer relationship management software
- Acting, action of an actor in a theatrical performance
- Acting (law), in law when someone is acting in a position of higher expenses
- Acting (rank), in the military when someone assumes a higher rank temporarily
- Act or S-act, the action of a monoid on a set, or a semiautomaton.
- ISO 639-3 language code for Achterhooks
- Acetylcholine, (ACt/ACh) a neurotransmitter
Acts may mean:
- Acts of the Apostles, a book of the Christian New Testament
- 1 ACT
- 1.1 Business
- 1.2 Entertainment
- 1.3 Government
- 1.4 Medicine
- 1.5 Organisation
- 1.6 Science and technology
- 1.7 Sport
- 1.8 Transport
- 2 See also
- ACT (test), a college placement exam in the United States
- Australian Capital Territory, the capital territory of the Commonwealth of Australia
- ACT mouthwash from Chattem
- Ada Core Technologies, now AdaCore, a software company that develops an Ada compiler, tools and libraries
- Advanced Cell Technology, a biotech corporation involved in researching and developing cloning and stem cell technologies
- Advanced Computer Techniques, a U.S. software and consulting company from 1962–1994
- Applied Computer Techniques, renamed Apricot Computers in 1985, a computer services company
- Aviation Composite Technology, an aircraft manufacturer in the Philippines
- ACT (NASDAQ), Automated Confirmation of Transactions, a trade reporting and clearing system
- Advance corporation tax, a tax collected in the United Kingdom until 1999
- Act! CRM, Contact Management and CRM software
- A.C.T, a progressive rock band from Sweden
- ACT Music, a German, Munich-based music label which was founded in 1992
- ACT Theatre, in Seattle, Washington
- American Conservatory Theater, in San Francisco, California
- Musical act, an individual or a group of musicians that are recognized as a unit
- Allied Command Transformation, a NATO strategic command
- Advanced Concepts Team, a research team of the European Space Agency
- Artemisinin based combination therapy, a treatment for malaria
- Assertive community treatment, a system for treating mental illness
- Acceptance and commitment therapy, a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Activated clotting time
- ACT Alberta, a Canadian coalition to raise awareness about human trafficking
- ACT Alliance, an alliance of churches for coordinating humanitarian assistance and development work.
- ACT New Zealand, a political party in New Zealand
- Academy of Clinical Thyroidologists
- Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust
- Association for Competitive Technology, a technology lobby group
- The Association of Commercial Television in Europe, a group which represents the business interests of the commercial television sector at the EU institutions
- Association of Cinematograph Technicians, now the Association of Cinematograph Television and Allied Technicians
- Association of Corporate Treasurers
- Action for Children's Television, an organization dedicated to improvements in children's television
- Advanced Concepts Team, A research team of the European Space Agency
- Alliance of Concerned Teachers, an alliance of teachers, educators and teacher organizations in the Philippines
- America Coming Together, a United States political group
- AIDS Committee of Toronto, sponsor of Fashion Cares
- Alliance for Change and Transparency, a political party in Tanzania
- Asian College of Technology, a private university in the Philippines
- Association for Citizenship Teaching, a professional subject association for teachers of citizenship
- United Education Institute or Advanced Career Training, a private post-secondary educational facility with locations in Georgia and Florida
- Australian College of Theology
- Amazon Conservation Team, a non-profit organization that works in partnership with indigenous people to protect the Amazon rainforest
Science and technology
- ACT-R, a symbolic cognitive architecture
- ACT (audio format), file format
- Active voice or Actor role in interlinear glossing
- Apple Certified Trainer, one of the Apple certification programs
- Astrographic Catalog/Tycho, a star catalogue; see Hipparcos Catalogue
- Atacama Cosmology Telescope, a telescope in Chile
- Australia national cricket team
- American Canadian Tour, a race organisation.
- Ford ACT, a people mover, short for Automatically Controlled Transportation or Activity Center Transit
- Ascot railway station, a railway station in the United Kingdom with the National Rail code "ACT"
- Waco Regional Airport, an airport in Waco, Texas, United States, with the IATA airport code "ACT"
- Agency for Community Transit, Madison County Transit's paratransit system
- Azienda comunale del traffico, a former transport operator in Lugano, Switzerland
See also
- ACTS (disambiguation)
- ACTE (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by cyanobacteria act as an electron acceptor in the biocathode of a bio-electrochemical system.
- Cai PJ, Xiao X, He YR, Li WW, Zang GL, Sheng GP, Hon-Wah Lam M, Yu L, Yu HQ.SourceDepartment of Chemistry, University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China; Advanced Laboratory for Environmental Research & Technology, USTC-CityU, Suzhou 215123, China; Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2013 Jan 15;39(1):306-10. Epub 2012 Jul 10.
- The enhanced electricity generation in a biocathode bio-electrochemical system (BES) with Microcystis aeruginosa IPP as the cathodic microorganism under illumination is investigated. The results show that this cyanobacterium is able to act as a potential cathodic microorganism under illumination. In
- PMID 22819632
- Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes and the development of CYP biosensors.
- Schneider E, Clark DS.SourceDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Berkeley 201 Gilman Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2013 Jan 15;39(1):1-13. Epub 2012 Jun 26.
- Cytochrome P450s (CYPs) are a large family of heme-containing monooxygenase enzymes involved in the first-pass metabolism of drugs and foreign chemicals in the body. CYP reactions, therefore, are of high interest to the pharmaceutical industry, where lead compounds in drug development are screened f
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- Role of Bilirubin Oxidation Products in the Pathophysiology of DIND Following SAH.
- Pyne-Geithman GJ, Nair SG, Stamper DN, Clark JF.SourceMayfield Neurovascular Research, Mayfield Clinic, Cincinnati, OH, USA, pynegj@ucmail.uc.edu.
- Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement.Acta Neurochir Suppl.2013;115:267-73.
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Japanese Journal
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- Shibukawa Atsushi,Okamoto Atsushi,Tomita Akihisa,Takabayashi Masanori,Sato Kunihiro
- Jpn J Appl Phys 50(9), 09ME10-09ME10-5, 2011-09-25
- … We proposed a new multilayer collinear holographic memory (MCHM) with a movable random phase mask that can act as an interlayer crosstalk reducer. …
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- Jpn J Appl Phys 50(9), 091102-091102-10, 2011-09-25
- … Both hydrogen substitutions and interstitials act like shallow donors, and raise the Fermi level above the CBM. …
- NAID 150000057877
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- 英
- prostate specific antigen, prostate-specific antigen, PSA, PA
- 関
- 前立腺、前立腺液、前立腺癌。PAP
- LAB.639 OLM.377
- 前立腺上皮細胞から分泌されるキニン-カリクレインファミリーに属する分子量33~34kDaの糖蛋白で、セリンプロテアーゼの一種である。
- 精液中に含まれ、精子運動性の亢進および精漿の液状化に関与するといわれている。
- 一部血中に逸脱するため、血清PSAとして測定することができる。
- 血液中では10-20%がfree PSAとして存在するが、多くはα1-アンチキモトリプシン(ACT)と結合している。
- 前立腺癌では総PSAに対するACT-PSA複合体の割合が増加するため、前立腺肥大症との鑑別に有用かもしれない。
- 前立腺癌の診断や治療経過をみる腫瘍マーカーとして用いられているが、生理的、あるいは他の疾患でも上昇することがある。
- Tandem-Rキットでの基準値が臨床では良く用いられている、らしい。(ガイドラインにも記載があった気がした)
- 正常:4ng/ml以下(IRMA法) (参考1)
- グレーゾーン:4-10 ng/ml
- 高値:10ng/ml
- LAB.640
- 加齢により増加するため、年齢階層別基準値が定められている。
- LAB.639 OLM.377
- 前立腺癌:腫瘍量とPSAとは正の相関関係にある。
- 前立腺肥大症:PSA軽度上昇を示す。確定診断には前立腺生検が必要 ← そこまでする???
- 尿路・前立腺の炎症:急性前立腺炎
- 機械的刺激:長時間のサイクリング、前立腺マッサージ、前立腺生検、尿道カテーテル留置、膀胱鏡検査、前立腺手術
- その他:急性尿閉、射精後
- フィナステリド服用例ではPSAの値に影響を与える可能性がある。
- 前立腺肥大症に対するステロイド系抗アンドロゲン薬服用例ではPSAに影響を与える可能性がある。
- 1. 体外診断用放射性医薬品/タンデム-R free PSA
- http://www.yamasa.com/shindan/seihin/freePSA/freepsa.htm#rinsyou
- 英
- blood clotting time, blood coagulation time
- 同
- 凝固時間 clotting time、全血凝固時間 whole blood clotting time = activated clotting time ACT、クイック一段法
- 関
- 活性化部分トロンボプラスチン時間
[show details]
活性凝固時間 : 約 945 件
活性化凝固時間 : 約 1,710 件
- 英
- alpha 1-antichymotrypsin, α1-antichymotrypsin ACT
- 同
- α1抗キモトリプシン、α1-アンチキモトリプシン
- 英
- anterior commissure tendon ACT
- 関
- 前交連
- 英
- alternate cover test ACT
- 英
- ACTH-Z test
- 同
- 関
- 迅速ACTH試験
- 関
- Cushing disease
- 関
- action、behave、behavior、behavioral、behaviour、behavioural、conduct、effect、work