- (調査・観察などで)~を確かめる。(~であることを/~かどうかを)確かめる[that節/wh節]。(SCO tobe C)(人が)O(人・物)が~であることを確かめる。
- We were unable to completely ascertain the prevalence of TNA prior to stroke because patients do not always recognize TNA.
- 関
- affirm、ascertainment、confirm、confirmation、identify、validate、validation、verify
- learn or discover with certainty
- treat gingerly or carefully; "You have to stroke the boss"
- a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain (同)apoplexy, cerebrovascular_accident, CVA
- (golf) the unit of scoring in golf is the act of hitting the ball with a club; "Nicklaus won by three strokes"
- (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand; "it took two strokes to get out of the bunker"; "a good shot requires good balance and tempo"; "he left me an almost impossible shot" (同)shot
- a light touch with the hands (同)stroking
- a single complete movement
- any one of the repeated movements of the limbs and body used for locomotion in swimming or rowing
- a light touch
- a mark made on a surface by a pen, pencil, or paintbrush; "she applied the paint in careful strokes"
- the oarsman nearest the stern of the shell who sets the pace for the rest of the crew
- row at a particular rate
- strike a ball with a smooth blow
- touch lightly and repeatedly, as with brushing motions; "He stroked his long beard"
- exhibit recognition for (an antigen or a substrate)
- perceive to be the same (同)recognise
- show approval or appreciation of; "My work is not recognized by anybody!"; "The best student was recognized by the Dean" (同)recognise
- be fully aware or cognizant of (同)recognise, realize, realise, agnize, agnise
- (epidemiology) the ratio (for a given time period) of the number of occurrences of a disease or event to the number of units at risk in the population
- the quality of prevailing generally; being widespread; "he was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future"
- consider to be equal or the same; "He identified his brother as one of the fugitives"
- identify as in botany or biology, for example (同)discover, key, key out, distinguish, describe, name
- recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something; "She identified the man on the wanted poster" (同)place
- conceive of as united or associated; "Sex activity is closely identified with the hypothalamus"
- consider (oneself) as similar to somebody else; "He identified with the refugees"
- a ceremony held in the synagogue (usually at Pentecost) to admit as adult members of the Jewish community young men and women who have successfully completed a course of study in Judaism
- a sacrament admitting a baptized person to full participation in the church
- additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct; "fossils provided further confirmation of the evolutionary theory" (同)verification, check, substantiation
- information that confirms or verifies
- prove valid; show or confirm the validity of something
- give evidence for (同)corroborate
- declare or make legally valid (同)formalize, formalise
- make valid or confirm the validity of; "validate a ticket"
- confirm the truth of; "Please verify that the doors are closed"; "verify a claim"
- attach or append a legal verification to (a pleading or petition)
- the state of relying on something
- certainty based on past experience; "he wrote the paper with considerable reliance on the work of other scientists"; "he put more trust in his own two legs than in the gun" (同)trust
- capable of being ascertained or found out; "ascertainable facts" (同)discoverable
- not able to be ascertained; resisting discovery (同)undiscoverable
- discovered or determined by scientific observation; "variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factors"; "the discovered behavior norms"; "discovered differences in achievement"; "no explanation for the observed phenomena" (同)discovered, observed
- 〈事実など〉'を'『確かめる』,つきとめる
- (こぶし・武器・金づちなどの)『一打ち』,一撃,打告《+of+名》 / 《単数形で》(運の)巡り合わせ《+of+名》 / 《単数形で》(…の)ひと仕事,ひと働き;みごとな成果《+of+名》 / (鐘・時計などの)『打つ音』《+of+名》 / (時計などが打って示す)時刻 / (繰り返される動作・運動の)『一動作』,一行程 / (ペン・鉛筆・筆などの)ひと筆,ひとなで;筆の運び,筆致 / 卒中 / (ゴルフ・テニスなどの)一打ち,ストローク / (心臓などの)一打ち,鼓動,脈搏 / (ボートの)整調[手] / 〈ボート〉‘の'整調をこぐ / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈ボール〉‘を'打つ
- 〈髪・動物など〉‘を'なでる,さする / 〈人〉‘を'なだめる《+名+down, down+名》 / 一なで,一さすり
- 広く行きわっていること,普及 / 優勢,支配
- 〈人・物〉‘を'『見分ける』,〈物事〉‘を'確認する / 《『identify』+『名』+『with』+『名』》(二つの異なるものについて)(…と)…‘を'同じものと考える / 《『identify』+『名』+『with』+『名』》《しばしば受動態で》(…に)…‘を'関係づける,密接に結びつける / 《『identify with』+『名』》〈人が〉(…と)一体となる(感じる)
- (陳述・所信などの)『確認』;(情報などの)確証;(条約などの)承認《+『of』+『名』》;(…であるという)確証,確認《+『that節』》 / 堅信礼(幼年時代に洗礼を受けた人が成人してその信仰を堅めるために告白をして教会員となる儀式)
- …‘を'法的に有効とする / …‘を'正当であると証明する
- 〈できごと・事実などが〉…‘を'『立証する』,…‘の'真実を証明する / (真実・正確であるかどうか)…‘を'確かめる,調べる / 〈証拠物件〉‘を'立証する
- 〈U〉(…への)『依存』;(…に対する)信頼《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉信頼できる人(物),頼みの綱
- 確かめられる
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English Journal
- Hepatoprotective Efficacy of Cichorium intybus L. Extract Against Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Liver Damage in Rats.
- Elgengaihi S1, Mossa AT2, Refaie AA2, Aboubaker D1.
- Journal of dietary supplements.J Diet Suppl.2016 Sep 2;13(5):570-84. doi: 10.3109/19390211.2016.1144230. Epub 2016 Feb 25.
- The purpose of the study was to assess the phytochemical and hepatoprotective activity of different extracts of dried herb of Cichorium intybus L. against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) intoxicated male albino rats. The hepatoprotective activity of different extracts at 500 mg/kg body weight was compa
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- Assessment of adherence to guidelines for using progesterone to prevent recurrent preterm birth.
- Crane SS1, Naples R1, Grand CK2, Friebert S2, McNinch NL3, Kantak A2, Rossi E2, McBride J2.
- The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.2016 Jun;29(11):1861-5. doi: 10.3109/14767058.2015.1066772. Epub 2015 Aug 13.
- OBJECTIVE: To assess if women with recurrent preterm birth had been offered, received, and adhered to progesterone supplementation guidelines and to ascertain reasons for failure to follow guidelines.METHODS: Charts of infants who were products of recurrent spontaneous preterm birth were reviewed at
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- The MRI marker gene MagA attenuates the oxidative damage induced by iron overload in transgenic mice.
- Guan X1,2, Jiang X1, Yang C1, Tian X3, Li L1.
- Nanotoxicology.Nanotoxicology.2016 Jun;10(5):531-41. doi: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1090029. Epub 2015 Oct 21.
- We aimed to create transgenic (Tg) mice engineered for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). To ascertain if MagA expression contributes to oxidative stress and iron metabolism, we report the generation of Tg mice in which ubiquitous expression of MagA can be detected by MRI in vivo. Expression of MagA
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- Will a rising sea sink some estuarine wetland ecosystems?
- Grenfell SE1, Callaway RM2, Grenfell MC3, Bertelli CM2, Mendzil AF4, Tew I2.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2016 Jun 1;554-555:276-92. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.02.196. Epub 2016 Mar 5.
- Sea-level rise associated with climate change presents a major challenge to plant diversity and ecosystem service provision in coastal wetlands. In this study, we investigate the effect of sea-level rise on benthos, vegetation, and ecosystem diversity in a tidal wetland in west Wales, the UK. Presen
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Japanese Journal
- Use of grape seed extract for improving the shear bond strength of total-etching adhesive to bleached enamel
- 組織行動論の本流を見極める : 人間関係論,組織開発,アクション・サイエンス
- 高齢者虐待に対する地域包括支援センター看護職の支援行動指標の開発
- 都市における高層建築の形態と構成に関する研究─ニューヨーク マンハッタン島を事例として─
- 札幌市立大学研究論文集 = SCU journal of Design & Nursing 11(1), 93-99, 2017-07-18
- NAID 120006370471
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- ascertainとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)((形式))…を(実験・調査などで)確かめる;[III that節/wh-節/wh- to do]〈…であることを〉確定する;[V[名]to be[名][[形]]]…が(…であることを)突きとめるascertain his address彼の住所を ...
- Tan had been trying to ascertain the names of the more than 5,000 schoolchildren who died in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Ai Weiwei's Last Ordeal April 5, 2011 British Dictionary definitions for ascertain Expand ascertain / / () ...
- Full Definition of ASCERTAIN transitive verb 1 archaic: to make certain, exact, or precise 2: to find out or learn with certainty — as · cer · tain · able \-ˈ tā-nə-bəl\ adjective — as · cer · tain · ment \-ˈ tān-mənt\ noun See ascertain defined for English-language learners
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- (法的に)有効にする、批准する。押印して認可する。(当選を)公認する、(人)の当選を宣言する。実証/確証する。確認する、検証する。
- Its uses in medicine have become somewhat wider, e.g. to assess for confusion and other cognitive impairment, although it has mainly been validated in the elderly.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbreviated_mental_test_score)
- 関
- affirm、ascertain、ascertainment、authenticate、authentication、confirm、confirmation、corroborate、establish、identify、validation、verify
- (ラテン語versus(vertere(回す、向ける)のpp)、「~に向けられた→~の方向に、~に対して」)
- (訴訟・競技などで)~対、~に対して(against)(v.,vs.)
- ~に対して、比較して
- The first is the reliance on E-codes and ICD-9-CM codes for abuse to ascertain abusive versus accidental injuries.
- 関
- pair、paired、pairwise、vs
- 関
- affirm、argue、ascertain、ascertainment、challenge、confirm、confirmation、demonstrate、identify、prove、testify、validate、validation、verification
- 信頼、信用、信任、たより(on,in)。頼みとする人(もの)、よりどころ
- The first is the reliance on E-codes and ICD-9-CM codes for abuse to ascertain abusive versus accidental injuries.
- 関
- authenticity、certainty、reliability
- 英
- confirmation、ascertainment、validation、confirm、identify、verify、ascertain、validate、affirm
- 関
- 確証、確認法、検証、同定、バリデーション、立証、確かめる、同一視、肯定
- ascertainment artifact refers to data that seem to demonstrate some finding, but fail to do so because they are collected from a population that is selected in a biased fashion.
- 関
- affirm、ascertain、confirm、confirmation、identify、validate、validation、verify