- 関
- adverse drug reaction
- act so as to bring into existence; "effect a change"
- a symptom caused by an illness or a drug; "the effects of sleep loss"; "the effect of the anesthetic"
- (of a law) having legal validity; "the law is still in effect" (同)force
- the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work (同)essence, burden, core, gist
- an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived); "he just did it for effect"
- produce; "The scientists set up a shock wave" (同)effectuate, set_up
- reason or establish by induction
- cause to arise; "induce a crisis" (同)bring_on
- produce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes (同)induct
- cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner; "The ads induced me to buy a VCR"; "My children finally got me to buy a computer"; "My wife made me buy a new sofa" (同)stimulate, cause, have, get, make
- cause to occur rapidly; "the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions" (同)stimulate, rush, hasten
- contrary to your interests or welfare; "adverse circumstances"; "made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions" (同)inauspicious, untoward
- in an opposing direction; "adverse currents"; "a contrary wind" (同)contrary
- use recreational drugs (同)do drugs
- administer a drug to; "They drugged the kidnapped tourist" (同)dose
- a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic
- brought about or caused; not spontaneous; "a case of steroid-induced weakness"
- 〈C〉〈U〉『結果』 / 〈C〉〈U〉(…への)『効果』,効きめ,影響《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉(色・音・形などの)印象,感銘 / 《複数形で》品物;身の回り品;動産,財産 / (結果として)…‘を'『もたらす』;〈目的など〉‘を'果たす,遂行する
- 〈人〉‘に'『勧めて』(…)『させる』 / …‘を'『引き起こす』,もたらす(cause) / 〈電気〉‘を'誘導する / …‘を'帰納する
- 反対の,逆の / 逆方向の
- 『薬』,薬品,薬剤 / 『麻薬』,麻酔剤 / 〈人〉‘に'薬(特に麻酔剤)を与える / 〈飲食物〉‘に'(麻酔薬・毒薬などの)薬を混ぜる
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English Journal
- Prediction of drug-induced eosinophilia adverse effect by using SVM and naïve Bayesian approaches.
- Zhang H1, Yu P, Xiang ML, Li XB, Kong WB, Ma JY, Wang JL, Zhang JP, Zhang J.
- Medical & biological engineering & computing.Med Biol Eng Comput.2015 Jun 5. [Epub ahead of print]
- Drug-induced eosinophilia is a potentially life-threatening adverse effect; clinical manifestations, eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome, mainly include severe skin eruption, fever, hematologic abnormalities, and organ system dysfunction. Using experimental methods to evaluate drug-induced eosinophilia is
- PMID 26044554
- A comparision of nalbuphine with morphine for analgesic effects and safety : meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
- Zeng Z1, Lu J1, Shu C1, Chen Y1, Guo T2, Wu QP3, Yao SL3, Yin P1.
- Scientific reports.Sci Rep.2015 Jun 3;5:10927. doi: 10.1038/srep10927.
- Although morphine is the standard opioid analgesic for pain control and has been widely used, certain drug-induced adverse effects have been reported as intolerable and need to be addressed. Nalbuphine may have a few advantages over morphine in this respect. We aimed to describe the effect of nalbup
- PMID 26039709
Japanese Journal
- メトトレキサートとタクロリムス内服中にニューモシスチス肺炎を合併した関節リウマチの一例
- 角田 陽平,岡邨 興一,須藤 貴仁,米本 由木夫,大倉 千幸,高岸 憲二
- 臨床リウマチ 27(1), 64-70, 2015
- 64歳女性.関節リウマチ(RA)に対してメトトレキサート8mg/週およびタクロリムス3mg/週を投与中にニューモシスチス肺炎(Pneumocystis pneumonia; PCP)を発症した.プレドニゾロンおよび Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (ST)合剤,ペンタミジンの投与で改善を認めた.RA治療中にPCPを発症することもあり,呼吸器症状の出現時にはPCPの …
- NAID 130005067622
- わが国の医薬品副作用データベースに基づく強オピオイドによる副作用の特徴解析―モルヒネ・フェンタニル・オキシコドンによる副作用の発現傾向と特徴―
- 永井 純子,植沢 芳広,加賀谷 肇
- Palliative Care Research 10(1), 113-119, 2015
- 強オピオイドは,がん疼痛などの高度な痛みに適用される鎮痛薬である.強オピオイドを用いた疼痛緩和療法には多様な副作用が付随することから,適切な副作用管理を達成するための客観的根拠に基づくデータの解析が望まれる.そこで,本邦の副作用データベース(JADER)から,モルヒネ,フェンタニル,およびオキシコドンにおける副作用発現傾向を解析した.JADERから疼痛治療に用いた強オピオイドにより生じた副作用症例 …
- NAID 130004943678
- 薬剤誘発性甲状腺機能異常 (特集 甲状腺疾患 : 診断・治療の最新動向) -- (主要疾患の病態・診断・治療)
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- 関
- ADR、drug-induced adverse effect
- 英
- adverse drug reaction、drug-induced adverse effect
- 関
- 薬物有害反応、医薬品副作用
- (変化などを)もたらす。(目的・計画など)果たす、遂げる。実施/施行する
- 関
- act, action, affect, efficacy, impact, impinge, indication, influence, potency, effected
- 誘発する、誘導する、誘起する、導入する、引き起こす
- 関
- cause、challenge、derivation、elicit、elicitation、evocation、evoke、guidance、induction、inductive、introduce、introduction、precipitate、provocation、provoke、spark
- 関
- against、aversive、contrary、deleterious、detrimental、disagree、disagreement、harmful、hazardous、injurious、noxious、object、objection、oppose、opposite、opposition、untoward
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- 関
- adverse reaction、side effect、untoward effect