- remove the core or center from; "core an apple"
- (computer science) a tiny ferrite toroid formerly used in a random access memory to store one bit of data; now superseded by semiconductor memories; "each core has three wires passing through it, providing the means to select and detect the contents of each bit" (同)magnetic core
- a bar of magnetic material (as soft iron) that passes through a coil and serves to increase the inductance of the coil
- the chamber of a nuclear reactor containing the fissile material where the reaction takes place
- a small group of indispensable persons or things; "five periodicals make up the core of their publishing program" (同)nucleus, core group
- a cylindrical sample of soil or rock obtained with a hollow drill
- the center of an object; "the ball has a titanium core"
- the central part of the Earth
- the inner and usually edible part of a seed or grain or nut or fruit stone; "black walnut kernels are difficult to get out of the shell" (同)meat
- a single whole grain of a cereal; "a kernel of corn"
- the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience; "the gist of the prosecutors argument"; "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the story" (同)substance, core, center, centre, essence, gist, heart, heart_and_soul, inwardness, marrow, meat, nub, pith, sum, nitty-gritty
- a hollow drilling bit that is the cutting part of a core drill; allows core samples to be taken
- yams (同)genus Dioscorea
- 〈C〉(果物の)『しん』 / 〈U〉(物事の)核心 / 〈C〉(電気の)磁心,磁極鉄心 / …‘の'しんを抜く
- (果実の)仁(じん) / (麦・とうもろこしなどの)穀粒(grain) / (問題の)核心,眼目
- (驚いて)わあっ,えっ
- Congress of Racial Equality(米国)人種平等会議
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/03/17 10:24:14」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 1 core
- 1.1 一般名詞
- 1.2 固有名詞
- 1.3 形容詞
- 2 その他
- コア - 惑星・衛星などの核。(彗星核や銀河核はコアではない)⇒核 (天体)を参照。
- コア (ゲーム理論) - ゲーム理論で、交渉を通じて合意が形成され得る利得分配の集合。
- 光ファイバーの芯。
- エクササイズの一種。アメリカではリハビリにも使われているプログラム。ピラティスのように主に体幹を鍛え、骨盤矯正やダイエットの効果がある。
- コンピュータネットワークの中心部。(関連)エッジ、アグリゲーション
- マルチコア - CPU等の半導体処理装置の中枢部に用いられている技術。Coreマイクロアーキテクチャ(後継技術:Nehalemマイクロアーキテクチャ)など。
- コア・クロック - Graphics Processing Unit(グラフィックス プロセッシング ユニット、略してGPU)の動作速度を示す周波数単位。
- 磁気コアメモリの部品、または磁気コアメモリの略
- コアダンプ - プログラムが異常終了したときに作られるメモリダンプを含むファイル。磁気コアメモリが使われなくなった現代でも用語として残っている。
- 変圧器などのコイルにおいて、電線を巻き付けて磁気回路を形成する部分。
- 高層ビルで、エレベーター・化粧室・階段室などの集まった柱状の部分。
- Intel Core - Intel社のCPUの製品名。
- Intel Core 2 - Intel社のCoreマイクロアーキテクチャとその応用製品。
- Core (Kagrra,のアルバム) - 日本のロックバンド、Kagrra,のスタジオアルバム。
- コア (アルバム) - アンドラのメロディックデスメタルバンド、ペルセフォネの2ndフルアルバム。
- コア (企業) - 組み込みソフトウェアメーカーで東証1部上場。
- コアインターナショナル - 大沢たかおの個人芸能事務所。
- コア - ワタナベエンターテインメント所属のお笑いコンビ、シェーンの以前のコンビ名。暴走族風の白い特攻服で漫才をする。
- ザ・コア - 映画。
- コア構想 - PCエンジンを様々な周辺機器の核(コア)として置き、ゲーム以外の事にも対応させようという日本電気ホームエレクトロニクスによって提唱された構想。
- ビッグコア(コンピュータゲーム『グラディウス』・『沙羅曼蛇』シリーズのボスキャラ)の中核部。
- コア (護衛空母) - アメリカ海軍のボーグ級護衛空母。
- 東芝が販売していたテレビのブランド名の一種(現:レグザ)。
- コア (プロレス) - WWEに登場するプロレスラーのユニット名。
- コアな - 1.ひとつのことに熱中し続ける様、またその人(例:コアなファン)。2.前述の人達から支持されている物(例:コアな人気)。
- コア (樹木) (koa) - アカシアの一種。ハワイの固有種で、家具・楽器に使われる。
- コア (乳製品)(Khoa) - インドやネパールの濃縮乳。
- 軍団 (corps)
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up -core or core in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Core may refer to:
- 1 Computers and technology
- 2 Media
- 3 Acronyms
- 4 Science
- 4.1 Biological sciences
- 4.2 Mathematics
- 4.2.1 Functional analysis
- 4.2.2 Other mathematical disciplines
- 4.3 Social sciences
- 4.4 Physical sciences
- 5 Places
- 6 Other uses
- 7 See also
Computers and technology
- Core (manufacturing), used in casting and molding
- Core (optical fiber), the signal-carrying portion of an optical fiber
- Core Animation, in computing, a data visualization API used in Mac OS X
- Core dump, in computing, is the recorded state of a running program
- Core International, a defunct American computer and technology corporation
- Intel Core, in computing, a family of single-core and multi-core 32-bit and 64-bit CPUs released by Intel
- Magnetic core, in electricity and electronics, ferromagnetic material around which wires are wound
- Magnetic-core memory, in computing, the primary memory prior to semiconductor memory
- Multi-core, a type of microprocessor design in which multiple processors coexist on the same chip
- Nuclear reactor core, a portion containing the fuel components
- Semiconductor intellectual property core, is a unit of design in ASIC/FPGA electronics and IC manufacturing
- Core (band), a stoner rock band
- Core (novel), a 1993 science fiction novel by Paul Preuss
- Core (Persefone album), 2006
- Core (radio station), a defunct digital radio station in the United Kingdom
- Core (Stone Temple Pilots album), 1992
- Core Design, a videogame developer best known for the Tomb Raider series
- Cores (film), a 2012 film
- "Core", a song by Susumu Hirasawa from Paranoia Agent Original Soundtrack
- 90.3 The Core RLC-WVPH, a radio station in Piscataway, New Jersey
- The Core, a 2003 science fiction film
- The Core, the 2006–2007 name for the programming block on Five currently known as Shake!
- "The Core", a song from Eric Clapton's 1977 album Slowhand
- C.O.R.E., a computer animation studio
- C.O.R.E. (video game), a 2009 NDS game
- Center for Operations Research and Econometrics at the Université catholique de Louvain in Belgium
- Central Organization for Railway Electrification, an organization in India
- China Open Resources for Education, an OpenCourseWare organization in China
- Congress of Racial Equality, United States civil rights organization
- Coordinated Online Register of Electors, central database in the United Kingdom
Biological sciences
- Core (anatomy), everything except the appendages
Functional analysis
- An essential domain of a closed operator; see Unbounded_operator#Closed_linear_operators
- A radial kernel of a subset of a vector space; see Algebraic interior
Other mathematical disciplines
- Core (game theory), the collection of stable allocations that no coalition can improve upon
- Core (graph theory), in mathematics, the homomorphically minimal subgraph of a graph
- Core (group theory), in mathematics, an object in group theory
- Core of a triangulated category
Social sciences
- Core countries, in dependency theory, an industrialized country on which peripheral countries depend
- Core curriculum, in education, an essential part of the curriculum
- Lithic core, in archaeology, a stone artifact left over from toolmaking
Physical sciences
- Core sample, in Earth science, a sample obtained by coring
- Hydrophobic core, the interior zone of a protein
- Lithic core, in archaeology, a stone artifact left over from toolmaking
- The central part of a galaxy; see Mass deficit
- Planetary core, the center of a planet
- Inner core of the Earth
- Outer core of the Earth
- Solar core, the region of the Sun where nuclear fusion takes place
- Core, San Diego, California, a neighborhood in the United States
- Core, West Virginia
- Core Banks
- Core Sound
Other uses
- CORE (Brazil), state police SWAT team
- Core (architecture)
- Core, the working name of the Digestive Disorders Foundation
- Earl Lemley Core (1902–1984), West Virginia botanist
- Core, the suffix for musical styles with hardcore punk influence and origins
- Korah, a biblical figure
- Persephone, a Greek goddess also known as Kore or Cora (Greek κόρη = daughter)
- The single seed in the center of a cherry, peach, plum, olive, avocado or other fruit
See also
- CORE (disambiguation)
- Corre (disambiguation)
- Nucleus (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Two sides of the safety coin?: How patient engagement and safety climate jointly affect error occurrence in hospital units.
- Schiffinger M1, Latzke M, Steyrer J.
- Health care management review.Health Care Manage Rev.2016 Aug 6. [Epub ahead of print]
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- Rudan I1, Sridhar D1.
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- Du J1, Reuhs BL1, Jones OG2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Apr 1;196:853-9. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.10.021. Epub 2015 Oct 8.
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Japanese Journal
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- Synthesis and Structure of η1-Gallacyclopentadienyl Complexes
- 鋼製座屈拘束ブレースの紹介 : 平鋼を角形鋼管で座屈拘束した耐震・制振ブレース「DUAL CORE BRACE(デュアルコアブレース)」
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- 英
- nucleocapsid
- 同
- コア core
[show details]
- 英
- core、heart、kernel
- 関
- カーネル、コア、穀粒、心、心臓、仁、芯、母核
- 関
- core、heart、nucleoli、nucleolus
- 英
- core
- 関
- 核心、芯、母核、ヌクレオカプシド
- 英
- core
- 関
- 核心、コア、母核
- 関
- (n.)precordia 前胸部、(adj.)precordial 前胸部の