- 挑戦、チャレンジ。挑戦状(to)。(決闘・試合の)申し込み
- 説明の要求。とがめ、難詰。(狩)(臭い跡を見つけての)猟犬の叫び声
- 異議申し立て
- やりがいのある仕事、努力目標、難題。野心作
- (医)攻撃
- 挑戦する。(論戦・試合などを)申し込む。(人)に~するように挑む/要求する
- (称賛・注意などを)促し求める、(関心を)喚起する。刺激する、(難題などが人)の能力を試す。
- 誰何する
- (正当性を)疑う、調べる、吟味する。(医)~の免疫性をテストする、攻撃する
- Approximately 50% of persons challenged with Norwalk virus become ill and acquire short-term immunity against the infecting strain.
- issue a challenge to; "Fischer challenged Spassky to a match"
- a demanding or stimulating situation; "they reacted irrationally to the challenge of Russian power"
- a call to engage in a contest or fight
- a demand by a sentry for a password or identification
- a formal objection to the selection of a particular person as a juror
- questioning a statement and demanding an explanation; "his challenge of the assumption that Japan is still our enemy"
- take exception to; "She challenged his claims" (同)dispute, gainsay
- raise a formal objection in a court of law (同)take exception
- ask for identification; "The illegal immigrant was challenged by the border guard"
- the act of attacking; "attacks on women increased last year"; "they made an attempt on his life" (同)attempt
- (military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons); "the attack began at dawn" (同)onslaught, onset, onrush
- a decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase (同)tone-beginning
- an offensive move in a sport or game; "they won the game with a 10-hit attack in the 9th inning"
- strong criticism; "he published an unexpected attack on my work"
- a sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition; "an attack of diarrhea"
- begin to injure; "The cancer cells are attacking his liver"; "Rust is attacking the metal"
- set to work upon; turn ones energies vigorously to a task; "I attacked the problem as soon as I got out of bed"
- the onset of a corrosive or destructive process (as by a chemical agent); "the film was sensitive to attack by acids"; "open to attack by the elements"
- attack in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker" (同)round, assail, lash out, snipe, assault
- take the initiative and go on the offensive; "The Serbs attacked the village at night"; "The visiting team started to attack" (同)aggress
- launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with; "Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II"; "Serbian forces assailed Bosnian towns all week" (同)assail
- separate as a fine suspension of solid particles
- a precipitated solid substance in suspension or after settling or filtering
- fall from clouds; "rain, snow and sleet were falling"; "Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum" (同)come_down, fall
- bring about abruptly; "The crisis precipitated by Russias revolution"
- fall vertically, sharply, or headlong; "Our economy precipitated into complete ruin"
- hurl or throw violently; "The bridge broke and precipitated the train into the river below"
- expose to light, of photographic film
- the exposure of an impostor or a fraud; "he published an expose of the graft and corruption in city government" (同)unmasking
- to show, make visible or apparent; "The Metropolitan Museum is exhibiting Goyas works this month"; "Why dont you show your nice legs and wear shorter skirts?"; "National leaders will have to display the highest skills of statesmanship" (同)exhibit, display
- abandon by leaving out in the open air; "The infant was exposed by the teenage mother"; "After Christmas, many pets get abandoned"
- expose or make accessible to some action or influence; "Expose your students to art"; "expose the blanket to sunshine"
- push forcefully; "He thrust his chin forward"
- verbal criticism; "he enlivened his editorials with barbed thrusts at politicians"
- push upward; "The front of the trains that had collided head-on thrust up into the air" (同)push_up
- press or force; "Stuff money into an envelope"; "She thrust the letter into his hand" (同)stuff, shove, squeeze
- force (molten rock) into pre-existing rock
- reason or establish by induction
- cause to arise; "induce a crisis" (同)bring_on
- produce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes (同)induct
- cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner; "The ads induced me to buy a VCR"; "My children finally got me to buy a computer"; "My wife made me buy a new sofa" (同)stimulate, cause, have, get, make
- cause to occur rapidly; "the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions" (同)stimulate, rush, hasten
- challenge in turn; "The authentication was counterchallenged"
- stimulating interest or thought; "a challenging hypothesis"; "a thought-provoking book" (同)thought-provoking
- disturbingly provocative; "an intriguing smile" (同)intriguing
- 〈U〉〈C〉『挑戦』,試合の申し込み;〈C〉挑戦状 / 〈U〉(番兵などが怪しい者に)“だれか"と呼び掛けること / 〈C〉手ごたえのある事(物) / 〈U〉〈C〉(…への)異議申し立て抗議《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(陪審員に対する)忌避 / (競技・決闘などを)〈人〉‘に'『挑む』,挑戦する / …‘に'『異議を申し立てる』 / 〈物事が〉〈人〉'を'奮起させる,〈興味など〉'を'呼び起こす / 〈番兵・守衛などが〉…‘に'“だれか"と呼び掛ける / 〈陪審員・裁判官〉'を'忌避する
- …'を'『襲う』,『攻撃する』;(ゲームで)…'を'攻める / (演説・文書などで)…'を'『非難する』,攻撃する / 〈病気・不運などが〉…'を'襲う,冒す / 〈仕事など〉‘に'勢いよく取りかかる,着手する / 『攻撃をする』 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…に対する)『攻撃』;(ゲームの)攻め;非難《+『on』(『upon, against』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉発病,発作 / 〈U〉(仕事への)着手,開始
- …‘を'思いがけなく引き起こす,‘の'致来を早める / (…の中に)…‘を'投げ落とす,(…の状態に)…‘を'陥らせる《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / 〈流動体〉‘を'沈殿させる / (雨・雪・霧などに)〈水蒸気〉‘を'凝結させる / 〈水蒸気が〉凝結して雨(雪など)となる / 〈流動体が〉沈殿して固体になる / 大急ぎの;まっしぐらの / (化学で)沈殿物
- (風雨・危険・攻撃などに)…‘を'『さらす』《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈秘密など〉‘を'『暴露する』;〈犯罪など〉‘を'摘発する;〈詐欺師など〉‘の'犯罪(悪行)を暴露する,‘の'仮面をはがす / 〈商品〉‘を'陳列する / 〈フィルム〉‘を'露出する
- (醜聞などの)暴露,すっぱ抜き《+『of』+『名』》
- 《様態・方向の副詞句を伴って》…‘を'『強く押す』,急に押す,押し付ける / (…に)…‘を'『突っ込む』,突き刺す《+名~into(through)+名》 / (ある立場・境遇・状態などへ)〈人など〉‘を'急に押しやる《+名+into+名》 / (…を)『押す』,突く《+at+名》 / (…を)押し分けて進む《+through+名》 / 『一押し』,『一突き』 / 電撃的攻撃 / (プロペラ・ロケット・ジェットなどの)推進力
- 〈人〉‘に'『勧めて』(…)『させる』 / …‘を'『引き起こす』,もたらす(cause) / 〈電気〉‘を'誘導する / …‘を'帰納する
- 挑戦者 / だれかと呼び掛ける人 / 異議を申し立てる人 / (陪審員団の)忌避者
- 挑戦的な / 興味をそそる,魅力的な
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Look up challenge or challenged in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Challenge may refer to:
- Voter challenging or Caging (voter suppression), a method of challenging the registration status of voters
- Euphemism for disability
- Peremptory challenge, a dismissal of potential jurors for jury duty
- challenge (rhetoric) - a dare or a motivational impetus to action
- 1 Places
- 1.1 Geography
- 1.2 Structures
- 2 Books and Publications
- 3 Film and TV
- 3.1 Film
- 3.2 Television
- 3.3 Games
- 3.4 Music
- 4 Transportation
- 5 Sports
- 5.1 Tourist Plane contests
- 6 Brands
- 7 Other
- 8 See also
- Challenge, California, a community within the CDP
- Challenge-Brownsville, California, a census-designated place (CDP) in Yuba County, California, United States
- Challenge Stadium, a sports complex in Perth, Australia
Books and Publications
- Challenge (Communist journal), British Young Communist League magazine, and also the name of the newspaper of the communist Progressive Labor Party (USA).
- Challenge (game magazine), a role-playing game magazine
- Challenge (economics magazine), a magazine covering economic affairs
- Challenge (Bulldog Drummond), a Bulldog Drummond novel by H. C. McNeile
Film and TV
- Challenge (1984 film), Telugu film
- Challenge (2009 film), Bengali film
- Challenges (film), a 2011 Sri Lankan film
- Challenge 2, a 2012 Bengali film
- Challenge (TV channel), a British television channel
- The Challenge (TV series)
- Food Network Challenge
- Challenge (Scrabble), an element of the word game
- Challenge (album), an album by Flower
Travelling Band
- Challenge Records (disambiguation), multiple record labels
- Challenge (cycle and car), an early British manufacturer of cycles and cars
- Challenge 67, a yacht
- MS Clipper Ranger or MS Challenge, a ferry
- challenge (competition), when a challenger requests to compete against a champion with the title at stake
- challenge match a friendly match not part of a wider tournament or series
- video referee request, made by a competitor to review the decision of an on-field official
- challenge (NFL), when a head coach requests the referees review a play
Tourist Plane contests
- Challenge International de Tourisme 1929
- International Touring Competition 1930
- Challenge International de Tourisme 1932
- Challenge International de Tourisme 1934
- Challenge (gasoline), a New Zealand gasoline brand
- Challenge, An electronics company in the United Kingdom owned by Argos
- Challenge (Internet), Internet memes in the form of challenges
- Challenge (literature), an attempt to remove or restrict access to literary materials
- Challenge coin
- SGI Challenge, a family of server computers from Silicon Graphics
- Challenge Girls' Clubs associated with ECyD
See also
- Challenge Cup (disambiguation)
- Challenge-response authentication in computer security, a component of client authentication in some systems
- The Challenge (disambiguation)
- Challenger (disambiguation)
- All pages beginning with "Challenge"
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English Journal
- End-tidal carbon dioxide variation after a 100- and a 500-ml fluid challenge to assess fluid responsiveness.
- Jacquet-Lagrèze M1, Baudin F2, David JS2,3, Fellahi JL3,4, Hu PB5, Lilot M3,4, Piriou V2,3.
- Annals of intensive care.Ann Intensive Care.2016 Dec;6(1):37. doi: 10.1186/s13613-016-0141-9. Epub 2016 Apr 22.
- BACKGROUND: EtCO2 variation has been advocated replacing cardiac output measurements to evaluate fluid responsiveness (FR) during sepsis. The ability of EtCO2 variation after a fluid challenge to detect FR in the context of general anaesthesia has not been investigated. Forty patients were prospecti
- PMID 27101829
- Ratios of central venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide content or tension to arteriovenous oxygen content are better markers of global anaerobic metabolism than lactate in septic shock patients.
- Mallat J1, Lemyze M2, Meddour M3, Pepy F4, Gasan G5, Barrailler S6, Durville E7, Temime J8, Vangrunderbeeck N9, Tronchon L10, Vallet B11, Thevenin D12.
- Annals of intensive care.Ann Intensive Care.2016 Dec;6(1):10. doi: 10.1186/s13613-016-0110-3. Epub 2016 Feb 3.
- BACKGROUND: To evaluate the ability of the central venous-to-arterial CO2 content and tension differences to arteriovenous oxygen content difference ratios (∆ContCO2/∆ContO2 and ∆PCO2/∆ContO2, respectively), blood lactate concentration, and central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) to detect
- PMID 26842697
- Glycosaminoglycan measured from synovial fluid serves as a useful indicator for progression of Osteoarthritis and complements Kellgren-Lawrence Score.
- Kulkarni P1, Deshpande S2, Koppikar S1, Patil S2, Ingale D1, Harsulkar A1.
- BBA clinical.BBA Clin.2016 May 12;6:1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.bbacli.2016.05.002. eCollection 2016.
- BACKGROUND: Plain radiography is the first choice for diagnosis and monitoring of knee-osteoarthritis (OA) while, Kellgren-Lawrence score (KL) is most widely used to grade OA severity. However, incompetency for reproducibility of joint space measurement in longitudinal assessment and non-linearity o
- PMID 27331021
- Researchers' perspectives on pediatric obesity research participant recruitment.
- Parikh Y1,2, Mason M3,4, Williams K5.
- Clinical and translational medicine.Clin Transl Med.2016 Dec;5(1):20. doi: 10.1186/s40169-016-0099-0. Epub 2016 Jun 23.
- BACKGROUND: Childhood obesity prevalence has tripled over the last three decades. Pediatric obesity has important implications for both adult health as well as the United States economy. In order to combat pediatric obesity, exploratory studies are necessary to create effective interventions. Recrui
- PMID 27339425
Japanese Journal
- Challenge【応用】 仕上げトラブル撃退法(第6回)広範囲のタイルの浮きは全面改修で剥落リスク排除
- Challenge【応用】 リノベで稼ぐ新モデル(第2回)街のストック活用はチームでリスクと利益を取る
- Next Challenge 新しい治療ゴールへの挑戦(No.69)医療法人長尾会 ねや川サナトリウム : 統合失調症患者さんのリカバリーを目指した取り組み : 身体合併症の軽減や抗精神病薬持続性注射剤の使用についても
- 日本精神科病院協会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Association of Psychiatric Hospitals 34(9), OTS15-324-329, 2015-09
- NAID 40020596396
- ドキュメント CHALLENGE省エネ(File No.93)650台の電力計でエネルギーを見える化 ノウハウの公開で循環型の活動を展開 : パナソニック デバイスSUNX竜野株式会社
Related Links
- challenge 【自動】挑戦する 【他動】 〔人に〕挑む、挑戦する【文例】 〔人を〕... - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
- His keen, piercing, dark eyes, told in every glance a history of difficulties subdued, and dangers dared, and seemed to challenge opposition to his wishes, for the pleasure of sweeping it from his road by a determined exertion of ...
- Challenge definition, a call or summons to engage in any contest, as of skill, strength, etc. See more. Dictionary.com Word of the Day Translate Games Blog Thesaurus.com Apps Favorites Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com ...
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- the combined negative inotropic and chronotropic effects may precipitate heart failure.
- we report the first case of myocardial infarction in a hemophilia patient which was not directly precipitated by infusion of a clotting factor.
- 真っ逆さまの。突進する
- 大あわての、軽率な。(十分考えず)突然の
- 関
- challenge、elicit、elicitation、evocation、evoke、induce、induction、inductive、precipitation、provocation、provoke、sediment、sedimentation、spark
- 攻撃的な、侵略的な。けんか好きな。(武器が)攻撃用の。攻撃の用意ができた(⇔defensive)
- (略)活動的な(avtive)、精力的な(vigorous)。積極的な、積極的に他に働きかける
- 自信たっぷりな、強引な、独断的な
- (色などが)強烈な
- (病期などが)急速に進行する
- (腫瘍が)高悪性度の、侵襲性の
- 関
- active、actively、aggressively、assault、attack、challenge、high-grade、invasive、invasiveness、offense、offensive、positive、positively、thrust
- e-(外へ) + -licit(誘う) = 誘い出す
- (見えないもの・潜在的な者などを)顕現させる、潜在化させる。(心理などを)(理論的手順によって)導き出す。(情報などを)引き出す。(反応・返事・笑い声などを)誘い出す、誘発する。
- Therefore, a careful history probing several features of the discomfort should be elicited.
- 関
- challenge, derive, draw, educe, elicitation, induce, induction, precipitate, provocation, provoke, spark
- 英
- attack、challenge、assault、thrust、offense、attack、assault、offensive、aggressive
- 関
- 襲う、活動的、検証、攻撃的、襲撃、侵襲性、挑戦、突き、曝露、非難、発作、誘発、積極的、違反、突き刺す、チャレンジ、無礼、高悪性度、暴行
- 関
- aggressive、assault、blame、bout、challenge、crises、crisis、criticise、criticism、criticize、insult、offense、offensive、paroxysm、seizure、strike、stroke、thrust
- 関
- reload
ドラッグチャレンジテスト DCT
- (言葉・態度など)挑戦的な。能力を試すような、難しい。意欲をかき立てる、ヒトの機をそそる、嗜好を刺激する、興味深い。魅力的な