- 関
- adverse、aversive、deleterious、detrimental、harmful、hazardous、injurious、untoward
- injurious to physical or mental health; "noxious chemical wastes"; "noxious ideas"
- contrary to your interests or welfare; "adverse circumstances"; "made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions" (同)inauspicious, untoward
- in an opposing direction; "adverse currents"; "a contrary wind" (同)contrary
- involving risk or danger; "skydiving is a hazardous sport"; "extremely risky going out in the tide and fog"; "a wild financial scheme" (同)risky, wild
- tending to repel or dissuade; "aversive conditioning"
- causing or capable of causing harm; "too much sun is harmful to the skin"; "harmful effects of smoking"
- having no adverse effect
- (健康上)有害な,身体に悪い / (道徳的に)有害な,不健全な
- 反対の,逆の / 逆方向の
- 都合の悪い,不運な / 始末に負えない,強情な
- 冒険的な,危険な
- (人間の心理が)不快な(苦しい)ことを避けようとする
- 『有害な』,害になる
- 有害な / 非常に不愉快な,いやな
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/09/29 11:12:39」(JST)
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Look up noxious in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Noxious may refer to:
- Poison, substances that can harm or kill
- Noxious weed, a plant designated by the government as injurious to public health, agriculture, recreation, wildlife or property
- Noxious stimulus, an actually or potentially tissue damaging event, may be mechanical, chemical or thermal
- Federal Noxious Weed Act of 1974, a United States law that established a federal program to control the spread of noxious weeds
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- 1. 職業性肺疾患のイメージング imaging of occupational lung diseases
- 2. 慢性疼痛の定義および病因 definition and pathogenesis of chronic pain
- 3. 新生児の神経学的検査 neurologic examination of the newborn
- 4. バレット食道およびその癌化の病因 pathogenesis of barretts esophagus and its malignant transformation
- 5. 喫煙と高血圧 smoking and hypertension
English Journal
- Application of functional data analysis in classification and clustering of functional near-infrared spectroscopy signal in response to noxious stimuli.
- Pourshoghi A1, Zakeri I2, Pourrezaei K1.
- Journal of biomedical optics.J Biomed Opt.2016 Oct;21(10):101411. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.10.101411.
- We introduce the application of functional data analysis (fDA) on functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) signals for the development of an accurate and clinically practical assessment method of pain perception. We used the cold pressor test to induce different levels of pain in healthy subjec
- PMID 27155020
- Adsorption of toxic carbamate pesticide oxamyl from liquid phase by newly synthesized and characterized graphene quantum dots nanomaterials.
- Agarwal S1, Sadeghi N2, Tyagi I3, Gupta VK4, Fakhri A5.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2016 Sep 15;478:430-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2016.06.029. Epub 2016 Jun 10.
- Graphene quantum dots have been synthesized using the microwave-assisted hydrothermal route. The surface textural and morphological structure of synthesized adsorbent i.e. graphene quantum dots was analyzed using various analytical techniques such as X-ray diffraction, Transmission electron Microsco
- PMID 27362399
- Removal of hexavalent chromium ions using CuO nanoparticles for water purification applications.
- Gupta VK1, Chandra R2, Tyagi I3, Verma M4.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2016 Sep 15;478:54-62. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2016.05.064. Epub 2016 May 30.
- Copper(II) oxide nanoparticles were synthesized at low temperature using cold finger assisted magnetron sputtering technique and were applied as adsorbent for the rapid removal of noxious Cr(VI) ions from the solvent phase. The average size of CuO nanoparticles from TEM analysis was found to be 8nm
- PMID 27285779
- Inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin activation in the rostral anterior cingulate cortex attenuates pain-related aversion in rats.
- Lu B1, Jiang J2, Sun J3, Xiao C3, Meng B1, Zheng J1, Li X1, Wang R1, Wu G1, Chen J4.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2016 Sep 1;310:51-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2016.05.011. Epub 2016 May 6.
- Pain is a complex experience that comprises both sensory and affective dimensions. Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) plays an important role in the modulation of neuronal plasticity associated with the pathogenesis of pain sensation. However, the role of mTOR in pain affect is unclear. Using a fo
- PMID 27163752
Japanese Journal
- 夏期の播磨灘におけるChattonella 赤潮の発生と海洋細菌の挙動
- 今井 一郎
- 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 63(2), 7-11, 2013-07-29
- … The noxious raphidophytes Chattonella spp. …
- NAID 120005303470
- 舞鶴湾における有害渦鞭毛藻Heterocapsa circularisquamaの季節的変動
- 今井 一郎,白石 智孝,藤井 光,広石 伸互
- 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 63(1), 1-5, 2013-03-15
- … The noxious dinoflagellate Heterocapsa circularisquama is the most harmful species to bivalves such as oysters, Manila clams, and pearl oysters due to causing mass mortalities of these bivalves by the red tides in coastal areas of Japan. …
- NAID 120005228411
- Changes in Response Behaviors to Noxious Heat and Mechanical Stimuli After Carrageenan-induced Inflammation in Mice Treated with Capsaicin 2 or 15 days After Birth
- Hiura Akio,Nakagawa H,樋浦 明夫
- WebmedCentral NEUROSCIENCES, 2012-12-06
- … The aim of the present study was to investigate thecause of normal response behaviors to noxious heatdespite the marked loss of small neurons in the dorsalroot ganglion (DRG) as a result of neonatal capsaicintreatment. … Twentydays after the capsaicin injection, 2% carrageenan (20μL) was injected into the right hind paw of each animal.Twenty-four hours after the carrageenan injection,behavioral tests using noxious heat stimuli (NHS;Hargreaves method) and noxious mechanical stimuli(NMS; …
- NAID 120005037543
- 外来植物の駆除現場におけるボランティア活動と事業活動の特性比較
- 大澤 剛士,赤坂 宗光
- 保全生態学研究 17(2), 271-277, 2012-11-30
- 外来生物の駆除は、地域のボランティアが実施する場合が多い。一方、近年では行政が主導する事業として地域の民間業者等に駆除作業を委託する場合も増えてきている。ボランティアによる駆除活動は、集まる人数に安定性を欠くと考えられる。これに対して、行政が主導し事業化した駆除活動は、対象範囲等、規模の拡大に伴い予算が膨大になるという問題がある。それぞれの主体を駆除活動に活かしていくためには、その特性を事前に把握 …
- NAID 110009553311
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- nox·ious (nŏk′shəs) adj. 1. Harmful to living things; injurious to health: noxious chemical wastes. 2. Harmful to the mind or morals; corrupting: noxious ideas. [Middle English noxius, from Latin, from noxa, damage; see nek-in Indo ...
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- 運の悪い。都合の悪い、困った、厄介な、面倒な、扱いにくい。変わった、特異な。
- 不適当な、不作法な。横柄な、ひねくれた、手に負えない。
- 関
- adverse、aversive、deleterious、detrimental、harmful、hazardous、inconvenient、injurious、noxious、unfavorable、unfavourable
- 関
- against、aversive、contrary、deleterious、detrimental、disagree、disagreement、harmful、hazardous、injurious、noxious、object、objection、oppose、opposite、opposition、untoward
- 関
- adverse、aversive、danger、dangerous、deleterious、detrimental、harmful、hazard、hazardously、injurious、jeopardy、noxious、risk、risky、unsafe、untoward
- 嫌悪の情を表した。嫌なものをさける、回避的な、嫌忌する。有害な(刺激)
- 関
- adverse, aversion, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, hate, hazardous, injurious, noxious, untoward
- 英
- adverse、deleterious、hazardous、harmful、detrimental、untoward、aversive、noxious、injurious
- 関
- 危険、嫌悪、傷害性、侵害性、反する、反対、都合悪い
- 関
- noxious stimuli
- 関
- insect pest、pest、vermin