- 運の悪い。都合の悪い、困った、厄介な、面倒な、扱いにくい。変わった、特異な。
- 不適当な、不作法な。横柄な、ひねくれた、手に負えない。
- 関
- adverse、aversive、deleterious、detrimental、harmful、hazardous、inconvenient、injurious、noxious、unfavorable、unfavourable
- contrary to your interests or welfare; "adverse circumstances"; "made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions" (同)inauspicious, untoward
- in an opposing direction; "adverse currents"; "a contrary wind" (同)contrary
- not favorable; "made an unfavorable impression"; "unfavorable reviews" (同)unfavourable
- (of winds or weather) tending to hinder or oppose; "unfavorable winds" (同)unfavourable
- not encouraging or approving or pleasing; "unfavorable conditions"; "an unfavorable comparison"; "unfavorable comments", "unfavorable impression" (同)unfavourable
- not suited to your comfort, purpose or needs; "it is inconvenient not to have a telephone in the kitchen"; "the back hall is an inconvenient place for the telephone"
- not conveniently timed; "an early departure is inconvenient for us"
- involving risk or danger; "skydiving is a hazardous sport"; "extremely risky going out in the tide and fog"; "a wild financial scheme" (同)risky, wild
- tending to repel or dissuade; "aversive conditioning"
- 都合の悪い,不運な / 始末に負えない,強情な
- 反対の,逆の / 逆方向の
- 『不便な』,不自由な,迷惑な,都合の悪い
- 冒険的な,危険な
- (人間の心理が)不快な(苦しい)ことを避けようとする
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English Journal
- Recognition and management of complications during moderate and deep sedation. Part 2: cardiovascular considerations.
- Becker DE, Haas DA.SourceAssociate Director of Education, General Dental Practice Residency, Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio.
- Anesthesia progress.Anesth Prog.2011 Fall;58(3):126-38.
- Abstract The risk for cardiovascular complications while providing any level of sedation or general anesthesia is greatest when caring for patients already medically compromised. It is reassuring that significant untoward events can generally be prevented by careful preoperative assessment, along wi
- PMID 21882989
- Progesterone blocks multiple routes of ion flux.
- Kelley BG, Mermelstein PG.AbstractThe administration of progesterone as a neuroprotective agent following traumatic brain injury has recently entered phase III clinical trials. Previous work has demonstrated that therapeutic concentrations of progesterone decrease excitotoxicity through direct inhibition of voltage-gated calcium channels, an action independent of the nuclear progesterone receptor. Here we report using cultured rat striatal neurons that these same concentrations of progesterone also block voltage-gated potassium channels, sodium channels and GABA(A) currents. The actions of progesterone act at the surface membrane of neurons in a steroid specific, voltage-independent, concentration-dependent manner. Notably, these broad actions of progesterone on ion channel and neurotransmitter receptor function mirror those of dihydropyridines, and indicate potential shared mechanisms of action, the prospective of additional therapeutic applications, and possibly, untoward effects.
- Molecular and cellular neurosciences.Mol Cell Neurosci.2011 Oct;48(2):137-41. Epub 2011 Jul 19.
- The administration of progesterone as a neuroprotective agent following traumatic brain injury has recently entered phase III clinical trials. Previous work has demonstrated that therapeutic concentrations of progesterone decrease excitotoxicity through direct inhibition of voltage-gated calcium cha
- PMID 21782024
- Anesthetic management of patients with Brugada syndrome: a case series and literature review.
- Kloesel B, Ackerman MJ, Sprung J, Narr BJ, Weingarten TN.SourceDepartment of Anesthesiology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street, SW, Rochester, MN, 55901, USA.
- Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthesie.Can J Anaesth.2011 Sep;58(9):824-836. Epub 2011 Jun 23.
- PURPOSE: To review the anesthetic management and perioperative outcomes of patients diagnosed with Brugada syndrome (BrS) who were treated at a single centre and to compare those results with a comprehensive review of the existing literature.CLINICAL FEATURES: A retrospective chart review of anesthe
- PMID 21698509
Japanese Journal
- Detailed Analysis of Clinical Test Data on Chemotherapy for Colorectal Cancer
- 外石 昇,吉松 和彦,横溝 肇,勝部 隆男,西村 順二,谷古宇 秀,小川 健治,高山 幸三
- YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 131(5), 765-773, 2011
- … Moreover, it is also useful to check on attractor plot of Δi in RBC together with SD-RBC in order to find out untoward reactions and decision of medication. …
- NAID 130000678859
- Preliminary Results of Magnetic Resonance Imaging-aided High-dose-rate Interstitial Brachytherapy for Recurrent Uterine Carcinoma after Curative Surgery
- Journal of Radiation Research 52(3), 329-334, 2011
- … Two patients, who had received combined treatment with EBRT showed untoward reactions, including a grade 3 subileus and grade 2 constipation. …
- NAID 130000673431
- Natural products with potential for osteoporosis examined in vivo and in vitro
- HIDAKA Saburo
- 和漢医薬学雑誌 26(1), 1-10, 2009-02-28
- … Since hormone replacement therapy(HRT) for osteoporosis has diverse and sometimes untoward effects, alternative methods have been sought from among natural products. …
- NAID 110007137403
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- Definition of untoward from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
- 7 Oct 2010 ... The coach forewarned the players that any untoward behavior ...
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- 関
- against、aversive、contrary、deleterious、detrimental、disagree、disagreement、harmful、hazardous、injurious、noxious、object、objection、oppose、opposite、opposition、untoward
- 関
- adverse、aversive、danger、dangerous、deleterious、detrimental、harmful、hazard、hazardously、injurious、jeopardy、noxious、risk、risky、unsafe、untoward
- 嫌悪の情を表した。嫌なものをさける、回避的な、嫌忌する。有害な(刺激)
- 関
- adverse, aversion, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, hate, hazardous, injurious, noxious, untoward
- 英
- adverse、deleterious、hazardous、harmful、detrimental、untoward、aversive、noxious、injurious
- 関
- 危険、嫌悪、傷害性、侵害性、反する、反対、都合悪い
- 関
- adverse、affective、aversive、damaged、deleterious、detrimental、harmful、hazardous、noxious、traumatic、untoward
- 関
- adverse reaction