- 同
- superior ophthalmic vein,上眼静脈
- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/04/29 21:54:03」(JST)
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- ロシア連邦の航空会社、サラーヴィアのICAO航空会社コード
- 主語-目的語-動詞の語順をとる言語。SOV型
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SOV may refer to:
- SOV, a former ticker symbol for Sovereign Bank
- SO Voiron, a French rugby union club
- Schedule of values
- Single-occupancy vehicle
- Subject–object–verb, used in linguistic typology
- Symphony Orchestra Vorarlberg, an Austrian orchestra
- Share of voice
English Journal
- Sodium orthovanadate inhibits growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in an orthotopic model in vivo.
- Wu Y1, Ma Y1, Xu Z2, Wang D1, Zhao B1, Pan H1, Wang J1, Xu D3, Zhao X1, Pan S1, Liu L1, Dai W4, Jiang H5.
- Cancer letters.Cancer Lett.2014 Aug 28;351(1):108-16. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2014.05.018. Epub 2014 May 22.
- The transition metal vanadium is widely distributed in the environment and exhibits various biological and physiological effects in the human body. As a well known vanadium compound, sodium orthovanadate (SOV) has shown promising antineoplastic activity in several human cancers. However, the effects
- PMID 24858025
- Large unruptured sinus of valsalva aneurysm dissecting into interventricular septum and presenting as a complex myocardial cystic mass.
- Chikkabasavaiah NA1, Patra S, Basavappa R, Puttegowda B, Khateeb ST, Nanjappa MC.
- Echocardiography (Mount Kisco, N.Y.).Echocardiography.2014 Aug;31(7):E207-11. doi: 10.1111/echo.12616. Epub 2014 May 10.
- Unruptured aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva (SOV) is extremely rare. They may be asymptomatic and diagnosed incidentally or can present with either fatal outcome following rupture or manifest acutely with compression of surrounding structures. Dissection of unruptured aneurysm of left SOV into interven
- PMID 24813305
- Socially induced placebo analgesia: A comparison of a pre-recorded versus live face-to-face observation.
- Hunter T1, Siess F, Colloca L.
- European journal of pain (London, England).Eur J Pain.2014 Aug;18(7):914-22. doi: 10.1002/j.1532-2149.2013.00436.x. Epub 2013 Dec 17.
- BACKGROUND: Recently, it has been shown that live, face-to-face social observation induces marked placebo analgesia. Despite the phenomenal growth of video sharing platforms, the potential analgesic effects of video-based social observation are largely unknown. This study compared video-based and li
- PMID 24347563
Japanese Journal
- 齲歯が原因で生じた感染性海綿静脈洞血栓症とLemierre症候群の合併例
- 齲歯が原因で生じた感染性海綿静脈洞血栓症とLemierre症候群の合併例
- Lack of a surface layer in Tannerella forsythia mutants deficient in the type IX secretion system
Related Links
- Sov.aoyama STAFFのブログ、Sov.aoyama STAFF BLOGです。Sov.青山店の STAFFによる不定期更新のブログです。 『Sov.』『DOUBLE STANDARD CLOTHING』 の最新情報から美容・グルメ・プライベートなど気ままにお届けしております。
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- 英
- angiitis
- 関
- 脈管炎 vasculitis vasculitides、血管内膜炎、血管炎症候群
- CHCC2012
- 血管炎症候群 - 日本内科学会雑誌第103巻第10号
- http://www.j-circ.or.jp/guideline/pdf/JCS2008_ozaki_h.pdf
- 血管炎・血管障害診療ガイドライン 2016 年改訂版 - 日本皮膚科学会
- https://www.dermatol.or.jp/uploads/uploads/files/vasculitisGL.pdf
- 英
- superior ophthalmic vein, SOV
- ラ
- vena ophthalmica superior
- 英
- single-organ vasculitis, SOV
- 同
- 血管炎