- the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)p
- personal assistant個人秘書 / public address [system]
- parking
- phosphorusの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/06/23 22:21:15」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 光活性化アデニル酸シクラーゼ - ミドリムシ類の光受容タンパク質。
- 太平洋プレート (Pacific Plate) - 太平洋を占めるプレート
- 太平洋認定機関協力機構 (Pacific Accreditation Cooperation)
- パナアミューズメントカートリッジ - かつて松下電器産業が発売したMSX用外部メモリカートリッジ。
- パトリオット-MIM-104型ミサイルのソフトウェア改良型(Patriot Advanced Capability)。
- 政治活動委員会 (Political Action Committee)の略。
- ポリ塩化アルミニウム。浄水処理(水道水を造るための処理)や排水の水質浄化のための凝集処理剤として使われる。
- 人工染色体の一種 (P1-derived Artificial Chromosome) - ベクターを参照。
- パンアフリカニスト会議(汎アフリカ主義会議、Pan Africanist Congress) - 南アフリカ共和国の政党。
- プロレスラー、ベンジャミン・サッタリーのリンクネームのひとつ。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up PAC, Pac, or pac in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
PAC or Pac may refer to:
- 1 Organizations
- 1.1 Aviation
- 1.2 Business
- 1.3 Education
- 1.4 Politics
- 2 Science and technology
- 2.1 Medicine and biology
- 2.2 Computing and industrial
- 3 Business
- 4 Military
- 5 Sports
- 6 People
- 7 Other uses
- 8 See also
- Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, a contemporary art museum in Milan, Italy
- Public Archives of Canada, a predecessor organization of the Library and Archives Canada
- Pacific Aerospace Corporation, an aircraft manufacturing company based in New Zealand
- PAC CT/4, a basic training aircraft made by Pacific Aerospace Corporation
- PAC Fletcher – a Piston-engined aerial-application aircraft
- PAC Cresco – a Turboprop-engined aerial application aircraft
- P-750 XSTOL – a Turboprop skydive/utility/aerial application aircraft. Formally known as the PAC 750-XL.
- Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, a military aircraft manufacturing facility in Pakistan
- Polar Air Cargo, a cargo airline based in Purchase, New York, US
- Panasonic Avionics Corporation, a subsidiary of Panasonic Corporation
- Peruvian Amazon Company, a former rubber company
- Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento, an investment plan in Brazil
- Panasonic Academic Challenge, a US national competition
- Partnerships in Academic Communities, a program in Miami, Florida that awards scholarships to those enrolled
- Postgraduate Applications Centre, an organisation in Ireland
- Prince Alfred College, a school in Australia
- Professionals' Academy of Commerce, an accounting school in Pakistan
- Penrith Anglican College, a school in Penrith, Australia
- Anti-Corruption Party (Partido Anti-Corrupción) a political party in Honduras
- Armed Proletarians for Communism (Proletari Armati per il Comunismo), a former Italian far-left terrorist group
- Pan Africanist Congress, a political party in South Africa
- Partido Acción Ciudadana (disambiguation), several political parties in Latin America
- Pedorthic Association of Canada
- Peoples' Aman Committee, a criminal gang and welfare group associated with the Pakistan Peoples Party
- Political action committee, an organization formed to contribute funds to influence the outcome of political elections in the United States
- Political Affairs Committee (African Union), a committee in the African Union
- Political Affairs Committee (British Guiana), a political party in British Guiana
- Polish American Congress, a US national umbrella organization
- Political Advisory Committee, a committee that evaluates new experiment proposals for particle accelerators
- Public Accounts Committee (India), a parliamentary committee in India that examines government accounts and considers the reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General
- Public Accounts Committee (United Kingdom), a parliamentary committee in the UK and other Westminster systems responsible for overseeing government expenditures
- Public Affairs Committee (Malawi), a political organization in Malawi
Science and technology
- PAC field, in mathematics
- Perturbed angular correlation, discovered by Hans Frauenfelder
- Plasma arc cutting
- Polyaluminium chloride, a coagulant used in water treatment
- Abbreviation for polycyclic aromatic compounds, a class of organic compounds.
- Porting Authorisation Code, a unique identifier which telephone network providers issue to a customer so they can port their number to another network
- Powdered activated carbon, used for example in electrochemical regeneration
- Pseudo algebraically closed field, a field with geometric features, namely each variety over it has a rational point
- Pure and Applied Chemistry, the official monthly journal of IUPAC
Medicine and biology
- Certified Physician assistant or pathologist assistant; see List of abbreviations for medical organisations and personnel
- P1-derived artificial chromosome, in genomic research
- Papular acrodermatitis of childhood, Gianotti-Crosti syndrome
- Plasma aldosterone concentration, of aldosterone
- Pre-anesthesia checkup
- Premature atrial contraction, a type of premature heart beat or irregular heart beat or arrhythmia
- Primary auditory cortex, a region of the brain
- Proanthocyanidin, a type of flavanol
- Pulmonary artery catheterization, the insertion of a catheter into a pulmonary artery
- Port-a-Cath, a catheter under the skin that is connected to a vein
Computing and industrial
- Programmable Automation Controller, PAC a system similar to a PLC but high end
- Probably approximately correct, a computational learning theory framework
- Presentation-abstraction-control, a type of design pattern used in software engineering
- Proxy auto-config, a web browser technology
- PACManager, an ssh client manager for Unix systems
- Perceptual Audio Coding, an audio compression algorithm
- Pacifica Coin, see List of TCP and UDP port numbers
- Pin Array Cartridge, an integrated circuit packaging type
- A programmable automation controller, or PAC, combines the industrial PC and programmable logic controller control with the flexibility of monitoring and calculation of a PC...
- A Price Activity chart is a type of stock chart used in the Technical Analysis of stocks.
- Planned Amortization Class, a type of collateralized mortgage obligation
- Parachute and Cable, a British anti-aircraft weapon of WWII
- Pasukan Aturgerak Cepat, a Malaysian armed forces unit
- Patriot Advanced Capability, a software-only upgrade of the MIM-104 Patriot
- Pennsylvania Athletic Conference, former name of the Colonial States Athletic Conference, a US NCAA Division III collegiate athletic conference
- Pocket Athletic Conference, a high school athletic conference in Indiana, US
- Presidents' Athletic Conference, a US NCAA Division III athletic conference of small private colleges
- Pac (wrestler) (born 1986), ring name of British professional wrestler Benjamin Satterly
- Pac (family), a noble family of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
- Tupac Shakur or Pac, 2-Pac (1971–1996), American rapper and actor
Other uses
- Perfect authentic cadence, in music
- Performing arts center, a multi-use performance space
- Providence Anime Conference, a former anime convention
- Parent-Adult-Child, a model in transactional analysis
- Pan Asian Coalition, one of the two playable factions in the computer game Battlefield 2142
- Progressive Activity Coupe, a vehicle category/development idea by BMW
- Provincial Armed Constabulary, a title used by some State Armed Police Forces in India
See also
- Sean Waltman (born 1972) (X-Pac), an American professional wrestler
- Pacific-12 Conference (Pac-12), a US college athletic conference
- Pac-Man (disambiguation)
- Pacific (disambiguation)
- Primitive Apostolic Christianity (disambiguation)
- Public Affairs Council (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Herbal antioxidant in clinical practice: A review.
- Alok S, Jain SK, Verma A, Kumar M, Mahor A, Sabharwal M.SourceInstitute Of Pharmacy, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi (U.P.), India; Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences-Deemed University, Allahabad, U.P. India. Electronic address: shashialok83@gmail.com.
- Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine.Asian Pac J Trop Biomed.2014 Jan;4(1):78-84. doi: 10.1016/S2221-1691(14)60213-6.
- Antioxidant-the word itself is magic. Using the antioxidant concept as a spearhead in proposed mechanisms for staving off so-called "free-radical" reactions, the rush is on to mine claims for the latest and most effective combination of free-radical scavenging compounds. We must acknowledge that suc
- PMID 24144136
- Coexistence of pneumothorax and chilaiditi sign: A case report.
- Tangri N, Singhal S, Sharma P, Mehta D, Bansal S, Bhushan N, Singla S, Singh P.SourceDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, M.M Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana, India. Electronic address: dr_nitintangri@yahoo.com.
- Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine.Asian Pac J Trop Biomed.2014 Jan;4(1):75-7. doi: 10.1016/S2221-1691(14)60212-4.
- We present a case of 50 year old male patient with coexistence of Pneumothorax and Chilaiditi sign. Chilaiditi sign is an incidental radiographic finding of a usually asymptomatic condition in which a part of intestine is located between the liver and diaphragm; however, the term "Chilaiditi syndrom
- PMID 24144135
- Toxoplasmosis among pregnant women: High seroprevalence and risk factors in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.
- Doudou Y, Renaud P, Coralie L, Jacqueline F, Hypolite S, Hypolite M, Patrick M, Andreia Ida L, Van Sprundel M, Marleen B, Van Geertruyden JP, Pascal L.SourceKinshasa University, Democratic Republic of Congo.
- Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine.Asian Pac J Trop Biomed.2014 Jan;4(1):69-74. doi: 10.1016/S2221-1691(14)60211-2.
- OBJECTIVE: To determine the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women, as well as the proportion of acutely infected and risk factors in the Democratic Republic of Congo.METHODS: Thirty maternities in Kinshasa were randomly selected and women attending antenatal consultation were invited to
- PMID 24144134
Japanese Journal
- 吉村 浩一,Yoshimura Hirokazu,関口 洋美,Sekiguchi Hiromi,内山 昭一,Uchiyama Shoichi
- 2012-03-15
- … We attempt to make clear the mentality of bug-eating by using a psychological interviewtechnique, PAC analysis. … By encouraging the participants to produce a large number of associationsand by cutting down the number of pair-comparisons imposed on them, we altered someparts of the original method of PAC analysis. … They verbalized lots of valuable commentsconcerning bug-eating in the interview sessions of PAC analysis. …
- NAID 120003933841
- PAC分析を用いた韓国人母親の「育児ネットワーク」に関する事例研究
- 金 娟鏡
- 共栄大学研究論集 (10), 287-303, 2012-03-15
- … 本研究は、韓国人母親を対象にPAC 分析を行い、「育児ネットワーク」の機能について検討したものである。 …
- NAID 110008916161
Related Links
- PAC(ピー・エー・シーもしくはパック). 光活性化アデニル酸シクラーゼ - ミドリムシ類の 光受容タンパク質。 PAC (プロレスラー) - イギリスのプロレスラー; 太平洋プレート ( Pacific Plate) - 太平洋を占めるプレート; 太平洋認定機関協力機構 (Pacific Accreditation ...
- PAC(パック)のリングネームで知られるベン・サッタレイ (Ben Satterley、 1987年8月 22日 - ) は、イギリスのプロレスラー。ニューカッスル出身。現在はアメリカ合衆国の プロレス団体、WWEの傘下団体であるNXTにてエイドリアン・ネヴィル(Adrian Neville) の ...
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※国試ナビ4※ [108B026]←[国試_108]→[108B028]
- 関
- 血漿アルドステロン濃度、血漿レニン活性
- 英
- furosemide loading test followed by walking
- 同
- レニン分泌刺激試験?、立位フロセミド負荷試験、フロセミド歩行試験、フロセミド・立位負荷テスト、二者負荷試験、ラシックス歩行試験
[show details]
- レニンとアルドステロンの分泌能を評価する検査、であろう。
- (1)フロセミドでhypovolemicとし、(2)運動刺激で交感神経を興奮させて、レニン分泌を促す
- →レニン分泌刺激 (立位(交感神経亢進)、Na,Cl減少→尿量減少を検出→傍糸球体細胞(輸入細動脈顆粒細胞))がレニンをどの程度分泌する?
- 英
- atrial premature contraction, APC, atrial premature complex, atrial premature beat APB, premature atrial contraction PAC premature atrial contractions PACs
- 同
- 心房期外収縮
- 関
- 上室性期外収縮 ← 上位概念
[show details]
- 英
- aldosterone renin ratio, ARR
- 関
- 二次性高血圧、アルドステロン症
- ARR = 血中アルドステロン濃度(PAC)/血漿レニン活性(PRA)
- ARR>200で、PAC>150pg/mLの時に精査を推奨されている。
- 英
- VPAC2 receptor
- 関
- 血管作用性小腸ペプチド受容体II型、VPAC2レセプター
- 関
- 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid
- 英
- VPAC2 receptor
- 関
- VPAC2受容体
- 微生物学:粒子凝集法(particle agglutination test)
- 薬理学: