- 英
- drip infusion cholecystocholangiography DIC
- 関
- 静脈性胆管造影
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- 1. 経皮経肝胆管造影percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography [show details]
…transhepatic cholangiography that warrants antibiotic prophylaxis . However, the risk of cholangitis and sepsis is low. In one study of 154 patients, the rate of cholangitis following cholangiography with subsequent… usually via the left or right hepatic ducts, but can also be achieved through puncture of the gallbladder. The left hepatic duct is preferred because the subcostal route used to access the left hepatic …
- 2. 困難が伴う胆嚢摘出術への対処managing the difficult gallbladder [show details]
… structures (eg, common bile duct). Cholangiography may be done if deemed necessary directly from within the lumen of gallbladder neck or cystic duct. The gallbladder above the neck is removed, although …
- 3. 開腹下胆嚢摘出術open cholecystectomy [show details]
… intrahepatic cholangiography should be performed. . For a bottom-up approach, retraction and dissection of the gallbladder is similar to laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The fundus of the gallbladder is grasped …
- 4. 胆嚢癌:疫学、危険因子、臨床的特徴、および診断gallbladder cancer epidemiology risk factors clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… cases and provide information as to disease extent. Cholangiography is of little use for patients suspected of having GBC since the gallbladder is not observed in most cases, except in situations in …
- 5. 成人における原発性硬化性胆管炎:臨床症状および診断primary sclerosing cholangitis in adults clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
… percent; The gallbladder and cystic duct may also be involved. A study of 286 patients with PSC found one or more gallbladder abnormalities in 41 percent of patients . Gallbladder findings were… support the diagnosis of PSC but is rarely diagnostic. In patients with characteristic findings on cholangiography, a liver biopsy is typically not required. However, a liver biopsy is required for patients with …
Japanese Journal
- 薬物併用による点滴胆嚢・胆管造影法(診療コーナー)
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- 造影剤を点滴し、X線撮影を行います。検査前にはなるべく排便を。約2時間半ほどかかりますが、苦痛はありません。
- ビリスコピン ® 点滴静注50 点滴静注胆嚢・胆管造影剤 イオトロクス酸メグルミン注射液 ... 静脈性胆嚢・胆管造影剤の歴史は、1953年バイエル薬品のアジピオドンメグルミン(ビリグラフイン)の開発に始まります。
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- 英
- intravenous cholangiography
- 同
- 静脈性胆嚢胆管造影 intravenous cholecystocholangiography、点滴胆嚢胆管造影 drip infusion cholecystocholangiography DIC
点滴胆嚢胆管造影 DIC
- 英
- gallbladder (Z)
- ラ
- vesica fellea
- 胆嚢径:長径8cm x 短径4cm以下
- 胆嚢壁:3mm以下
- 後上膵十二指腸動脈と胃十二指腸動脈が十二指腸後部の胆管に血液を送る
- 胆嚢動脈が胆管の近位部に血液を送る
- 右肝動脈が胆管の中部に血液を送る
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- bile duct (Z), biliary tract
- 同
- 胆汁路
- 関
- 肝内胆管、肝外胆管
- 腹部超音波テキスト 第1版 p.169
- 胆摘後では肝外胆管が10mm以上になりうる
- 加齢によって太くなる
- 胆嚢炎:8.7±1.7
- 胆石:11±3.3
- 胆嚢切除後:9.5±2.6
- 膵炎:9.8±2.2
- 膵癌:14.0±2.8
- リンパ腫:9.5±2.6
- 十二指腸疾患(十二指腸炎、十二指腸潰瘍、十二指腸瘢痕):8.4±1.0
- 英
- 関
- インフュージョン、温浸、注入、注入液、滴下、輸液、滴下注入、点滴注入、静脈点滴、経静脈内投与、点滴静注、点滴薬、輸液剤、点滴静脈内注射、点滴静脈内投与、点滴注射、点滴静脈内注入
- 英
- imaging
- 関
- イメージング、画像処理、画像診断、造影法、画像法
- 英
- cholangiography
- 関
- 胆道造影、胆道造影法、胆管造影法