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- 1. 肩関節上方関節唇損傷(SLAP損傷)superior labrum anterior posterior slap tears [show details]
…different activities likely account for the different types of SLAP lesions sustained. The term SLAP ("superior labrum anterior posterior") was initially coined by Snyder and his colleagues while performing …
- 2. 投げる動作による傷害:バイオメカニクスおよび傷害のメカニズムthrowing injuries biomechanics and mechanism of injury [show details]
… During deceleration, traction on the superior labrum at the insertion of the long head of the biceps tendon may lead to a superior labral anterior to posterior (SLAP) lesion. The main purpose of the follow-through …
- 3. 投擲による上肢の傷害:臨床症状および診断的アプローチthrowing injuries of the upper extremity clinical presentation and diagnostic approach [show details]
… causes include superior labrum anterior posterior (SLAP) lesions and rotator cuff pathology. The shift in humeral head position may cause pinching of the anterior capsule,… and the superior labrum. In addition, repeated anterior-superior translation of the humeral head stresses the posteroinferior glenohumeral ligament, which may result in a Bennett lesion (discussed immediately…
- 4. 投擲による上肢の傷害:治療、フォローアップ治療および予防throwing injuries of the upper extremity treatment follow up care and prevention [show details]
… stretching the posterior shoulder capsule and pectoralis minor muscle, strengthening the posterior shoulder musculature, especially the subscapularis and serratus anterior,… While Bennett lesions are often asymptomatic their presence suggests chronic loading of the posterior capsule.…
- 5. 二頭筋腱障害および腱断裂biceps tendinopathy and tendon rupture [show details]
…superior glenoid labrum constitute a variety of disorder known as SLAP (superior labrum, anterior to posterior) lesions . SLAP lesions are reviewed separately. This topic review will discuss the presentation …
English Journal
- Assessments of activities of daily living after arthroscopic SLAP repair with knot-tying versus knotless suture anchors.
- Reinig Y, Welsch F, Hoffmann R, Müller D, Gramlich S, Fischer S, Schüttler KF, Zimmermann E, Stein T.
- Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery. 2019 Jul;139(7)981-990.
- The clinical influence of knot-tying or knotless anchor systems for the arthroscopic repair of SLAP lesions (superior labrum lesion from anterior to posterior) remain unclear. In a retrospective cohort analysis, 61 of 78 (78.2%) patients with isolated symptomatic SLAP II lesions were examined with a
- PMID 30820694
- PMID 30855868
- Epidemiologic Study of Shoulder Injuries in the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games.
- On MG, Oh JR, Jang YH, Kim DS.
- Clinics in orthopedic surgery. 2019 Jun;11(2)187-191.
- The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the shoulder injuries in elite athletes during the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. To collect the data of all Olympic athletes who visited venue medical centers, polyclinics, and Olympic-designated hospitals for shoulder injuries during the O
- PMID 31156771
Japanese Journal
- 外傷性肩関節前方不安定症に合併する上方関節唇損傷の臨床像
- 伊藤 雄也,尼子 雅敏,津田 悦史,土原 豊一,山元 浩治,川口 雅久,北田 明良
- 肩関節 39(3), 647-649, 2015
- 外傷性肩関節前方不安定症に合併する上方関節唇損傷の発生頻度及び発生に影響を与える因子について検討した.鏡視下Bankart法を行った101例を対象とし,鏡視にて上方関節唇損傷の有無,損傷形態を確認し,Snyder分類に準じて損傷なしまたはtypeI型をA群,typeII~IV型をB群とし,術前及び術後6か月のJOA score, JSSSIS, DASHおよび下垂位外旋角度について比較を行った.ま …
- NAID 130005110646
- 当初SLAP損傷が疑われた外傷性肩関節不安定症の1症例
- 蛭崎 泰人,秋吉 祐一郎,伊﨑 輝昌,藤沢 基之,篠田 毅,熊野 貴史,三宅 智,蓑川 創,柴田 陽三,櫻井 真,南川 智彦,河野 大,柴田 光史,小林 達樹,日高 正嗣,城島 宏
- 整形外科と災害外科 63(3), 596-599, 2014
- 症例:18歳男性.主訴:右肩痛.現病歴:野球のヘッドスライディングで肩関節を外転して受傷.某医のMRIで上方関節唇損傷の診断で当院紹介受診.右投げ,右打ちの投手.初診時現症:挙上170度,外旋50度,内旋L3と内旋のみ軽度の制限を認めた.apprehension test(-),combined abduction test(+),horizontal flexion test(-),fulcru …
- NAID 130004713192
- 明らかな外傷を伴わない投球障害肩においてSLAP lesionに関節包断裂を合併した1例
- 栫 博則,益田 義幸,伊集院 俊郎,八尋 雄平,廣津 匡隆,瀬戸口 啓夫,石堂 康弘,藤井 康成,小宮 節郎
- 整形外科と災害外科 63(1), 61-64, 2014
- … で運動時痛があり筋力はMMT 4程度に低下していた.impingement sign陰性,O'Brienのactive compression testは陽性,画像上SLAP lesionを認めた.保存療法に抵抗し関節鏡を行った.internal impingementによると思われる棘上筋付着部の関節包側部分断裂と後上方関節唇損傷を認めた.またtype2のSLAP lesionに加え,腱板疎部での関節包断裂も認めた.スーチャーアンカーを用いて関節唇とMGHL付着部を含む関節包の修復を …
- NAID 130004461512
- 英
- superior labrum anterior and posterior lesion, SLAP lesion
- 関
- SLAP損傷、上方肩関節唇損傷、
- 関
- [[]]
- 上方関節唇損傷が前方から後方に広がっている場合(SOR 379)
- http://ar-ex.jp/kisochishiki/disease/di_3-8.htm
- http://e-seikei.com/sports45.html
- 関
- abolish、barrier、break、damage、destroy、destruction、difficulty、dismantle、disorder、disrupt、disruptant、disruption、disturbance、dysfunction、foe、hindrance、impair、impairment、impediment、injury、insult、obstacle、rupture、subversion、subvert
- 関
- dominance、dominant、dominantly、epi、epistasis、epistatic、excellent、good、predominately、senior、superio、superiorly、supra
- 関
- after、afterward、afterwards、backward、behind、following、late、post、posteriorly、subsequent
- 関
- anterioris、anteriorly、before、fore、former、pre、prior
- 関
- epi、epistasis、epistatic、senior、superior、supra