- hit with something flat, like a paddle or the open hand; "The impatient teacher slapped the student"; "a gunshot slapped him on the forehead"
- a blow from a flat object (as an open hand) (同)smack
- any localized abnormal structural change in a bodily part
- 『平手打ち』,平たい物で打つこと / (平手打ちなどの)ピシャリという音 / …‘を'『平手でビシャリと打つ』;…‘の'(…を)平手打ちする《+『名』+『in』(『on』)+『名』》 / (…に)…‘を'すばやく(ぞんざいに,むぞうさに)置く《+『名』+『on』+『名』》 / ピシャリと音を立てて打つ / まっすぐに,まともに
- まっすぐに,まともに
- 傷害,傷 / (体の組織や機能の)障害
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English Journal
- Shoulder injuries in professional rugby: a retrospective analysis.
- Horsley IG, Fowler EM, Rolf CG.SourceEnglish Institute of Sport, Sports City, Gate 13, Rowsley Street, Manchester M11 3FF, UK. Ian.horsley@eis2win.co.uk.
- Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research.J Orthop Surg Res.2013 Apr 26;8:9. doi: 10.1186/1749-799X-8-9.
- BACKGROUND: In the literature, little is known about the level and pattern of rugby injuries. Of the shoulder injuries reported, 51% of these are caused during a tackle, and 65% of all match injuries affected the shoulder.OBJECTIVE: The study aims to describe a sport-specific unique intra-articular
- PMID 23618008
- Sensitivity and specificity of noncontrast magnetic resonance imaging reports in the diagnosis of type-II superior labral anterior-posterior lesions in the community setting.
- Connolly KP, Schwartzberg RS, Reuss B, Crumbie D Jr, Homan BM.SourceUniversity of Central Florida College of Medicine, 531 Canary Island Court, Orlando, FL 32828, USA. kconnolly@knights.ucf.edu
- The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume.J Bone Joint Surg Am.2013 Feb 20;95(4):308-13. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.K.01115.
- BACKGROUND: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been suggested to be of high accuracy at academic institutions in the identification of superior labral tears; however, many Type-II superior labral anterior-posterior (SLAP) lesions encountered during arthroscopy have not been previously diagnosed wi
- PMID 23426764
Japanese Journal
- 投球障害肩における関節鏡所見の検討∼ 腱板関節面不全断裂の発生部位を決める因子の検討 ∼
- 吉松 俊紀,吉松 俊一,望月 一成,江田 誉,吉松 千晶,斎藤 明義,龍 順之助
- 肩関節 34(3), 895-898, 2010
- … We observed the location of the rotator cuff tears (RCT), presence of the erosion and/or the deeper concavity around the anatomic bare patch, SLAP lesions, anterosuperior and posterosuperior labral injury, frilled posterosuperior labrum, skirt-like superior labrum. … Anterior RCT occured from the contact between the anterior rotator cuff and the biceps labrum complex with type 2 SLAP lesion including a skirt-like labrum. …
- NAID 130000441321
- 肩甲骨関節窩の動的安定化機構としての機能について(第1報)
- 村田 亮,黒田 重史,石毛 徳之,三笠 元彦
- 肩関節 34(3), 709-712, 2010
- … Patients with habitual shoulder dislocation (unstable group: n=11) and with the shoulder lesion without anterior instability such as rotator cuff tendinitis, SLAP lesion and shoulder contusion (control group: n=52) were involved. …
- NAID 130000441281
Related Links
- 投球動作時なとじの肩の痛み ・野球のボールを投げるときに痛い ・バレーボールを打つときに痛い など日常生活では問題はないが、運動時に痛みが起こる 『SLAP』とは肩の関節の中にある上方関節唇のことをいい、投球動作などの ...
- The latest from 高井戸整骨院 (@slap_lesion). 福島県南相馬市鹿島区出身。高井戸整骨院公式ツイッター/野球肩・野球肘/野球/サッカー/南相馬市/Mac&アドビ. 三鷹市の高井戸整骨院
Related Pictures

- 英
- superior labrum anterior and posterior lesion, SLAP lesion
- 関
- SLAP損傷、上方肩関節唇損傷、
- 関
- [[]]
- 上方関節唇損傷が前方から後方に広がっている場合(SOR 379)
- http://ar-ex.jp/kisochishiki/disease/di_3-8.htm
- http://e-seikei.com/sports45.html
- 関
- abolish、barrier、break、damage、destroy、destruction、difficulty、dismantle、disorder、disrupt、disruptant、disruption、disturbance、dysfunction、foe、hindrance、impair、impairment、impediment、injury、insult、obstacle、rupture、subversion、subvert