- toward or on the right; also used figuratively; "he looked right and left"; "the party has moved right"
- (frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing; "mineral rights"; "film rights"
- anything in accord with principles of justice; "he feels he is in the right"; "the rightfulness of his claim" (同)rightfulness
- a turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east; "take a right at the corner"
- the hand that is on the right side of the body; "he writes with his right hand but pitches with his left"; "hit him with quick rights to the body" (同)right_hand
- those who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged (同)right wing
- an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature; "they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights"; "Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands
- location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east; "he stood on the right"
- make reparations or amends for; "right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust" (同)compensate, redress, correct
- correct in opinion or judgment; "time proved him right" (同)correct
- exactly; "he fell flop on his face" (同)flop
- an interjection expressing agreement (同)right on
- intended for the right hand; "a right-hand glove" (同)right-hand
- (of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward; "the right side of the cloth showed the pattern"; "be sure your shirt is right side out"
- being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north; "my right hand"; "right center field"; "a right-hand turn"; "the right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream"
- completely; "she felt right at home"; "he fell right into the trap"
- having the axis perpendicular to the base; "a right angle"
- immediately; "she called right after dinner"
- in conformance with justice or law or morality; "do the right thing and confess"
- in or into a satisfactory condition; "things are right again now"; "put things right"
- of or belonging to the political or intellectual right
- precisely, exactly; "stand right here!"
- put in or restore to an upright position; "They righted the sailboat that had capsized"
- regain an upright or proper position; "The capsized boat righted again"
- a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides (同)cube
- (computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted; "since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block and `sector are sometimes used interchangeably"
- support, secure, or raise with a block; "block a plate for printing"; "block the wheels of a car"
- a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides); "the pyramids were built with large stone blocks"
- housing in a large building that is divided into separate units; "there is a block of classrooms in the west wing"
- a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings; "he lives in the next block" (同)city block
- an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do; often caused by emotional tension; "I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block" (同)mental_block
- a number or quantity of related things dealt with as a unit; "he reserved a large block of seats"; "he held a large block of the companys stock"
- interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia; "block a nerve"; "block a muscle"
- run on a block system; "block trains"
- shape by using a block; "Block a hat"; "block a garment"
- shape into a block or blocks; "block the graphs so one can see the results clearly"
- stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block; "block the book cover"
- a part of a forked or branching shape; "he broke off one of the branches" (同)leg, ramification
- divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork; "The road forks" (同)ramify, fork, furcate, separate
- a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant
- a division of some larger or more complex organization; "a branch of Congress"; "botany is a branch of biology"; "the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages" (同)subdivision, arm
- a stream or river connected to a larger one
- connect or secure to; "They rigged the bomb to the ignition"
- formation of masts, spars, sails, etc., on a vessel (同)rigging
- gear (including necessary machinery) for a particular enterprise
- manipulate in a fraudulent manner; "rig prices" (同)manipulate
- arrange the outcome of by means of deceit; "rig an election" (同)set_up
- equip with sails or masts; "rig a ship" (同)set, set_up
- make into a bundle; "he bundled up his few possessions" (同)bundle_up, roll_up
- sleep fully clothed in the same bed with ones betrothed (同)practice bundling
- a package of several things tied together for carrying or storing (同)sheaf
- 《名試の前にのみ用いて》『右の』,右側の / 《しばしば『R-』》(政治上)『右派の』,保守的な / 〈U〉《the~》『右』,右側,右方 / 〈C〉『右手』(right hand) / 〈U〉《集合的に》《しばしばthe R-》(政治上の)右派,保守派 / 〈C〉(野球の)右翼(right field) / 『右に』,右側に,右方に
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(道徳的に)『正しい』,正当な,正義の(just) / (人,人の判断・意見などが)『間偉いのない』,正しい(correct) / (事実に合って)『正しい』,正確な / 適切な,ぴったりの / (精神が)健全な,まともな;(心身が)健康な / 表の,正面の / 〈U〉(道徳的な)『正しさ』,正義;正しい行い / 〈C〉〈U〉(法律上・道徳上の)権利 / 〈U〉〈C〉《複数形で》(政治的・社会的な)人権,権利 / 《話》『まっすぐに』;まともに(directly) / 《話》『きっかり』,ちょうど(exactly) / 正確に,間違いなく(correctly) / (道徳的に)正しく,公正に / すっかり,完全に(completely);ずっと(all the way) / 適切に,ふさわしく;都合よく,うまく / 《おもに米話》すぐに,ただちに / 《特定の称号に付けて》非常に(very) / …‘を'正しい位置(状態)に戻す,立ち直らせる,整とんする / 〈誤りなど〉‘を'正す
- (木・石などの,通例平らな面のある)『かたまり』 / 《米》(四団を街路に囲まれた)『区画』,街区 / 街区の1辺の距離(一般に40メートル前後) / 《英》ブロック(アパート・事務所・商店などに区切られている大きな建物) / 『妨害物』,障害物(obstacle);(障害によって生じた)停滞,渋滞 / 台木,台(まないた・肉切り台・まき割り台・せり売り台・帽子の木型など);《the~》炭頭台 / (特にアメリカンフットボールで)ブロック(相手の選手の突進を阻止する) / 滑車(pulley) / (座席券・株券などの)一組《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈通路など〉'を'『ふさぐ』,〈通行・進行など〉'を'妨げる / 〈帽子など〉の型取りをする / (特にアメリカンフットボールで)〈相手選手の突進〉'を'ブロックする;(ボクシングで)〈相手のパンチ〉'を'ブロックする
- 『枝』 / 『支流』,支脈,支線;分家 / 『支店』,『支部』,支局 / (学問の)『部門』,分科 / 枝を出す,枝を広げる / (川・道・鉄道などが)分岐する
- 〈船〉‘を'艤装(ぎそう)する / (マストなどを)〈船〉‘に'つける《+『名』+『with』+『名』》;(マストに)〈帆〉‘を'つける《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / …‘に'装備をつける;…‘を'装備する《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / 船の装備(帆装),艤装(ぎそう) / (特定の目的のための)道具,用具 / 《英話》衣服,服装(clothing)
- 〈他〉〈相場など〉を不正な手段であやつる
- (…の)『束』,『包み』,巻いたもの(旅行者の荷物など)《+『of』+『名』》 / …'を'包みにする,束にする / (…に)…'を'ごっちゃに投げ込む《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / 荷物をまとめてさっさと出て行く《+『off』(『out』,『away』)》
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Right bundle branch block |
Classification and external resources |
ECG characteristics of a typical RBBB showing wide QRS complexes with a terminal R wave in lead V1 and slurred S wave in lead V6.
ICD-10 |
I45.1 |
ICD-9 |
426.4 |
DiseasesDB |
11620 |
Normal electrical conduction system of the heart (Schematic). All myocardial segments are excited almost simultaneously (purple staining).
1. Sinoatrial node
2. Atrioventricular node.
Conduction in RBBB (Schematic): With a blockage in the right bundle branch (red), the left ventricle is excited in time (purple), while the excitation of the right ventricle takes a detour via the left bundle branch (blue arrows).
A right bundle branch block (RBBB) is a defect in the heart's electrical conduction system.[1]
During a right bundle branch block, the right ventricle is not directly activated by impulses travelling through the right bundle branch. The left ventricle however, is still normally activated by the left bundle branch. These impulses are then able to travel through the myocardium of the left ventricle to the right ventricle and depolarise the right ventricle this way. As conduction through the myocardium is slower than conduction through the Bundle of His-Purkinje fibres, the QRS complex is seen to be widened. The QRS complex often shows an extra deflection which reflects the rapid depolarisation of the left ventricle followed by the slower depolarisation of the right ventricle.
RBBB usually has pathological cause, although it is seen in healthy individuals.[2]
- 1 Diagnosis
- 2 Etiology
- 3 Epidemiology
- 4 Gallery
- 5 See also
- 6 References
The criteria to diagnose a right bundle branch block on the electrocardiogram:
- The heart rhythm must originate above the ventricles (i.e. sinoatrial node, atria or atrioventricular node) to activate the conduction system at the correct point.
- The QRS duration must be more than 100 ms (incomplete block) or more than 120 ms (complete block)[3]
- There should be a terminal R wave in lead V1 (e.g. R, rR', rsR', rSR' or qR)
- There should be a slurred S wave in leads I and V6.
The T wave should be deflected opposite the terminal deflection of the QRS complex. This is known as appropriate T wave discordance with bundle branch block. A concordant T wave may suggest ischemia or myocardial infarction.
A mnemonic to remember the ECG changes is WiLLiaM MaRRoW, i.e. with Left bundle branch block there is a W in V1 and a M in V6 and with a RBBB there is a M in lead V1 and a W in lead V6
An atrial septal defect is one possible cause of a right bundle branch block.[4]
Prevalence of RBBB increases with age.
RBBB with associated first degree AV block
RBBB with associated tachycardia
See also
- Bundle branch block
- Left bundle branch block
- ^ "Conduction Blocks 2006 KCUMB". Retrieved 2009-01-20.
- ^ Da Costa D, Brady WJ, Edhouse J (March 2002). "Bradycardias and atrioventricular conduction block". BMJ 324 (7336): 535–8. doi:10.1136/bmj.324.7336.535. PMC 1122450. PMID 11872557.
- ^ "Lesson VI - ECG Conduction Abnormalities". Retrieved 2009-01-07.
- ^ Goldman, Lee (2011). Goldman's Cecil Medicine (24th ed ed.). Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders. pp. 400–401. ISBN 1437727883.
- Cardiovascular disease: heart disease
- Circulatory system pathology
Ischaemic |
Coronary disease
- Coronary artery disease (CAD)
- Coronary artery aneurysm
- Coronary artery dissection
- Coronary thrombosis
- Coronary vasospasm
- Myocardial bridge
Active ischemia
- Angina pectoris
- Prinzmetal's angina
- Stable angina
- Acute coronary syndrome
- Myocardial infarction
- Unstable angina
- hours
- Hibernating myocardium
- Myocardial stunning
- days
- weeks
- Aneurysm of heart / Ventricular aneurysm
- Dressler's syndrome
Layers |
- Pericarditis
- Acute
- Chronic / Constrictive
- Pericardial effusion
- Cardiac tamponade
- Hemopericardium
- Myocarditis
- Cardiomyopathy: Dilated (Alcoholic), Hypertrophic, and Restrictive
- Loeffler endocarditis
- Cardiac amyloidosis
- Endocardial fibroelastosis
- Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
Endocardium /
- infective endocarditis
- Subacute bacterial endocarditis
- non-infective endocarditis
- Libman–Sacks endocarditis
- Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis
- mitral
- regurgitation
- prolapse
- stenosis
- aortic
- tricuspid
- pulmonary
Conduction /
arrhythmia |
- Sinus bradycardia
- Sick sinus syndrome
- Heart block: Sinoatrial
- AV
- Intraventricular
- Bundle branch block
- Right
- Left
- Left anterior fascicle
- Left posterior fascicle
- Bifascicular
- Trifascicular
- Adams–Stokes syndrome
(paroxysmal and sinus)
- Atrial
- Junctional
- AV nodal reentrant
- Junctional ectopic
- Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
- Catecholaminergic polymorphic
- Torsades de pointes
Premature contraction
Pre-excitation syndrome
- Lown–Ganong–Levine
- Wolff–Parkinson–White
Flutter / fibrillation
- Atrial flutter
- Ventricular flutter
- Atrial fibrillation
- Ventricular fibrillation
- Ectopic pacemaker / Ectopic beat
- Multifocal atrial tachycardia
- Pacemaker syndrome
- Parasystole
- Wandering pacemaker
Long QT syndrome
- Andersen–Tawil
- Jervell and Lange-Nielsen
- Romano–Ward
Cardiac arrest
- Sudden cardiac death
- Asystole
- Pulseless electrical activity
- Sinoatrial arrest
Other / ungrouped
- hexaxial reference system
- Right axis deviation
- Left axis deviation
- QT
- T
- ST
- Osborn wave
- ST elevation
- ST depression
Cardiomegaly |
- Ventricular hypertrophy
- Left
- Right / Cor pulmonale
- Atrial enlargement
Other |
- Cardiac fibrosis
- Heart failure
- Diastolic heart failure
- Cardiac asthma
- Rheumatic fever
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (C1A/1B/1C/1D), blte
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Predictive variables for hard cardiac events and coronary revascularization in patients with normal left ventricular myocardial perfusion and systolic function.
- Romero-Farina G, Candell-Riera J, Aguadé-Bruix S, Cuberas-Borrós G, Ferreira-González I, Nazarena Pizzi M, de León G, Santos A, García-Dorado D.SourceCardiology Department, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron. Institut de Recerca (VHIR), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, guirom@adinet.com.uy.
- European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging.2013 Aug;40(8):1181-9. doi: 10.1007/s00259-013-2438-3. Epub 2013 May 15.
- BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of clinical, electrocardiographic and stress testing variables in predicting hard cardiac events (HE) and coronary revascularization (CR) in patients with normal stress-rest gated SPECT.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Included in the study
- PMID 23674208
- Application of higher order cumulant features for cardiac health diagnosis using ecg signals.
- Martis RJ, Acharya UR, Lim CM, Mandana KM, Ray AK, Chakraborty C.SourceDepartment of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore 599489, Singapore.
- International journal of neural systems.Int J Neural Syst.2013 Aug;23(4):1350014. doi: 10.1142/S0129065713500147. Epub 2013 May 31.
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the electrical activity of the heart indicated by P, Q-R-S and T wave. The minute changes in the amplitude and duration of ECG depicts a particular type of cardiac abnormality. It is very difficult to decipher the hidden information present in this nonlinear and nonstation
- PMID 23746287
Japanese Journal
- Mattress Stitch—A Modified Shallow Stitching in the Surgical Closure of Large Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Defect in Infants
- Shi Guocheng,Chen Huiwen,Sun Qi,Zhang Haibo,Zheng Jinghao
- Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 21(3), 282-288, 2015
- … Two patients in Group II developed atrioventricular block (1 complete heart block and 1 temporal II-degree atrioventricular block) compared with none in Group I (p >0.05). … Complete right bundle branch block was found in four patients in Group I and 12 patients in Group II (p = 0.035). …
- NAID 130005083809
- Mattress Stitch—A Modified Shallow Stitching in the Surgical Closure of Large Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Defect in Infants
- Shi Guocheng,Chen Huiwen,Sun Qi,Zhang Haibo,Zheng Jinghao
- Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery advpub(0), 2015
- … Two patients in Group II developed atrioventricular block (1 complete heart block and 1 temporal II-degree atrioventricular block) compared with none in Group I (p >0.05). … Complete right bundle branch block was found in four patients in Group I and 12 patients in Group II (p = 0.035). …
- NAID 130004889822
Related Links
- If you have been told you have bundle branch block (BBB), it means that your electrocardiogram (ECG) is displaying a distinctive, abnormal pattern. The importance of having a BBB varies quite a bit from person to person, so it is ...
- Right bundle branch block (RBBB) is a distinctive pattern seen on the electrocardiogram (ECG) that occurs when the cardiac electrical impulse is interrupted as it spreads across the ventricles of the heart. Read about the heart’s ...
- 英
- right bundle branch block right bundle-branch block RBBB
- 関
- 左脚ブロック、束枝ブロック、脚ブロック
- V1でrSR' :R'は右室の興奮を表し幅広く高い波。
- 関
- left bundle branch block、right bundle branch block
- 同
- CRBBB, 完全右脚ブロック
redirect 完全右脚ブロック
右脚ブロック RBBB
- 関
- blockade、blockage、deter、inhibit、inhibition、lump、prevent、prevention、repress、repression、seal、turn off
- 関
- arbor、arborization、branched、branched chain、branching、class、department、division、ramification、ramus、section、sector
- 関
- correct、dexter、dextroposition、fair、human right、rectangular、right angle
- 関
- arbor、arborization、branch、branched chain、branching、ramification
- 関
- fascicle、fasciculi、fasciculus