- (過去-過去分詞も同形)セットする、設定する、固化する
- 関
- caking、go solid、setting
- put into a position that will restore a normal state; "set a broken bone"
- a unit of play in tennis or squash; "they played two sets of tennis after dinner"
- put into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state; "set the house afire"
- set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly; "set clocks or instruments"
- several exercises intended to be done in series; "he did four sets of the incline bench press" (同)exercise set
- any electronic equipment that receives or transmits radio or tv signals; "the early sets ran on storage batteries"
- the act of putting something in position; "he gave a final set to his hat"
- an unofficial association of people or groups; "the smart set goes there"; "they were an angry lot" (同)circle, band, lot
- (psychology) being temporarily ready to respond in a particular way; "the subjects set led them to solve problems the familiar way and to overlook the simpler solution"; "his instructions deliberately gave them the wrong set" (同)readiness
- (mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols; "the set of prime numbers is infinite"
- a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used; "a set of books"; "a set of golf clubs"; "a set of teeth"
- the descent of a heavenly body below the horizon; "before the set of sun"
- insert (a nail or screw below the surface, as into a countersink) (同)countersink
- disappear beyond the horizon; "the sun sets early these days" (同)go_down, go under
- locate; "The film is set in Africa" (同)localize, localise, place
- establish as the highest level or best performance; "set a record" (同)mark
- apply or start; "set fire to a building"
- being below the horizon; "the moon is set"
- fix in a border; "The goldsmith set the diamond"
- give a fine, sharp edge to a knife or razor
- the state of the environment in which a situation exists; "you cant do that in a university setting" (同)background, scope
- the context and environment in which something is set; "the perfect setting for a ghost story" (同)scene
- the physical position of something; "he changed the setting on the thermostat"
- a closet where clothes are stored (同)clothespress
- a set that is empty; a set with no members
- evil Egyptian god with the head of a beast that has high square ears and a long snout; brother and murderer of Osiris (同)Seth
- 《場所を表す副詞[句]を伴って》(ある場所に)…‘を'『置く』・すえる・(ある物に)…‘を'『つける』・あてがう・当てる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》・(課題・模範として)…‘を'『課す』・出す・示す・〈宝石〉‘を'(…に)『はめ込む』《+『名』〈宝石〉+『in』+『名』》;(宝石で)…‘を'飾る《+『名』+『with』+『名』〈宝石〉》》 / …‘を'『向ける』,集中する・(…に)…‘を'『配置する』,部署につける・《+『名』+『at(around, on)』+『名』》・《『set』+『名』+『to』 do》・(仕事・課題として)〈人〉'に'(…)させる・(ある状態に)…‘を'『する』・〈機械・器具など〉‘を'『調節する』・〈時計・目盛りなど〉‘を'合わせる・〈日時・制限など〉‘を'『定める』・(…に)〈値段〉‘を'『つける』・〈評価〉‘を'与える《+『名』〈値〉+『on(for)』+『名』》・〈めん鳥〉‘に'卵を抱かせる・(卵を)〈めん鳥〉‘に'抱かせる《+『名』〈めん鳥〉+『on』+『名』〈卵〉》・〈卵〉‘を'めん鳥に抱かせる;(めん鳥に)〈卵〉‘を'卵かせる《+『名』〈卵〉+『under』+『名』〈めん鳥〉》・ / …‘を'固まらせる・固定する・…‘を'確立する,打ち立てる・〈髪〉‘を'セットする・(曲に)〈歌詞〉‘を'つける《+『名』〈歌詞〉+『to』+『名』〈曲〉》・(…用に)〈曲〉‘を'編曲する《+『名』〈曲〉+『for』+『名』》・〈活字〉‘を'組む・〈原稿〉‘を'活字に組む《+『up』+『名』》・〈刃物[の刃]〉‘を'とぐ・〈舞台・場面〉‘を'セットする・〈帆〉‘を'張る・〈猟犬が〉〈獲物〉‘の'位置を示す・〈太陽などが〉『沈む』,没する;傾く,衰える・固まる・固くなる・こわばる・硬直する・〈めん鳥が〉卵を抱く・《副詞[句]を伴って》〈髪が〉セットできる・《副詞[句]を伴って》(…に)〈服などが〉合う《+『on』+『名』》・〈果実などが〉実る・,実を結ぶ・《方向を表す副詞[句]を伴って》(ある方向に)向く・向かう・(ある方向から)吹く・流れる・〈猟犬が〉獲物の位置を示す・〈C〉(…の)『一組』,一式,セット《+『of』+『名』》・〈C〉『一群』・一連(の…)《+『of』+『名』》・〈C〉(…の)『仲間』,連中,一味,(特殊な)社会《+『of』+『名』》・〈C〉(テニスなどの)セット・〈C〉舞台装置・(映画などの)セット・〈U〉(…の)様子・格好・姿勢・(服などの)合いぐあい《+『of』+『名』》・〈U〉(風・潮などの)向き・方向・(考え・世論などの)傾向・すう勢《+『of』+『名』》・〈U〉《詩》日没・〈C〉さし木・若木・苗・〈C〉(ラジオの)受信機・(テレビの)受像機・〈C〉(数学で)集合・『定められた』・規定の・所定の・型にはまった・慣習的な・硬直した・こわばった・動かない・断固たる・固く決心した・《補語にのみ用いて》準備の完了した・用意して
- 〈C〉(宝石などの)はめこみ台 / 〈C〉(劇・文学作品り)背景・舞台 / 〈C〉(劇の)舞台装置,道真立て / 〈C〉(一般に)環境,境遇 / 〈U〉〈C〉(物語・詩などにつけられた)曲 / 〈C〉(卵の)一かえり,一抱き / 〈U〉すえつけること,置くこと;(日・月の)入り / 〈C〉一分の食器類
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/12/06 01:50:24」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Set may refer to:
A piece of equipment or several related objects or events
- Chemistry set
- Chess set
- Construction set
- Radio set
- Tea set
- Television set
- 1 Mathematics and programming
- 2 Chemistry
- 3 Psychology
- 4 Technology
- 5 Arts
- 5.1 Theatre
- 5.2 Dancing
- 5.3 Music
- 5.4 Fiction
- 6 Sport and games
- 7 Crime
- 8 Religion
- 9 Miscellaneous
- 10 Acronyms
- 11 See also
Mathematics and programming[edit]
- Set (mathematics), A collection of well defined and distinct objects
- Set theory
- Category of sets
- Set (computer science), a data type that is a collection of unique values
- Set (C++), a set implementation in the C++ Standard Library
- SET, single electron transfer
- SET (gene), gene for a human protein involved in apoptosis, transcription and nucleosome assembly
- Set (psychology), a set of expectations which shapes perception or thought
- Set, to make/become solid: see Solidification
- SET, Secure Electronic Transaction, a standard protocol for securing credit card transactions over insecure networks
- SET, Single-Electron Transistor, a device to amplify currents in nanoelectronics
- SET, single-ended triode, a type of electronic amplifier
- SET Awards, The Science, Engineering & Technology Student of the Year Awards
- Set (command), a command for manipulating environment variables in Unix and Microsoft operating-systems
- Software Engineer in Test, a Quality Assurance job title in some software companies
- Saw set, the process of setting the teeth of a saw so each tooth protrudes to the side of the blade
- Theatrical scenery
- Set construction, construction of scenery for theatrical, movie and video game production
- Set, the basic square formation in square dancing
- Set, the basic longwise, square or triangular formation in Scottish Country dancing
- Set, the basic formation of more than one couple in Scottish, English and Irish Céilidh
- DJ set or DJ mix, a musical performance by a DJ
- Set theory (music), dealing with concepts for categorizing musical objects and describing their relationships
- Set (music), a collection of discrete entities, for example pitch sets, duration sets, and timbre sets
- Set (Thompson Twins album)
- Set (Alex Chilton album)
- Set list, a list of songs to be performed at a concert
- In the professional jargon of music production and critique, a "set" refers to an album of songs
- Set or Father Set, a fictional deity in the Conan adventure novels by Robert E. Howard and their Marvel Comics interpretation
Sport and games[edit]
- Set, a signal used in American football
- Set (game), a card game
- The set, a pitching position in baseball (also called the stretch)
- Set (darts), a sequence of legs (games)
- Set, a unit of play in tennis
- Set, a term for three of a kind in poker
- Set, the second contact in volleyball
- Set, a group of repetitions in weight training
- Set, a sub-group of a street gang
- Set (mythology) or Seth, an ancient Egyptian deity
- Set or Seth, a Biblical character, a son of Adam and Eve
- Set and setting, coined by Timothy Leary to describe the mindset and location of hallucinogenic experiences
- Seṭ and aniṭ roots, in Sanskrit grammar
- Set (video game), a group of items that adds specific bonuses
- Set (river), a river in northeastern Spain
- Set or sett, a badger's den
- Set, a small tuber or bulb used instead of seed, especially:
- Sanlih Entertainment Television, a television channel in Taiwan
- Scalar expectancy theory
- Serial endosymbiosis theory, a theory concerning the origins of mitochondria and plastids
- Similarity Enhanced Transfer, a technology used to speed up download rate of files on file sharing networks
- Simulated Emergency Test, an amateur radio training exercise
- Single Embryo Transfer
- Societatea Pentru Exploatări Tehnice, a Romanian aeronautics company of the 1920s to 1940s
- Society of Engineering Technologists, a student organization at Texas Tech University
- Sony Entertainment Television, a television channel owned by Sony
- South Eastern Trains, a rail company operating in South East England
- Stock Exchange of Thailand, the national stock exchange of Thailand
- SET Index, an index for the Stock Exchange of Thailand
- Strategic Energy Technologies Plan (EU SET Plan)
- Study of Exceptional Talent, a program for gifted students
- Single-Ended Triode, a type of electronic amplifier
- Social entropy Theory, application of entropy concept to maintenance or disorganisation in society
- Northeastern University, School of Engineering Technology
- Southeast Toyota Distributors LLC, a distributor of Toyota vehicles
- Suzuki SET, Suzuki Exhaust Tuning, a device for altering pressure waves within motorcycle exhausts
See also[edit]
- Sett (disambiguation)
- Setting (disambiguation)
- Setup (disambiguation)
- Seti (disambiguation)
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- Constantinescu A1.
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Japanese Journal
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- 三宅裕司が主宰する劇団スーパーエキセントリックシアターの公式サイト。公演情報、 ジュニアスクールの案内。
- SETソフトウェアはコンピュータの事業を通じて皆様のお役に立ち、お客様の利益を追求 する会社です.
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- 設定、据え付け/据え付けること。(日・月の)沈むこと。(計器などの)調節、調節点。(宝石などの)はめ込み。(自然の/小説・劇・映画などの)環境、背景。道具立て、舞台装置。(詩・歌詞などの)節付け、作曲。(作曲された)曲。1 人分の食器類
- 関
- set
- 英
- caking、set、go solid
- 関
- 設定、セット
- 英
- setting、set
- 関
- 固化、セット
- 英
- set、set
- 関
- 固化、設定
- 関
- caking、set
- 関
- fruit、seed setting